How long is too long?

For me anything classic or butt length or longer is too long IMO but some people wear it well and like it so more power to them. WSL/TBN is the longest I'd ever go.
Not for others but on me, longer than Full (read obvious) WL hair will just be too much...until hairnorexia sets in.

:perplexed "fairy tale ends" does not mean split, damaged, see through or chewed up ends. It means that your hair tapers naturally at the end, as opposed to staying on top of constant trimming to make your hair have a "shape" such as U-shape, V-shape, blunt ends etc. Just wanted to clear that up.

ETA: I don't see anything wrong with any length of hair, so long as it's healthy. :yep: In fact, I admire women who have a healthy mane that reaches knee length for example, you know they are taking care of it well.
Anything covering my natural ***ets is too long. Therefore, wl is long enough for me. :saythat:
My goal length is classic, in part because I fear my hair may not get any longer than that :cry3: But if it will grow past that, I may be reluctant to cut it! I remember looking at Crystal Gale as a little girl and feeling like her floor length hair was THE height of feminine beauty.
For me personally I wouldn't want anything longer than WL. But to me as long it is healthy and looks good that is all that matter. I went to the site mentioned, and most of the people there have nice hair. And someone even made a thread about this one. I think we should be considerate of other people...
I am now neck length, so for me I would be very happy with reaching full shoulder length and having healthy hair. If someone wants to grow their hair so they can mummified themselves, let them be.

I had a quick look at the other site and really it is just like this site, with lots of ladies that just want to grow long healthy hair and offer advice so that anyone that wants to learn can and are welcome. I think its all cool.
I have to laugh at the idea of "too long" hair, at least with natural hair. Shrinkage can easily render "too long" tailbone length hair APL or shorter.
I look for and re-read this thread every so often and I didn't want to be the one to bump it, but since someone else has, I'm taking the opportunity to speak honestly.

I'm an active member at both sites. I bounce back and forth because I've found really useful information there and here. I've found decent people in both places.

With that being said, this thread here is one that has stuck out to me since my lurking days and has really shaped how I post here. I watch every single thing I say because of threads like this. Some people here have said some foul, offensive and disgusting things. I search at the other site for something this kind of attitude and I haven't found anything remotely similar to this or to some comments I've seen in other threads.

Every so often I run into threads where someone will ask "I wonder if white people lurk here, why don't they post?" And all I can think is "Do you really have to ask why?" :rolleyes:

So yeah, whenever I see anyone posting about how white people are so obsessed with black hair, I am rolling my eyes. Because they aren't talking about it there. But plenty of people here are fascinated about what white hair does.
Some people here have said some foul, offensive and disgusting things. I search at the other site for something this kind of attitude and I haven't found anything remotely similar to this or to some comments I've seen in other threads.

Every so often I run into threads where someone will ask "I wonder if white people lurk here, why don't they post?" And all I can think is "Do you really have to ask why?" :rolleyes:
Nonsense! There's good and bad on both sites. You must have missed the thread over there about hurricane Katrina and others like it on the friendship forum. I stopped even lurking over there for a good long while after Katrina.
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You must have missed the thread over there about hurricane Katrina on the friendship forum then.

I must have. And to be fair, I just looked at the archives for any references to it. The only Katrina threads I see over there talk about how desperate the situation is and how the government dropped the ball. I imagine (from what I've observed), a thread with over racism would have turned into an all out catfight and would probably have been locked. I searched for the locked threads at the time, and haven't seen anything that I would say is racist. I'll have to take your word for it about the one alleged thread. If I had found it, I'd still have to say that this place goes over the top with what "other people" are doing.

But I can throw a stone and hit a post around these parts that has some undeniably racist content. I'm not saying they're perfect over there, but I have noticed that other people will have said something about something that doesn't ring right.

Again, the difference has certainly shaped how I post here.