How long were you natural before

How long were you natural before you straightened your hair for the first time?

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you straightened your hair for the first time?

I have been natural for four years and the longer I am natural, the more afraid I am of ruining my hair when/if I decide to straighten my hair for the first time.

I've read a lot of the threads on here about how to straighten safety, but I also know that there's a strong chance that it will take a lot of heat to get this 4 a/b hair straight. Heat protectant can only do so much. My hair has come a long way, and I would hate to ruin it...

So how long did you wait to straighten your hair?
Did you do it yourself or did you go to the salon?
How long was your hair (stretched) before you straightened it for the first time?
What is your hair type?

It took me two years till I felt ready..more like I felt I had enough length. I went to a salon and got it done because I need a trim. It was between SL and APL(there is a pic in my fotki). I'm mostly 3c/4a with some 4b hanging out in a few places
It took me two years till I felt ready..more like I felt I had enough length. I went to a salon and got it done because I need a trim. It was between SL and APL(there is a pic in my fotki). I'm mostly 3c/4a with some 4b hanging out in a few places

You have very lovely hair! :yep:

Did you have a consultation or anything with the person who was going to be straightening your hair or was the stylist someone who had done your hair before?

Unfortunately, I haven't found a stylist that I trust yet, and I fear that a lot of stylists out there don't have half as much knowledge about safely straightening hair as most of the ladies on this board...
You have very lovely hair! :yep:

Did you have a consultation or anything with the person who was going to be straightening your hair or was the stylist someone who had done your hair before?

Unfortunately, I haven't found a stylist that I trust yet, and I fear that a lot of stylists out there don't have half as much knowledge about safely straightening hair as most of the ladies on this board...


He was someone who was doing my hair for I had to BC due to heat damage by another (inept!) stylist. He's a lil scissor happy which is why I don't go to him too often but when I went I really needed a hair cut.

I think you should definitely have a consult with anyone doing your hair and tell them what you want and need. You are paying them after all. Have you checked out the Salon Review Salon, some ladies are kind enough to post reviews and recommendations
I've been natural nearly two years and I've just semi-straightened this weekend using curlformers. It's still not close to relaxer straight (more like "that girl needs a corrective or a press quick" straight) but I feel more comfortable getting it straightened (without direct heat at any rate).

I did it myself--I'm still scared to go to a salon because of heat damage possibilities. My hair is close to BSL (BSB) and I'm a type 4.

When I go fully straight, I'll still do it myself at home first.
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Took me about 8 months to flat iron my own hair. The results were a bit scary...I don't think my hair was ready for it. It just reminded me of all the reasons why i'm natural...and I only used the 1st setting on my Maxiglide:nono: My hair was stick str8 and lifeless...I got better results from a roller set IMO:yep:

When str8 my hair was just touching SL in December...almost time for another length check but i'm a bit shook to iron it again.
Because I didn't go natural in any sort of conscious "I'm going natural!" move, I just stopped perming and started pressing, I started out my natural-hood straightening my hair. For me it's more like, how long after you went natural did you stop straightening your hair. :) I stopped probably a year or two after my last perm. Since I really stopped, I haven't straightened my hair more than a handful of times in 10 years.
6 months. :look: i got curious. but i had given my flat iron away, and the only flat iron in my mom's house was a 2-incher (big). so i used a curling iron to pull it straight and flip up the ends.

i don't know how well you can see my hair in this pic...i had 2 little ponytails in the front of my head cuz i ended up not liking how the front turned out. (please ignore that belly, i was 6 months preggo after all... :yawn: )

i try to only use heat once or twice a year though.
I've been natural most of my life interspersed with various forms of chemical abuse (I mean abuse not treatment) with mostly relatively no great damage- well aside from one time.

I'm now texlaxed and coloured- but I think everything in moderation is ok - I don't believe straightening your hair once every few months will do any damage just make sure to up your protein treatments around the process.
Technically I had been natural for about 2-3 years, but I did the big chop because parts of my hair was damaged. My aunt flat ironed my hair at her house a few days or a week or so later. She seen my hair and her and my cousin's comments brought me to a panic, so I let her do it even though too much heat was what damaged my hair in the first place (I was getting a hard press every week. First the hot comb, then the flat iron). My hair was about 2" long (measuring individual strands). I washed my hair when I came back home becasue I was afraid my hair wouldn't revert back to its curly state. It reverted and I didn't have my hair flat ironed for a few months. I was very paranoid at first, but after having my hair flat ironed about 4 times I seen that my hair would revert if I don't flat iron it too much. Back then and even now I only flat iron my hair about once every 3 months (4-5 times per year). Also, I'm a 3c/4a hair type.
I was texlaxed and transitioned from around October 2006 to May 2007 when I cut all the texlaxed hair. My stylist straighted my hair before cutting it to chin length straightened. I flat ironed my hair myself in August, September and November and my hair was fine. I will probably straighten again some time next month when I get a trim.
I had been natural for 11 1/2 years before I finally decided to straighten it for the first time two years ago (when I decided to grow my hair out). To measure I would use a ruler so I always knew how long/short :rolleyes: (I was always cutting it) my hair was. I straighten every 3-4 months and not at all during the summer months. However, I do plan on flatironing my hair in June though for my daughter's graduation which will be a first since I never straighten past March.
Whoops, I so misunderstood the question. :lol:

I haven't straightened my hair yet, and it'll be two years since I came out of locs in May. I was thinking about doing it for my anni, but I think I'll wait til year 3, instead.
I've been natural for going on 4 years and I have not straightened my hair yet. I've blown my hair out with my blow dryer a few times...not sure if that is considered straightening the hair?

