how long do you wear a flat ironed style or wrap


Well-Known Member
I almost tempted to wash it tonight but I am too tired. I washed it last Wednesday and wore it wrapped the first 3 days and have been rolling it on flexirods the rest of the time. It looks a little limp to me. How do you get flat ironed hair to not look so limp and fine after the first few days. I may wrap again tonight for work tomorrow versus rolling it.
I loosely bun it at the very top of my head every night then put a bonnet on top. I last about a week & a half with my hair straight.
I think cross-wrapping may help.

Something I found that helps is that I don't wrap it at all. I just sleep on my satin pillow case and that's enough for me. I run my fingers through it the next day and keep it moving.
Dry shampoo! It's not something you want to use everyday because it's drying, but it could really save an old flat ironed style. I think I used to use a Suave one when I was relaxed.
I recently stopped wrapping it at night. I have it up in a flat clip. I like a little volume in mine. The only reason it's this flat it to take length check pics tomorrow.
Usually 4-7 days I keep my hair straight and I wrap nightly. My hair doesn't hang the way I like if I don't wrap. I need to check out some cross wrap tutorials as I am not familiar with this method.
I can get away with my wraps for about 2 weeks... When I'm lazy, I stretch them to the 3rd week. My scalp doesn't flake as long as I keep up with my M&S... By the end of the 3rd week, I actually can tell there's no body left in the style, but it's still workable! I just make sure I wrap it every night... I don't go more than 3 weeks without washing and starting all over again. That's when I DO flatiron. I don't use heat often, so when I DO, I like to keep my straight hair as long as possible... :yep:
I wear my blowouts for up to two weeks. I cross wrap at night, moisturize daily and I use dry shampoo when my hair gets to oily
8days -2 weeks is my limit because I cannot go longer than that without washing my hair. In fact, 2 weeks is pushing it. I have to wash my hair after 7 days at least.
I don't wrap anymore. I high-bun it or braid it. I wash my hair every 4-7 days. My hair is oily after 2-3 days. How quickly I wash depends on my laziness and can't stand the slick feeling I have, LOL!
If I can make it past 1 or 2 days I'm doing good. I hate styling my straightened hair, it's too much and it's all over the place. I always end up dampening it and doing a braid out or twist out.
When I wear my hair straight, it usually lasts for about 2wks. I maintain the style by cross wrapping & not M&S everyday b/c it makes my hair weighed down & limp looking. If my hair absolutely need moisture then I baggy ONLY the ends of my hair by wearing pigtails and wrapping shower caps on the ends of the pigtails. I either leave it on for about 2hrs or overnight depending on if my hair is really dry.
I almost tempted to wash it tonight but I am too tired. I washed it last Wednesday and wore it wrapped the first 3 days and have been rolling it on flexirods the rest of the time. It looks a little limp to me. How do you get flat ironed hair to not look so limp and fine after the first few days. I may wrap again tonight for work tomorrow versus rolling it.

I can get away with 2 weeks of body with my flat ironed hair by 1. ONLY using my moisturizer (I do not seal with an oil), 2. Using it daily but VERY lightly and concentrating most of it on my ends, and 3. not applying the moisturizer too close to my scalp because it contributes to your hair going limp, especially if you have fine hair or an oily scalp.

Using a light but very moisturizing hair moisturizer helps. I use and LOVE the purabody naturals sapote hair lotion. Absorbs well and leaves my hair light and bouncy.
How r u ladies moisturizg your flatiron? Doesnt it revert?

I do use oil on my flatiron before i go to bed. I dont like to wrap so i will either use flexirods or pincurl
Mine can last up to to 3 weeks but I try not to go that long.

Yep...same here. Mine can last up to 3 weeks as well but I wouldn't dare go that long anymore. Normally around days 8-10, it loses the "oomph" factor so I'll just go ahead and wash.

I'll lubricate the ends and edges every 3 days or so with either Carol's Daughter Hair Balm or coconut oil. My moisture comes from the deep conditioning process before the actual flat iron.