How many twists do you do for a twist out?


Well-Known Member
Does it matter the how many you do according to the length of your hair? I'm going to do some twists tonite for a twist out for school tomorrow, but it's my first time. I tried a braid out before and it was absolutely horrible (I didn't even take any pictures). The only thing I have mastered is a bantu knot out (is that even a phrase?) for my hair, but I don't want to do that for tomorrow. I can't cornrow to save my life, so I know most definitely I can't do flat twists. Anywho, I would like to know how many people do for a defined texture.
Depends on how 'tight' and defined you want your hair.

Maybe do a few 'test' twists. Mist your hair w/ water (etc) and do a few smaller and a few larger--they will dry pretty fast and you will have an idea of how large to do them.

Good luck!
I think it depends on your lenghth - longer hair could do less.

I have all natural hair about 6-7 inches. For a twist out, I need to put in at leat 25 twists for nice outcome. I think the best looking sets come by twisting the hair and then putting the twist in to bantu knots (like you're already doing). You get more "crinkcly curls" that way and it lasts longer.

Using just twists, I get better results when I have twists in for at least 2 days.
Ohhh okay, I have no idea how many inches my hair is but there is this layer effect going on, so I may try something around the 25 ballpark. Thanks so much, I hope it comes out well and if it doesn't I'll still post pics. :lol:
It depends what look you're going for. The less twists you have, the chunkier the twist out will be. The more twists you have the more defined it will be.
Thanx guapa1. Okay so I have a picture of my twists I did for my twistout. Don't laugh... I'm looking like Celie from The Color Purple. Well, you can laugh because I think it's a little funny myself. I promise to post pics of the results of the twistout even if it doesn't come out too hot. Anywho here are the pictures.


Since your hair is texturized, you may try doing flat twists for your twist outs. I think you will have a better outcome.
I think you should try the flat twist. I have picture directions in my album under the month of May.

The twist only look hard to do, but are actually very easy and I think they look more natural than a braid out. I've tried to take pics of how to actually twist the hair, but it's so simple that there's nothing to take pictures of. I normall do 8 twist going back, and I love the outcome. Try it out and let me know how it goes!
JenniferMD said:
I think you should try the flat twist. I have picture directions in my album under the month of May.

The twist only look hard to do, but are actually very easy and I think they look more natural than a braid out. I've tried to take pics of how to actually twist the hair, but it's so simple that there's nothing to take pictures of. I normall do 8 twist going back, and I love the outcome. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Okay thanx girl. I'll try using your pic tutorial, I still think I'm challenged though. lol
Sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted. From the picture, it would look like u need more twists or you need to roll the twists with curlers or bantu knots. Did you sit under a dryer to set them? Good luck with your next try.
JenniferMD said:
I think you should try the flat twist. I have picture directions in my album under the month of May.

The twist only look hard to do, but are actually very easy and I think they look more natural than a braid out. I've tried to take pics of how to actually twist the hair, but it's so simple that there's nothing to take pictures of. I normall do 8 twist going back, and I love the outcome. Try it out and let me know how it goes!


I looked through your pictures in your album on how to do the twist. Your hair is amazing! I love the sheen and how full it is. One question, so when you are doing the twist out, you do them as if you were doing cornrows right? That is what it looks like. I cannot do cornrows to save my life, but I am going to try to do these twist. I guess with pratice I might be able to master it since I am using 2 strands of hair instead of three (like that will make a difference :lachen: ). Thanks for the pictures and instructions.