how many women trim their hair and how to do you do it???


New Member
Hello Ladies I just self relaxed yesterday with the Dr. Miracles perm(which I love) and I need a trim badly!!! I looked like my hair was touching SL but i still need trim! Health before length right?:lachen: but i was wondering if you ladies trim your hair yoursellf or do you go to your stylist?? I wanna try and If i do it wrong it will grow back right???:blush: but help a sista out!
yes I self trimm and I dont rgret it cause stylists always cut off too much, even the so called nice ones. Im natural but I usually trimm curly but I can trimm straight too using the same method. I just section into 4 and twist the section everything that stands up I trimm the ends off, this way I cut the splits and retain max length. My hairs mostly healthy so I see splits and knots right away.
My DH trims my hair. Otherwise I do S&Ds (search & destroys) myself where I trim only individual damaged strands, like if I feel one with a knot on the end or see splits.

I stay outta of the stylist's chair.
yes I self trimm and I dont rgret it cause stylists always cut off too much, even the so called nice ones. Im natural but I usually trimm curly but I can trimm straight too using the same method. I just section into 4 and twist the section everything that stands up I trimm the ends off, this way I cut the splits and retain max length. My hairs mostly healthy so I see splits and knots right away.

Very good tip. I'm going to try splitting it into 4 sections. may be easier.
I trim my own hair and that ponytail method sounds like a keeper! I'm going to try that one next time I trim. Thanks!:grin:
Im natural so i dust my ends when i do twists, Im interested in the ponytail method as well but i would like to know has anyone made a middle part and done the ponytail method in pigtails?
I trim my own hair.

*on dry straight hair only
*Center part
* pull the sides out, trim evenly
* pull top up, trim evenly
*back, pull around neck, trim evenly.

Surprisingly it's even when I am done.
I do! I use lavendar's method, check it out in her fotki. By doing it this way I can make sure my layers are maintained and that I don't come out uneven.
I trim to maintain healthy ends. The more frequently you dust your ends, the less cutting you have to do in the long run.
I use the ponytail method at every relaxer, its great! I have pics in my fotki in one of the relaxer albums!

God bless...
I think I will stick to dusting my hair in twists....Speaking of, Sundays are wash day for me so I think I will dust my ends today I bought new hair scissors and I want to try them out.
Very good tip. I'm going to try splitting it into 4 sections. may be easier.

when I do this S&D trimm my hair doesn't come out even, it's just to get the splits and keep my ends healthy.
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I trim/dust my hair myself.
I've been to wayyyy to many hairdressers that seem to think a 1 inch trim actually means a 5 inch one.
I just grab small sections of hair and trim the very ends off.
I think the trick is just to take your time and do small sections at a time.
For me it gets easier as my hair gets longer too.