How long have you been growin?

How long did it take for you to reach your goal?

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Well-Known Member
I have trying to grow my hair for years and years. I finally decided to singup to discover tips on how to grow my hair. I thank everyone :)
I hope to be at bra-strap lengh by Decemer 2007.
What I want to know is how long did it take for you to acheive your goal? Was it at shoulders, bra-strap, waist-lengh, etc.
I'm 21 months into growing mine out.:D

I started at just above APL, and reached brastrap in about 14 months. I've been maintaining it at brastrap to allow my front layers (that I cut in at about month 17 or 18) to catch up. :lol: My final goal is midback/waist (or the red line in my siggy pic). hoping to get there by the end of the year or the first of 2007.
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Well I did the BC about 9 1/2 months ago do I choose less than a year because this is the first time that I have really been focused on growing my hair. I am hoping that I get to my goal of armpit length by my 2 year anniversary in July 2007.
Sistaslick said:
I'm 21 months into growing mine out.:D

I started at just above APL, and reached brastrap in about 14 months. I've been maintaining it at brastrap to allow my front layers (that I cut in at about month 17 or 18) to catch up. :lol: My final goal is midback/waist (or the red line in my siggy pic). hoping to get there by the end of the year or the first of 2007.

*whining* 2 years?:( I'm not even at APL yet.
about 2 years, I started at below ear length, had 6 inches cut winter/spring of last year, now I'm 2" away from bra strap. :)
I started towards the end of 2004, so I guess about 1 year and a half. It will be 2 years this September.

But I feel like I haven't really made as much progress as I should be! I started at shoulder length, and I'm not even at bra-strap length yet. :( I don't even think I'm at arm pit length yet. Am I??? I don't even know... Anyone can take a look at my picture album online in my siggy and see what I mean. I'm like Blueabyss333, I just don't feel like I've made as much progress as I could have made.

I AM happy that I have made some progress however (don't get me wrong!), but I just feel that I could be retaining length better. :yep: I may need to tweak my regimen a little. :ohwell:
I was a couple of inches past shoulder length and thought that was long.:lol: I am now at brastrap. It took me 2 1/2 yrs because I was not taking care of my diabetes and overall health. I was just concentrating on my hair. I am now at bsl. Had I been exercising and taking my vits and just eating healthy it would have probably been a year.
Let's see....I actively started to concentrate on growth in July 04.So, thats 21 months of Surging, MTG, supplements and so on. My hair is definitely healthier, but I just haven't be able to pass shoulder length:ohwell:

Its very frustrating, but I am not ready to give up just yet. I must admit that I am not as consistent as I should be:sekret:
im definitely not there yet! I started my transition 10 1/2 months ago...
my goal is to be lower mid back natural. i'm almost to chest with previously relaxed ends and 3-4 inches new growth..its getting harder now to cope and making me want to cut it..and i'd love to cut it..but i can't even get myself to get scissors in my hand to do so...i've planned from the beginning to make this a long transition so i might give it another 2 years or so before i start chopping off relaxed ends because they are awfully broken and snagged up and i'm sick of seeing hair doesnt grow very fast at all.. roughly about a quarter of an inch every month...

i'm about 5 inches from my goal, 7 inches from my ultimate goal.. i'm hoping by the end of 2006 i'll be 3 inches longer (2 inches from my goal and 5 inches from my ultimate goal)- by mid to late 2007 i'm hoping to be at waist with relaxed ends and new growth (my new growth being about to my ears or my cheeks by then)..or if i've completely lost my mind with the two textures, chopped and with ear-length hair (i hope that doesn't happen..i once had a half inch of hair on my head and i dont think i could take it!)...

shooottt.. if i re-vamp my regimen and spend more time focusing on my hair, i could probably get myself there in early to mid 2007....sighhh so much to look forward toooo...but i've started now with cornrows for the next month..i dont care how raggedy and tired these things look but im going to start getting intensive with the mtg and decent hair care starting wednesday this week, as of april 12th. may 12th i'll take the braids out if i can last that long..i'm going to try at least and see how much growth i have from the mtg by then...

i agree with nicki...i definitely lack consistency! :(
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I've worn my hair a few inches past my shoulders for several years ...but constantly went through phases of neglect such that I had to cut and grow out again and again -- or my hair just broke off due to lack of conditioning, heat, etc. So stupid of me to take growth for granted.

Well, in October I took a good look and noticed how horribly damaged my hair was and that it was much shorter than the year before and that I had a few sections where hair had broken off just above the shoulder :eek: and my hair was barely at my shoulder. Don't even mention short pieces at the top.

Horrified, I searched the web for help, found this site, and vowed to stop taking my hair for granted. So, it's been six months for me. I just relaxed today and am grazing armpit length (but I still have the front sides at shoulder). And my hair is not not as thick as I want. I had damage at the crown and need to still grow that out to add to thickness.

