how long should you wait to weave hair after a perm?


New Member
I just got a relaxer on Monday. I want to weave my hair . The thing is my sister who is a Beautician lives in another state. When she comes down to visit for memorial weekend I want to have her weave my hair. That is like next weekend...Is that too soon? Im thinking about the stress of the braid, and thread..
I'm against weaves on relaxed hair because of my personal experiences.

However, if I were you, I would do CW washes with hydrating conditioners everyother day and once a week do a protein treatment (but a light protein) until you get your weave. Hopefully the protein will strengthen and the CW will give flexibility.
The rule of thumb is to wait at least two weeks before you braid your hair up to get a sewn in weave.
i had no problem doing it the next week after a relaxer because that is when it looked best. I did not do anything to my hair but help grow it more.