How long do you wait for a touch up?

Alrighty then...
I've been doing a CO wash once a week and shampoo once a week. I'm going to start the every other day CO and see how it works.

Do you take MSM? If so, how much? I currently take 1,000 mcg. It was doing a great job in the beginning of keeping my new growth wavy but now I guess I'm getting more new growth and it's OVER POWERING the MSM!!!
I used to do every 14weeks BUT since i started the vitamin regime i have to do every 8weeks cause i cant care for the new growth as id like to and it always gets knotty.
Alright Pandora,

I shampooed this weekend and OH LAWD... what a mess my hair is!! It's even rougher than it was before. I conditioned with Humecto and the Humecto just couldn't handle this wool!!
I'm scared to wet it again!
I feel like I used to feel when I was a little girl without a perm (you know them good ole press and curl days). I would go into a panic when it would rain because I knew my hair would shrivel right up! I'm there again!!
I guess I can't go past 6 weeks.
hwell: Can't wait for Saturday!

Oh yeah, I guess my 1,000 mcg of MSM isn't handling the job anymore either. Soft newgrowth?? What's that?