How Many Frogs Did You Kiss...


Well-Known Member
...before meeting your one and only ?

Ladies, I was curious to know how many frogs did you have to kiss, date, wed or divorce before meeting your current Prince Charming? How many times did you have to experience a broken heart, shed tears over a man who had hurt you or go through the pain by someone who you thought was the one before meeting your current FH or husband?

Looking back now, do you regret any of it? Was your current FH and/or husband worth the wait? Was there ever a time where you thought of giving up on love before meeting your current knight in shining armour?
I don't know how many frogs I had to kiss before I met my DH, but it was probably more than my fair share. I went through a bad relationship that ended violently and swore off men forever. Sometimes I regret my previous relationships, but I was a such a naive woman that I don't know if I could have grown into the woman that I became without all that drama. I sure wish I could have learned those lessons an easier way, but it is what it is. Dealing with BS helped me see that I was worth so much and helped open my eyes to a man like my DH. Oh and yes, my DH was worth the wait.
Too many to count!! LOL, and don't regret a thing!! In fact after I got married, and sometimes just reflecting on how good of a guy DH is, I've thought about actually sending my exes Thank You cards!! I really appreciate all the crap they put me through, because I have someone that is the complete opposite and I appreciate him in countless ways.

I laugh thinking about the fools I was head over heels with, now only to be thankful they acted a fool to ensure the relationship didn't work out. But, I have to give credit to God, because each guy I dated I always asked God that if he's not for me, reveal it to me so that I'd have no doubts....and he always did!! Always be careful what you ask for, and know that you have to go through the crap to get to your prize. The man custom fitted for you is going through the same thing to find you....

Of course I felt like giving up and I did. Now thinking about it, both times I swore off guys and was about "ME", that's when he showed up. I tried to swat him out of my way a lot of times, but he didn't let up. I think God sometimes has to get you to a point when you're at the bottom and vulnerable and tired for you to actually let go and let him take over. Once you do and he takes over, it's ridiculous what he'll give you. It's definitely worth the wait and the crap!!
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I've only had two real relationships before FH and about a half-dozen pseudo-relationships (those things where you're going out on a semi-regular basis for about three months and have no idea where you stand).

Honestly, some of those frogs really didn't need to be kissed, and I'm not one to look back and go, "Oh well, it all worked out in the end." So yeah, I do regret a few of them... but mostly because I regret being so dense and silly to let some of those things happen.

I really don't believe that one HAS to kiss a bunch of frogs to find a prince. Frog-kissing wastes your time.

All that being said, it was totally worth the wait to find FH. And no, I was NEVER giving up on finding love. Why play a game with myself and try to act like I'm happy being single forever and without love when I knew good and darn well that was a dayum lie?

So I kept looking until I found him. THAT was worth it.
I only had one relationship before meeting my DH. I thought my ex was my "prince charming," but boy was I wrong. :rolleyes: Looking back I don't regret it, though. It helped me really appreciate my DH and what he does for me. :yep: