How many of you have softer hair...


New Member
Than you previously thought. BB(before board), I thought my hair was extremely nappy, but as I began to keep moisturized I find that the kitchen isn't cookin as much as I thought. I have softer new growth, and can't tell sometimes where it is cause it isn't always kinky. I find that when I use alot of heat to dry, my hair is kinkier textured. But am I crazy? Or is it the Biotin?
My edges are the only place that's really like 4B. The rest is 4a and maybe a few patches of 3C.
<font color="purple">I, too, have experienced my hair softer, and more moisturized from the daily misting and conditioner washes. In the past my hair would be dry like straw from all the heat and such. But ever since I haven't used any heat at all on my hair, it looks healthier and alive. On occasions I'll use little heat from pressing, but other than not using it, I only wear my hair in protective styles. Toodles. </font>
My hair is much softer than I expected. My hair was pressed from the time I was three and then relaxed from the time I was 8, so I have never seen my natural hair, other than in photos of myself when I was young.

The weirdest thing to me is that my hair is less tangled natural than it was with a perm! I think perms make hair harder to comb because it dries up natural hair oils and that makes the hair super dry.
My hair is much softer than I have ever had it before. I think it is do to taking care of it alot more. Plus I make sure I keep it moisterized and the ends are well conditioned.
My hair is so much softer. I attribute this to more frequent washings (including condition-only washes) and moisturizing with distilled water and oils.
I thought my hair was soft after using a good moisturizing conditioner. However, my hair is much softer after using distilled water as a final rinse.
Yep, me too. More frequent washing, conditioner washes did the trick. When I tried SweetCocoa's tip about the distilled water, I was positively amazed
at how soft my hair became.
My hair is way softer and I think it's due to the oils especially castor oil. I marvel at the softness when I oil my hair then shower. The steam from the shower makes my hair super soft under my shower cap.
Definitely. My original plan was to lay off the relaxers until I had 6" of natural hair and then start relaxing again. But my natural hair wasn't as awful as I thought it was going to be. I never cared for my own natural hair. Either my mom, my grandmother or my aunt did my hair. Judging from the conversations that took place over my head from birth until age 15, I thought I had Brillo pad growing from my scalp.
It was probably a mess because of the Prell and Wella Balsam shampoo they used on me.
And forget about using a deep conditioner. That took too long...
I have soft hair all the time. It's natural. It's just to soft. But when I put stuff to make it even softer it's like oooh la la !!!!!
Yes, I was starting to wonder if my hair texture changed on me!! LOL..But I think it's hair health and having a good regimen with good products..Almost a year ago, usually by this time my new growth was a dreaded mess. I couldn't get a comb through it and I was desperate for a relaxer around touch up time. I don't do CO washes, but I think over a period of time of good hair health habits, my hair texture has "improved" (for lack of better word) with me.