How long to wait to wash after relaxing?


New Member
My girl told me that you are supposed to wait at least a week before washing freshly relaxed hair or it weakens your hair. Well here's the situation. I relaxed last night, and I'm ready to condish wash because I added a little holding spray to my hair and it feels a little stiff. Is it possible for me to condish wash today... or how long should I wait before I do so?
that is not true. there is no 'waiting time' to wash your hair. i mean, if that was the case, you could wait a MONTH and your hair would still 'weaken' when you finally wash it. i think when you go to wash it,you should test your strands to make sure its not too soft. if it is, do a light protein wash and then follow up with the moisturizing con.
I say the more you wash your hair the better. I personally wash my hair every other day:grin:. After a relaxer, I usually wait about 2-3days before washing it but since you have that spray in your hair go ahead with it girl and condition. That spray shouldn't stay in there too long.
I second that... In fact I relaxed Wednesday and Co-washed yesterday after I worked out and my hair feels better!
I usually wash my hair repeatedly -- just in case I missed any and to thicken it back up b/c right after a relaxer it gets alittle slick. I've never experienced extra breakage or weakness b/c of it.
There is no waiting time to wash your hair after a relaxer...that's one of the myths that it'll "revert" if you do. Go ahead and wash it :yep:
I disagree. I have to wait 2-3 days to wash always. There have been times when my hair has gotten wet, or I got caught in the rain. My hair has always reverted.
Reverting and weakening are not the same thing. And I would say that any reversion probably has more to do with the relaxer you use ( lye vs no lye) and your technique IMHO

I've seen alot of posts on the boards that dealt with reversion after using Lye - particularily mild lye.
If we couldn't wash after a relaxer how then would we neutralize and insure that all the chemical is out of the hair? By the time you are done with your hair you have already washed it. Of course you can wash it again as soon as you wish.
I agree. Reversion has to do with the fact that your hair didnt get a straight with the relaxer as you thought. Which isnt a bad thing, bone straight hair tends to be much weaker. Weaken hair means you are continuing to breakdown the protein of the hair or dryness. If you have problems with dryness from shampooing, then condition washing would be your best bet.

For me personally, shampooing thickens the hair up after a relaxer which I love.

Reverting and weakening are not the same thing. And I would say that any reversion probably has more to do with the relaxer you use ( lye vs no lye) and your technique IMHO

I've seen alot of posts on the boards that dealt with reversion after using Lye - particularily mild lye.