How long should I wait...


Well-Known Member
After applying MTG before I relax my hair?

I am about 10 weeks post relaxer, but, I look like it's been 20 years!:eek:
I tried to do my hair this weekend and it lookes a mess to me (even though I got compliments) It took forever to dry, and was just unruly.

I have got to relax soon, I can't take it anymore. I applied MTG to my hair on Saturday and I really want to relax tonight. Should I wait, if so, how long!


ETA: I want my hair to be bone straight. I really want to do a good length check and trim.
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:crying3: :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: OMG: I am about to cry!

I don't think that I could go that long. My hair won't do anything right. It's raining and hot as heck here and it's humid and yucky. My buns won't even lay flat anymore. I just about passed out the other night cause I tied my hair up so tight! It just won't stay! I could do a rollerset, but it's so humid and raining. What am I gonna do?

I would definately wait at least 2 weeks. I got a relaxer 2 weeks after my last MTG application and my scalp burned like none-other. Not I wait 4 weeks and make sure I clarify on the last wash before I relax to make sure its all gone.
seeminglysweet: Did you base your scalp before the relaxer? I don't know what I am gonna do. 2 weeks? Any suggestions on styling?