how many of y'all successfully used essential


Well-Known Member
oils to grow in thin areas? If so, what mix or combo of oils did you use.

I'm also intersted in knowing if nothing worked to help fill in thin areas and if you've just learned to live with it. I've been fighting w/ one area of my hair for years and although it isn't bald, its thin and seemingly nothing works...maybe I just haven't given it time....dunno.
Ive recently starting to add rosemary,nettle, and horsetail into my regimen so its too early to status the effects but im hopeful. These have proven effects and alot of other health benefits even if they dont give a big noticeable change to my hair growth.
Do you massage your scalp, especially those areas?

I started massaging the scalp but I got so lazy. I havent done it in a long time. My arms would hurt. Would I get results if I just massaged those areas or would I need to massage the whole head as well?

Those areas grow soooo slowly so maybe I need to get on it again.
I started massaging the scalp but I got so lazy. I havent done it in a long time. My arms would hurt. Would I get results if I just massaged those areas or would I need to massage the whole head as well?

Those areas grow soooo slowly so maybe I need to get on it again.

The whole head would be good, but at least those areas. Or you could trick someone into doing it for you. ;) Just show them how.