How Long Do You Pre-Rinse Your Hair?


New Member
For some reason, this is my favorite part of my wash time - standing under the shower and rinsing my hair well before applying shampoo. I feel I'm loosing up a lot of the dirt this way. And it feels wonderful. I timed myself the last time out of curiosity. I pre-rinse about three to four minutes. How long do you pre-rinse? Do you experience any benefits pre-rinsing for a longer period of time?
No benefits i can think of... i just LOVE feeling the water in my hair... i think i'm under for about 3 mins before i shampoo.
Since I do my hair in sections, I'd say about 2 minutes for each half. I don't want to rinse all of the conditioner out (I guess that's my pre treatment).
When I think about it, the benefit I'm getting standing under the flow longer is a cleaner scalp and hair, at least it seems that way. And no tangles.
I pre-rinse for about 2-3 minutes...I dont really think about enjoying it
I guess mine takes about 2 minutes as well. I have a lot of new growth and I flat iron my hair every week after poos & airdrying so when i wash it, I basically wait until the straight hair reverts to its natural state...make sense?!?! HTH!!!