How many inches was your hair...


New Member
before you could put it into a decent puff?
:hair: --->:afro:

I bc'd in june and I'm getting tired of just wearing my twa all the time. Is it acceptable to put it in a little puff yet?
I think I had around 6 or 7 inches of hair before I was able to put it in a decent puff--it was small, but a puff nonetheless :)
bumping, i wanna know too. I BCed in June too, my last perm was in February. Ive got about 4 - 4 1/2 inches of hair. I'm in braids but once i get them taken out idk if ill go back to braids/kinky twist.

I'm a little over 15 months post-relaxer and I STILL don't make puffs on shrunken hair. I make puffs all the time on hair that has been stretched with a braidout or twistout, but my hair shrinks way too much for my liking now to make a puff that doesn't look pathetic or remind me of a boy. (I know that might sound crazy but when I was younger, like in middle school, a lot of boys used to take their cornrows out and put their hair in these semi-puff things until they could get their hair redone, so that's what I would think of every time I'd try to do it with full shrinkage... so I realize it might be okay to someone else but to me, I can't get that masculine image out of my head)
I made a cute side puff on an old braidout that I liked at about 12.5 months post (it's in my LHCF Au Naturale album if you want to see), so my hair was around 6-7 inches or so. I think that is the minimum for me, even on stretched hair, but I also realize that people with thicker hair can pull off a puff on shorter hair. I need the length because I don't have the thickness.
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Girl I was about 8 9 months post rocking a puff. Yes it was small but you can hook it up with some cornrows/flat twists in the front and the puff in the back. I had a TWA I was devastated about when I Bc'd and puffs were my signature and got me through my rough stages.