How long for vitamins to take effect???


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I am new to this forum although I have been lurking for about 3 months. I have learned so much from you wonderful ladies.

My question is how long does it take to see the results of taking vitamins? I am currently taking a multivitamin, MSM, garlic and L-Cysteine. I do see a difference in my nail strength but how long before I see results for my hair?

BTW, I have been taking these vitamins for 6 weeks.
Professionals say if you take them consistently then it will take 3 months for complete visual. If your system is clean (detoxed) it may be sooner.
3 mouths :nono:.... what happen to instant gratification :wallbash:..... just kidding I'm sure it will take sometime for your body to adjust. Just like loosing weight it wont happen overnite..... I have been taking biotin for several weeks now, i'm unsure if it has kicked in.
oh lord looks like i've been asking for too much, three months is a long time to wait to see result. Darn man!!:wallbash::wallbash:
3 months?! I've never given any vitamin that long to work, but I'll stick to what I'm taking now and hopefully I'll see some improvements by the end of the summer.
Well I've been taking GNC hair, skin, and nails along with a One A Day multi and it's been about 3 weeks and I've just started seeing slight results. People have been complimenting me a lot on how "clear" and "clean" my face looks like I have make up on. And since I've never really had acne or anything, I assume the vitamins and the 2.2 liters of water I drink every other day are giving me a glow or something IDK. I also co-washed my hair today and noticed that my hair seemed thicker . . .again IDK. Maybe it's different for everybody?
Generally, I would say 3 months (the average). Except for when I take Biotin. It usually starts taking effect the same week that I begin using it! The growth & the itching!:spinning: