How long do you steam?


Well-Known Member
Well, I do not have money to buy a steamer, I held my head over a boiling pot of water with DC in my hair and a towel over the back of my head to hold some of the steam in.:spinning: It muct have been ten mintues tops, got uncomfomrotable under there. Do I really need longer?
I usually steam for 30mn. But I just got this gr8 hair steamer on ebay for $119 and free shipping. I would personally recommend saving and getting one. Plus by the way you described your steaming process, it sounds dangerous. I wouldn't want boiling water on me or any kind of accident involving boiling water.

There is such a great difference between a hooded bonnet and steam. I can steam every night, it feels so good.
I usually steam for 30mn. But I just got this gr8 hair steamer on ebay for $119 and free shipping. I would personally recommend saving and getting one. Plus by the way you described your steaming process, it sounds dangerous. I wouldn't want boiling water on me or any kind of accident involving boiling water.

There is such a great difference between a hooded bonnet and steam. I can steam every night, it feels so good.

I see your point, I was pretty careful with it. Thanks for your concern.
Have you ever steamed for less time?
I just started steaming. I steamed today for an hour. The max time on my steamer is 30 mins though.

I just got a roll around steamer off of Ebay also for $125/free shipping and I love it.
I steam with my steamer for 1 hour. There was a thread were some one used a facial steamer and turned the nozzle towards a hooded dryer to get the same effect as a steamer. A facial steamer cost about $45. a hair steamer cost $100.
well i've dubbed myself the MacGuyver of hair care lol, i just put a wet wash rag on my hair before i put on my shower cap, and sit under the dryer for 30 minutes. I may get a steamer one day but for now this method is working just fine.
30 minutes I enjoy my steamer thanks IDARET :) LOL
I love the silky feeling my hair has after rinsing it out. Awesome!
30 minutes twice weekly although when I'm doing a combined protein/moisture treatment it's more like 45 minutes.