How long does your hair stay moisturized after heat usage?(flat ironing)


Active Member
My hair seems to dry out by day 2 after I wash, dc, rollerset and then flat iron. I apply jojoba oil on my ends and it still doesnt help unless I apply so much that it weighs my hair down.

Does anyone have any tips? Also, how long does your hair stay moist after heat usage?
The few times that I've flat-ironed, I noticed that my hair retained moisture better. My stylist will do it with a chi iron and some Sebastion shine product. I only have to moisturize/seal a few times during the week if I'm flat-ironed, opposed to daily with my rollerset. I'm not sure why, though.
I try not to let it get to that point. I'll wait to day 2 or 3 to start lightly moisturizing w/ coconut oil (every other night) before I wrap my hair for bed time. By the second week, I halt on the coconut moisturizing and start lightly applying a hair butter to my ends. This helps keep my hair moisturized and smooth, without feeling/getting dry.

By the end of the second week, I wash...LOL I can't go more than two weeks w/o washing b/c I swear my scalp starts itching.
My hair seems to dry out by day 2 after I wash, dc, rollerset and then flat iron. I apply jojoba oil on my ends and it still doesnt help unless I apply so much that it weighs my hair down.

Does anyone have any tips? Also, how long does your hair stay moist after heat usage?

3-4 days after, I striaghten my hair with a little bit of regular condish, and through out the week i put a little on my ends and I oil my scalp and ends with coconut oil.
What do you use to rollerset and flatiron your hair because in my opinion jojoba oil doesn't add moisture to hair.
When I heat style my hair, I am not so generous with the leave-in's as my hair is fine and easily weighed down. I try to put my faith in the DC prior to the flat iron or blow dryer as an important source of my hair's moisture level. I do a DC focusing on moisture and then apply a liquid leave in and heat protectant. I maintain for the rest of the week with some oil or blend of oils, usually Qhemet Biologics hydrating balm. I love that stuff. The hair stays moist until wash day, it's great. :grin:

I really am inclined to think successful heat usage rests on a quality deep conditioner. Works for me.
My hair will stay moisturized all week unless I neglect to wear my satin bonnet to bed.

I too agree with the ladies that said deep conditioning prior to flatironing is important to help keep moisture.
My hair will stay moisturized all week unless I neglect to wear my satin bonnet to bed.

I too agree with the ladies that said deep conditioning prior to flatironing is important to help keep moisture.

Co-signing :yep:

And I also add that doing a hot oil treatment prior to washing helps me, and using a heat protectant :weird:
when I was regularly flat ironing my hair stayed moisturized for the full week.
I would use regular shampoo conditioner a blowdrying leave in/heat protector then i'd flat iron apply a light hair serum like razac or my fave salerm silk touch serum.

hair smooth and moisturized never dry.
i dont flat iron often but when i do i always use either aveda humectant or chi silk infusion and it keeps my hair nice and moisturized.
It stays moisturized for 3 days...Which is why I only flat iron for length checks and 1 or 2 holidays out of the year. When I do flat iron though I use TJ nourish spa (a teeeeeny weeeny bit) mixed with coconut oil on the ends afterward.