How many use beer as part of their hair routine?


New Member
On the hair, of course....I am trying out something and if it appears to be working, I will let you know. Bonjour.
Darn, and I was going to tell you all about the time I tried to cut my own bangs.

Seriously though, I rinsed my hair with beer a couple of times back in high school when I had a <font color="brown">leisure curl </font color>. It made my hair soft and gave it some body, but it wasn't anything spectacular. I wish I had a more recent experience. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
chuckle...I assure you that this subject and technique are to-tally topical..ahem...and my point was....? Bonjour. ( Oh yes.... I appreciated your sense of humor....yah that was the point! must be the fumes***** They say that beer adds great body and gives a great roller is your hair growing by the way, Gigi?
I used to use beer a long time ago when I wanted body and it worked well on my natural hair. There was a shampoo called "Gee your hair smells terrific"...I think it had beer in it. I can't remember, as you can see that was one of my favorite shampoos. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I used a shampoo called "Cynthia Sylvia's Stout" that came from Lush (which is in the UK). It did wonders for shine and bounce but I found it too expensive to purchase because of the shipping to the US. I loved the smell too.
I was a big fan of the Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo, but because of a shipping nightmare from Lush Canada I was put off by ordering again. I'll just wait til I go to London again and stock up on the goods.
It's funny that you poseted this. I used to put beer in my hair. I would sometimes add essential oils such as rosemary and sage to it as well. Not sure whether it did anything but I was thinking of starting up again.

I read a recipe in a book that suggested using ale. I'll let you know if I ever decide to do it. In turn, please keep us updated becasue I'd really like to hear how it goes for you. /images/graemlins/cool.gif