When I went natural, I gave away my flat irons. I didn't plan on using them again again.

I am not willing to sacrifice a week of health *exercise) or swimming or staying in a cool climate so my scalp do not sweat in order to keep my hair straightened.
I am not willing to sacrifice a week of health *exercise) or swimming or staying in a cool climate so my scalp do not sweat in order to keep my hair straightened.

I know, right? Straightening my hair would definitely cramp my lifestyle, which is one of the reasons why I have been able to hold off for four years.

But....I would by lying if I said I wouldn't be itching to see what my hair looks like straight when I reach my ultimate goal (waist length). :drunk:
I did it once...had a bit of heat damage in the front...cut it...cause I don't hold onto damaged hair...and haven't straightened it again. Everyone keeps asking me to napps need don't need modification. (Disclaimer: That's not saying anyone elses' do...just sayin mine don't!!!)
I cut off my perm in April 2005 and I believe that it was April or May 2006 when I straightened my hair. I haven't done it again since then. Not that I had any damage when I did it but because it took too long to do it. Just thinking about how long it took is making me think it will be a very long time before I make the attempt again. Probably after my boys no longer go into superdestructive mode if you aren't watching them all the time.
I have a two part answer to this one. I became natural back in the late 90's had no clue what I was doing and pressed, blow dried, weaved and did everything possible to it. Damage, damage, damage.

I met a lady in 2005 who had long natural hair down to her waist and I was in awe. Started doing some serious research and ran across Cathy Howse site and took up her challenge of 365 days without any heat.

Since Dec 5, 2005 I have not placed a pressing comb or maxiglide in this head of naturalness. Not sure when or if I ever will. Jury is still out on this one.:look:
Good question OP.

I have been natural almost 1 year. Yay me! No inclination to go str8. I see many people who straighten without damage, but also quite a few who do all the right things and still end up with heat damage. Right now, I am chasing shoulder length twists and I prefer naturally kinky styles. I would hate to mess my hair up out of curiousity.
6 months. :look: i got curious. but i had given my flat iron away, and the only flat iron in my mom's house was a 2-incher (big). so i used a curling iron to pull it straight and flip up the ends.

i don't know how well you can see my hair in this pic...i had 2 little ponytails in the front of my head cuz i ended up not liking how the front turned out. (please ignore that belly, i was 6 months preggo after all... :yawn: )

i try to only use heat once or twice a year though.

I straighted my hair 3 mos after my BC. I was home one day was bored and curious.
I didn't vote b/c my option wasn't available...I haven't straightened my hair yet....I have a maxiglid XP, but I haven't exactly mastered the technique yet:wallbash::wallbash: I refuse to go to a professional b/c I'm afraid of them burning my hair:nono:
I've been natural for over 2 years. I have yet to straighten my hair. I have blown it out, but no hot comb or flat iron. I think I may do it at the end of the year.
It took me two years till I felt ready..more like I felt I had enough length. I went to a salon and got it done because I need a trim. It was between SL and APL(there is a pic in my fotki). I'm mostly 3c/4a with some 4b hanging out in a few places

That's me, that's me! I thought I was going crazy thinking I had three or four textures!!!! Thanks for saving me from fifth and sixth guessing myself. I've been natural for two years and I can forecast a relax or texlax in the VERY near future. I'm already taking pics of myself now, 'cause I know I'll want to look back every now and again! :yep:
So how long did you wait to straighten your hair? 4 years
Did you do it yourself or did you go to the salon? I went to the salon
How long was your hair (stretched) before you straightened it for the first time? IDK but when it was straightened it was full shoulder lenght
What is your hair type?4b
About 2.5 years after the B.C. That was last month some time. It didn't really get straight. Just fluffy.

It was an interesting experience. Not looking to do it again anytime soon. It was a lot of work since I was extremely cautious. I am now looking into developing some skills w/ adding extensions braids, cornrows etc..
About 2.5 years after the B.C. That was last month some time. It didn't really get straight. Just fluffy.

It was an interesting experience. Not looking to do it again anytime soon. It was a lot of work since I was extremely cautious. I am now looking into developing some skills w/ adding extensions braids, cornrows etc..

I did yesterday (but only a small section of hair in the back, and it was quite fluffy, but it has grown! It's only been 4 months since the BC and I used the Conair Infiniti Nano Silver Steam Straightener- which was pretty good on my hair :grin: I won't do it again until June 1st (Ovation/Mega-Tek Challenge reveal) then again in August just to see progress.

I did use a heat protectant, took pictures, and immediately sprayed it with my honeyquat/water mixture to mke sure my curls were still there.
I've been natural going on three years this summer and I still haven't straightened my hair. I'm scared. I want to do it and always say I'm going to...but then I put it off. Maybe in the summer I'll blow it dry. Probably not, though.