How long for a Wash & Curl ?!!?


Well-Known Member
A woman stuck her head into a hair salon and asked, “How
long before I can get a wash & curl?'

The beautician looked around the salon full of customers
and said, “about 2 hours.' The woman left.
A few days later, the same woman stuck her head in the
door and asked, ' how long before I can get a
wash & curl?'

The beautician looked around at the salon and said,”
about 3 hours.' The woman left.
A week later, the same woman stuck her head in the salon
and asked, ' How long before I can get a wash &

The beautician looked around the salon and said, “about
a hour and a half.' The woman left.

The beautician turned to her girlfriend and said, “Hey
Juanita, do me a favor.

Follow that woman and see where she goes. She keeps
asking how long she has to wait for a wash & curl,
but then she doesn't ever come back.'

A little while later, Juanita returned to the salon, laughing

The beautician asked, 'So, where does that woman go when
she leaves?'

Juanita looked up, wiped the tears from her eyes and
said, 'Your man's house!'
Whoaaaaaaaaa OMGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Funny as all heck but I'd be done ripped this sistah up, if she was messing with MY man, dagnabit!!!!!