How Many Christians Does it Take to Put in a Light Bulb?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member

Cause we are the Light...:yep: And we brighten each other's paths with our love :love4: for one another.

Even when we disagree, we still light one another's paths as we travel this journey of life.

Here's to each of us...:heart2: Most of all, Here's to Jesus our Light Giver. Amen.

BTW: Anybody got a match? I want to light my new scented candles...:rolleyes: (the pumpkin scent is divine). -AfAFE Z2CjClA_Dz.vCjC2zEpkwl

Cause we are the Light...:yep: And we brighten each other's paths with our love :love4: for one another.

Even when we disagree, we still light one another's paths as we travel this journey of life.

Here's to each of us...:heart2: Most of all, Here's to Jesus our Light Giver. Amen.

BTW: Anybody got a match? I want to light my new scented candles...:rolleyes: (the pumpkin scent is divine). -AfAFE Z2CjClA_Dz.vCjC2zEpkwl

Thank you, sis. You are so right...and right on time!

Oh, and btw: I got some fire right here to light your candle....I can smell your candle from here...hehe!

Daannnng! It's all bright up in here! Ok, I got one and yall should be able to answer it...

How many Christians does it take to season a turkey???

Your answer is?


I can't hear you???

drum roll please..

none! cause we're the salt of the earth...heeheeheee...ok, so I know it's corny but I couldn't help myself. Thanks, Shimmie. How many of yall got it?:look:
Daannnng! It's all bright up in here! Ok, I got one and yall should be able to answer it...

How many Christians does it take to season a turkey???

Your answer is?


I can't hear you???

drum roll please..

none! cause we're the salt of the earth...heeheeheee...ok, so I know it's corny but I couldn't help myself. Thanks, Shimmie. How many of yall got it?:look: that was a great one too! I didn't get it at all, but I got it now and I'm going to use it on somebody....thanks, sis!
:kiss: to each one of you.

I'm sorry for coming back so late to this thread. I have double classes on Monday's right after work and I'm jjust getting home.

I didn't abandon you...I love each of you too much for that.

Precious Wavy thanks for lighting my pumpkin scented candles. Yumm, they do smell nice...:yep:

Darling Adequate you can lower my electric bill as well...:yep:

Sweet Mocha5, your light is always shining bright...:yep: I love the 'turkey' joke :lol: We are the salt of the earth for sure...

Beautiful Dreamer how could see without you; Flordia's never without sunshine because of you...I love the sun shades :cool:

Again, I love all of you angels...the Son never sets in our lives.

Did I miss anyone, if so, I'm sorry. I still love you.

:bighug: :grouphug: :bighug: :grouphug: