How many days before a relaxer is ok to wash


Well-Known Member
So ladies I am FINALLY getting a relaxer next Wednesday after a 4 month stretch. It went alot better than I thought and I have been really thinking about transitioning but I don't think I am ready yet.

Anyway I will be trying a different relaxer: Affirm mild (lye) I was using motions salon herbals before.

My question is.......How many days BEFORE a relaxer is it ok the wash your hair? Is the day before bad? Or should I wash 3 days before. I need your advice and comments. Thanks!
I washed two days before, I'm relaxing I'll let you know how that goes, ha.

But I think the general rule of thumb is no less than 72 hours prior to a chemical service.
do u want to scrub your scalp or are u just trying to soften up the new growth and the relaxed hair that u already have? i'm thinking it's fine 2 days before, as long as u're not scrubbing your scalp, just wet ur whole head, put conditioner on ur hair, leave it for a while and then rinse out... i don't think u should try to manipulate the scalp at all, because then u would be opening the pores and encouraging irritation. My 0.02... correct me if i'm wrong
I always wash my hair the morning of the day I'm to perm my hair. This is the only way I don't get sores. I also I've learned that doing it this way the perm does not need to be on my hair no more than 5 mins. My mother also does this. I've been doing it this way for 13 years, only for a brief time did I stop, and that was because I was going to a hairdresser that would not perm my hair when it was wet. Perming her way left me with a head full of sores.
I've done a cw the day before I self-relaxed and had no burning. I based really well. Now that I think of it ever since I started self-relaxing I didn't have burning. Maybe its because I was more conscious of how I handled my hair and scalp.
CarLiTa said:
do u want to scrub your scalp or are u just trying to soften up the new growth and the relaxed hair that u already have?

I was planning on washing to soften the new growth and then do a rollerset. I want to make the new growth very visible and soft so that the hairdresser has the least amount of trouble relaxing my hair. I don;t know how uch easier it is gonna be with 4 months of new growth.

Is it ok to use a clarifying shampoo and emergencee 2 days before a realxer? What about porosity control conditioner?
Thanks for the update Cincysweetie. I washed my hair last night (Sunday) and I will be getting my relaxer on Wednesday.