How long should ur hair be b4 rocking a PONYTAIL?


New Member
Okay, I don't know if this is a national thing..BUT the girls in my town can have the shortest hair..and still rock a "ponytail". I mean it can have a centimeter of hair coming out of the ponytail holder..and they really don't care. So my question is how long should one's hair be before they rock a ponytail?

p.s..i would post a poll..but i don't know how to..:ohwell:
I think it should be as long as needed for the wearer to be comfortable with it. You said the girls don't care -- so for "a centimeter" IS long enough.
I was not above putting some ponytails in my hair even though it was short. (Now I've BC'd and I know my hair is really too short :) )

It's not even all about looking the best... sometimes you have to throw something that looks at least presentable together because your hair looks a mess and you don't have the time/energy to do it. :lol:

but... I guess to answer your question, they start looking really nice at about CBL imo. And look amazing at BSL.
Well, I'm CBL and I STILL don't feel comfortable leaving the house without something covering it (phony pony, bun, afro puff, etc.).

But with that said, some of the sleekiest most stylish ponytails I've seen were worn on neck-length hair with a BANGING blunt bang.
Like a couple of the above posters said, if it can reach and stay in the holder than it is long enough. Sometimes its about not doing anything other than that to it....I may not agree with the clumps of brown gel and other things, but thats another thread.

I've rocked a 'pony-T', as my gf's and I call them, plenty of times while waiting for a style to grow out and inbetween salon visits. However, I much rathered using sticks and putting it in a twist/bun.
where i live they could have two STRANGS (yes i said strangs, not strings) of hair on their head and they would rock a ponytail LOL. girl those are called "snatch backs" here where i live. they use a ton of gel and will have like 1/4" of hair sticking out the ponytail. they ponytails be so tight they have slanted eyeballs.
The worst is when people try and pull all their hair back into an elastic, but their bangs and their nape can`t actually reach, so they`ll just use some grease to hold it into place :perplexed
People rock ponytails at any length really. However I will say, I love me a long ponytail a la DLewis or Toy (I think that's her screen name) who has an avatar pic with a loooooooooooooooong ponytail. My goal is for my ponytail to actually LOOK like a pony's a*s....well, u know what I mean :)
My hair is short between shoulder and neck length and i put it back in a small pony because it looks messy otherwise. My hair is fine and sticks up if i dont tame it in some way
For me, anything less then SL i will cover with a hair piece. The shorter hairs I would comb back but cover with a head band. This is what i did when i BC'd and my "puff" was microscopic.
I won't be wearing a ponytail on the regular until the tail is past my shoulders. When my hair is down, I'm at least 2-3 inches past my shoulders and my high ponytail comes down to the bottom of my neck. So I've got an inch or two before I'll be satisfied with my ponytail.
I was able to wear my EL hair in a phony pony. I'm currently 2 months post relaxer and now can wear my mid cheek level hair without a phony pony.