How long does it take you to rollerset?


New Member
I need some encouragement. I still dread rollersetting because of how long it takes me to do it. It has gotten better though, it used to take me sometimes 2 hours and I was shoulder length. The last time I did it, it took me a little over 40mins, and my hair is almost APL. My goal is to reduce it to 20mins no matter the length of my hair but I don't if that is possible. Rollersetting pros with long hair will probably know that's possible. What has helped me a bit so far is not to over think and to make sure I fully detangle before I start to reduce the amount of combing while doing it.

How long did it take you when you started rollersetting and how long was your hair then?
How long does it take you now and what is your current length?
How did you improve (if you did)?
From start to finish, it always take me about 3 hours. It's always been that way since I started in 2001. I am BSL.
When I was transitioning and bsl it took me about 35 minutes to rollerset and I could never stay under the dryer for it to dry. I bought a rollabout dryer and im fully natural nearing apl. I have perfected my rollersets and am able to do it in 20 minutes and its dry after 45 minutes under my babyliss thermal ionic hooded dryer. My hair is thick so I think thats pretty good. With rollersets practice does make perfect so the more u do it the better at it u will get. I started doing rollersets about a month before I big chopped and my hair was almost bsl but only about 3.5 inches of that was relaxed/texlaxed ends and rollersetting wasnt as bad as I thought once I got the hang of it.

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It takes me 30 minutes to put them in and an hour to dry.. Since I discovered a larger mesh roller, my drying time might even be slightly less.

I never quite got the hang of magnetic rollers. The few times I tried with them I would give up after 30-40 minutes of trying to keep a few of them stable. I really want to master using these though so I could use even larger rollers than what I'm using now.
I actually timed myself this week, and it took me 45 minutes. The reason why is because I apply my leave in by my sections and I wash in braids. So tending to that takes a bit of extra time, unbraiding each part, apply the leave ins and then combing through. I usually sit under the dryer for 1 hour and 15 minutes. So that all totals 2 hours.
Forever and ever and ever.....I'm really going to put the effort in to practice starting 2012! You ladies are super fast (compared to me)
1 - 1/2 hours, but it would be less time if I wouldnt try to perfect each roller. Most of the time its because my hair doesn't fit on the roller. I wish I could find wider rollers.