How long does your hair have to be to have cornrowed extensions??


Well-Known Member
I know that you need about 3 inches to cornrow your natural hair but how long does it have to be when adding cornrow extensions (just at the front) to the fold like Alicia Keys early style??

Glad you made this thread b/c I have question about cornrowing too. :) Your hair definitely looks long enough for the extensions. There's more than enough hair for them to start with. Also, do you all wash and moisturize your hair before going to a braiding salon or do they do that?
Thank you Hidden Angel:)

^^ Curry GyalI dont know for sure but I have read that you cant get extensions dont when theyve been washed or damp because once they are done you hair would shrink and the Braids would be too tight:(

Im not sure about the moisturising tho:confused:
tickledpinkies said:
I know that you need about 3 inches to cornrow your natural hair but how long does it have to be when adding cornrow extensions (just at the front) to the fold like Alicia Keys early style??


You have enough to get cornrow extentions, but make sure they are not too tight! I think I will have enough hair to braid my own hair by the end of Aug. How to you wear your hair now?
currygyal said:
Glad you made this thread b/c I have question about cornrowing too. :) Your hair definitely looks long enough for the extensions. There's more than enough hair for them to start with. Also, do you all wash and moisturize your hair before going to a braiding salon or do they do that?
Some salon will want to wash your hair to make sure you got it really clean or so they could charge you for the wash. My cousin doesn't like to have people come in with their hair washed already because some people don't know how to wash their hair right. I think if they look at your hair and tell that you really got it clean, then you should be fine. I know african braidshops don't really wash your hair unless it is really dirty.
shortdub78 said:
You have enough to get cornrow extentions, but make sure they are not too tight! I think I will have enough hair to braid my own hair by the end of Aug. How to you wear your hair now?

I know, my mum has a thing for doing braids TIGHT and its her hair stylist I might have to go to see. This woman told me she really "grips the hair good" so Im going to have to remind her not to do it too tight:eek:

I have my hair in lil twists but I was taking some pictures a few weeks ago and just decided in the moment to balance some extension hair on my head (in my siggy) and everyone thought it suit me so Im thinking of getting it done for real.

Only thing Im worried about is if it goes wrong and it breaks off:perplexed