how many times can you color rinse safely?


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to rinse you hair with color as soon as it fades, or is it only safe to do once in a great while such as permenant hair color? For those that do use color rinses, how often do you use it?
A semi-permanent only coats the hair shaft so it isn't as damaging as permanent color. Once a month should be fine.
i think you can do it as often as you want...i've done it every 1-2 weeks before because i washed my hair my hair is permanently colored but i have a semi-permanent color over it, and i refreshed the semi-permanent color 2 weeks later with no problem.
I do it as often as needed as well. It doesn't matter how many times you do it if it's semi-permanent and as msmchy stated, it fades quickly so I like to refresh it every 2 weeks or so.