How long should it take to get a response back from customer service?


Well-Known Member
Last week maybe I went to Sally's to go get the applicator bottles. Immediately upon entering the store me and my sis were "greeted" then the lady was like "can i help you with something" we said no we are just looking and then went into the aisles to find what we were looking for. My mom came in right after us and went in another direction. While we were in the aisle looking at the black haircare section we noticed this old crusty lady watching us hard. You know whatever I look young so maybe we looked like whatever. I am used to it by now. We go in the color aisle because that's where the bottles were and still old and crusty was watching us. BUT she was also watching my mom like HUH?!?

She was so obvious I was really offended. My mom fought for this effn country and you are going to follow her around a store? My mom went and served a few years in Iraq and my dad served in Desert Storm. We don't gotta steal from no store especially not Sally's. WTF we need from there we can't just buy? So anyways this crusty old ugly lady made it a point to stand in the middle of the aisle and sloooooowwwwllllyyy peep around the corner into our aisle. The whole time I'm watching her cause I see her dumb ***. So finally my mom was like ya'll get your stuff so we can go, cause the lady isn't gonna stop watching us. I was really effn offended. So i was like sis. I'ma say something when we get up there.

Just so happens this lady is the one to ring us up. I didn't say anything right away cause I wanted my transaction to go through first. When it did I was like You don't have to be so obvious when you watch people that's what the mirrors on the celing are for. She was like Well you gotta understand we have people that come in here and blah blah. I was like and we look those kind of people to you? I was like Miss I am very offended. you offended me and I will no longer shop in this story. And she was like oh well I was just doing my job. I was like you were doing it badly.

Ok hey whatever me and my sis had on our scarves and weren't super fly when we went in there. But damn if she wanted to follow us around then S*** B**** use the ****ing mirrors on the celing or come around periodically. Don't follow us through the store and make us feel unconfortable while we are shopping. Since this happened awhile ago my details are kinda shady but TRUST she was being too much. I know racsim still exists in the south but damn. If she only knew. I don't even go to Sally's like that and had it been a different day I wouldn't have went in there in the first place. This happened exactly a wk ago now that I think of it.

I wrote them an email and all I got was this generic reply

Thank you for contacting the Sally Beauty Customer Service Center. Your inquiry has been received and a customer service agent will respond as soon as possible. Your inquiry ticket number is . Have a great day! Sincerely,Sally Beauty Supply LLC

*This email is for informational purposes only. Please do not reply to this email.

So I sent them another email because I feel like they should have responded sooner...tell me why they sent me the same email again. Am I overreacting? I want to know what is going to be done to this woman and how they are going to handle this situation differently so that paying customers don't get followed around some low budget wanna be beauty store. What should I do now? Maybe I should just drop it. I guess I wouldn't be so mad if that ***** didn't become so confrontational with me when I said something to her. She really let her balls hang and said whatever she had to say rudely. Anyways tell me what ya'll think I should do or if I should just drop it and never shop there again.
I found this online, try calling it.

For In-Store Issues:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST
1-866-234-9442, option 1
The generic email was probably automatic, i.e everyone who sends them an email gets this initially. As for the time it's taking, they're probably researching your complaint. I still think they should have sent a follow up email to that effect, after sending the generic reply. When you send a customer service complaint to companies with so many branches, they contact the manager of the local branch, or if there are several, then they contact the district manager and it trickles down from there. If you are really adamant, you can research till you find a name and email and send it to an actual person instead of submitting through there generic form. HTH.
Thanks for the number I will call tomorrow. I think I saw that number on their website but I HATE talking on the phone. Especially if I think it's gonna take all day. I have been on hold for up to an hour before(if not longer), with some people. I guess I'ma suck it up and call them.

Also I don't speak very well, especially when I am nervous. I don't tend to get my point across when speaking so writing an email is easier for me then trying to tell someone what happened verbally, if that makes sense.
Girl I stopped being offended by those type of people years ago. Do like I do. I turn them into my personal servants. Shoot, if they want to follow me around then they WILL carry everything I intend to purchase! :grin: I did that in JC Penneys a while back. I told the girl that if she was going to follow me at least she could be helpful. I picked out about 6 different outfits, made her carry them :lachen:, made her follow me to the dressing room, exchange two of the outfits for different sizes, pretended to decide to buy 3 of the outfits, then changed my mind not to buy any when I got to the counter. Boy was she pissed. I bet she thought twice about pulling that crap so blatantly with someone else. I would have loved to be in Sally's with you. That lady would have been my personal b&%$@!. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Girl I stopped being offended by those type of people years ago. Do like I do. I turn them into my personal servants. Shoot, if they want to follow me around then they WILL carry everything I intend to purchase! :grin: I did that in JC Penneys a while back. I told the girl that if she was going to follow me at least she could be helpful. I picked out about 6 different outfits, made her carry them :lachen:, made her follow me to the dressing room, exchange two of the outfits for different sizes, pretended to decide to buy 3 of the outfits, then changed my mind not to buy any when I got to the counter. Boy was she pissed. I bet she thought twice about pulling that crap so blatantly with someone else. I would have loved to be in Sally's with you. That lady would have been my personal b&%$@!. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
LMAO @ personal b&%$@:lachen::lachen:
great idea!! ive had this happen to me a few times before too. ill definitely try out the personal "assistant" thing next time it occurs (hopefully it doesnt though....) :yep:
Girl I stopped being offended by those type of people years ago. Do like I do. I turn them into my personal servants. Shoot, if they want to follow me around then they WILL carry everything I intend to purchase! :grin: I did that in JC Penneys a while back. I told the girl that if she was going to follow me at least she could be helpful. I picked out about 6 different outfits, made her carry them :lachen:, made her follow me to the dressing room, exchange two of the outfits for different sizes, pretended to decide to buy 3 of the outfits, then changed my mind not to buy any when I got to the counter. Boy was she pissed. I bet she thought twice about pulling that crap so blatantly with someone else. I would have loved to be in Sally's with you. That lady would have been my personal b&%$@!. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I like the way you think!:grin: :lachen:
I think calling then following up with an email/letter (depending on how phone convo goes). I hope things work out for you. No one should be disrespected like that.