My goal is for my entire head of hair to be thick, healthy brastrap length (hopefully by the end of summer or early fall).

I almost like the way my hair looks now, although I miss my thickness of old. I used to be able to grow without care, but now I see those days are over and I need lots of care.

When I think about how I carelessly neglected my hair I want to cry.

But I believe by this October (a year's time) I'll be pretty satisfied. Then hopefully, I'll have lost all my weight too and have the nerve to post some pictures! :grin:
Started at jacked up below ear / neck length in November 2004 and now I am about a good 3 inches to blunt cut bra strap length. So I have been growing for 17 months.
I've been at it for 13 months now and still growing.

I started at APL and 8 months later I was right below BSL. I gained 5" during that time.

Since then though, I havent taken care of my hair like I should, so I got almost a 2" setback. I'm at the length that I should have been in January now.
Started my journey to healthy hair in June 2004. At that time I had a chin length bob. To date my hair is falling between my shoulder blades in the back with bang sweeping my chin and neck. Had a horrible relaxer experience and my hair has been shedding constantly since Feb. so lost some thickness (but thanks to Candy_C wonderful avocado home recipe those days are behind me)

My goal is APL by Jan 2007. Agressive in my mind but my mind's made up no turning, turning, turning back.
I got serious about my hair about 1 year ago. I've been transitioning for 1 year and 1 week exactly! :) :) I started out above ear length- today I'm shoulder length. I hope to be APL by early 2007 and BSL by early 2008.

Now that I have more new growth than permed hair, I'm pretty happy with my progress. I'm trying to transition for 3 yrs. :look: :D
I asnwered the question on the poll. I have not reached my goal yet BUT the question for the thread seems to be a ltitle different. Ive been actively ggoing for my goal for almost a year. I started transisioting after my last relaxer almost a year ago. BUT my ultimate goal wont be reached for years to come.
I pretty much just started. My goal over the past year have been more of styling issues.

I had been wearing braids for years and not taking care of them most of the time. Then I tired a few weave styles which back fired because I left one in too long and got a HUGE patch of matted tangled hair that I had to cut off. It was in such a bad sopt it had been hard to hide or style.

My goals have been centered around getting away from braids and weaves and also dry hair battles.

I have met those goals now. I stopped wearing weaves and braids last November and I don't suffer from dry hair. Even that hideous chopped off section has almost grown in.

Now I am ready for growth challenges, so this is a fresh start for me.
I've been actively growing my hair for about 2 years. When I first started my hair was too short to conrow. The longest parts of my hair is a little past collarbone. I've had a lot of growth but more mishaps. I'm just now perfecting my regime, so I'm very excited out the year to come.
I've been consciously growing my hair out for quite a few years now. My ultimate goal was waistlength, but I'm not too far off from there now and it is NOT long enough!!:lol:

I probably would have been there a long time ago, but up until about 2 years ago, I was trimming my hair too often. Now I only trim once a year.

I want classic, princess hair.
Since Dec. 26, 2004, I've been growing my hair out. I wore a sew-in weave for 16 years and got sick of it, I wanted to wear my own hair, even if it wasn't as long or thick as the weave I was wearing.

When the weave was taken out and my hair was relaxed, it was right at my shoulders. It is now 3 inches from the bra strap, which is my goal for the end of this year. I believe it would be BSL had my hairdresser not put so much heat on my hair whenever I visited her for touch-ups (touch up, then she'd rinse it out, put conditoner on it and sit me under the hair dryer for 20 minutes, then blow dried it, then straighten it with a hot comb fromone of those stoves.)
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Propertly four years. I passed the four year mark in February, it is now comfortably passed my shoulders, I can nearly reach it if I put my hand behind my back. I started from a low cut. So for me, I think I have done very well, because many times I have tried to grow my hair and I never get passed the nape of my neck, only when I had my hair curly permed I got longer. But this is the longest my hair has ever been.
I started growing it out around the end of 04 and it was a little above APL, then in July 05 I did a BC b/c of heat damage and had about a 1/2 inch of hair. So about a year n 1/2
I finally decided to take care of my hair in the summer of 2003 so it's been almost three years. My goal has always been for healthy hair. My hair was just a little below shoulder length when I started and thickened out first before growing down.
I have been trying for what seems like all my life. I found LHCF in 2003, but didn't start really tracking and making real changes until last Feburary. So for me I say it's been 14 months.
I started at about 2 inches past SL in November (I think). I trimmed about an inch, and I'm trying to get to APL by June. Not sure if I'll make it by June, but I'm almost there...
I'm growing out my natural hair to waistlength. I'm over 2.5 years into the journey (starting from my final relaxer) with several more months to go.