I think Sally's service can be hit or miss. Some days they all in your face other times I have to ask for assistance cuz they are talking to each other or stocking. I find Sally's personnel to be a very interesting hodge podge of women. I've seen some strange and outrageous ppl working there.
tnorenberg, that is brilliant!! LMAO!!!! I'll have to do that next time. Usually if I get the "can I help you" I call them on their bluff and say yes I do and then ask for something, they never know where it is. Idiots.

Anyway... GeminiGirl, when I get followed I leave the store and don't shop there again. I do like the fact that you're letting Sally's know what happened and you were offended. I won't give a company my penny if they make me feel violated.
I found this online, try calling it.

For In-Store Issues:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST
1-866-234-9442, option 1

Not only call this number but call back up to that Sally's store (hopefully that old hag will answer the phone)...First ask who you are speaking with and then get the name and number of the regional director...if you really want to go on grander scale - do a search for Sally Beauty and there are sites that rank organizations based on Forbes, Yahoo Business, etc. and they sometimes have the direct emails of those in corporate positions. Send them the email as well. - Sally's does not want to known as a Denny's or Cracker Barrel (lawsuits stemming from racial discrimination) Especially note how your parents served/serving in the Armed Forces in your emails/correspondence ...

I am so glad you told that salesperson what you thought and she messed up with that throwed off response....

Document Everything! -

Sorry So Wordy - But I love going Corporate on folks will definitely get results!
Girl I stopped being offended by those type of people years ago. Do like I do. I turn them into my personal servants. Shoot, if they want to follow me around then they WILL carry everything I intend to purchase! :grin: I did that in JC Penneys a while back. I told the girl that if she was going to follow me at least she could be helpful. I picked out about 6 different outfits, made her carry them :lachen:, made her follow me to the dressing room, exchange two of the outfits for different sizes, pretended to decide to buy 3 of the outfits, then changed my mind not to buy any when I got to the counter. Boy was she pissed. I bet she thought twice about pulling that crap so blatantly with someone else. I would have loved to be in Sally's with you. That lady would have been my personal b&%$@!. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I do this with the current manager of my local Sally's. It started out with her following me around. Now when I go in, she shows me to new items that I might be interested in. When I first noticed her lurking, I gave her ton of questions about things I already know the answers to. I also had her running stuff back up to the register since I neglected to grab a basket. I guess she figured out that its less work to treat me like a customer than a felon.
That is a great idea tnore I will do that next time since that happens often here. The other day the District manager called me. My phone died before I could get a hold of her but I thought she would call me back the next day...she didn't.

I called her when I got off work and some rude lady told me " HUN were closed and she's not here" So anyways long story short she said she will be back bright and early tomorrow....she gave no time and that she will be gone before noon. Thanks for nothing but I will try and call her tomorrow. I think I made some progress.

I didn recieve an email and basically it just apologized for the service and said they would review certain procedures with the employees. I can't wait to hear what the DM has to talk to me about.
Usually I just call them out right there or I go like my momma and start following them around if I have time. I do not like Sally's for this. They ask do I need help too much. Don't you see me reading the back of a product chick?

I had an incident happen in a clothing store. At that time I was shopping there a lot(too much) and the manager knew me. A new girl was there and kept following me from rack to rack literally. She kept saying do you need help? I said you just asked me that on the rack next to me. Then I go to the dressing room. I take my shirt off. " Do you need anything?" What? I haven't had time to NEED. I emailed the headquarters. I got a gift certificate but I don't shop there anymore.
dang girl. you need to start shoppin online cuz it seems like the folks around DFW have funky attitudes. and i know its probably because yal are black. please, the stuff is sally is so cheap! she didn't have to follow yal, that was ridiculous. and i don't understand how she can try to make a sale if she is making her potential customers so frustrated and offended. so bump them! don't give them any more of your money.