how long do you let your deep conditioner sit?


Well-Known Member
This is how i deep condition:

every week i apply my conditioner of choice (usually aveda DR) and cover with a plastic cap for 10-15... i use the heat/steam from the shower to process it and rinse.

every 4-6 weeks i do aphogee, step out the shower and sit under the dryer with it for 20 minutes until its rock hard.

I hate getting in and out the shower...
Sometimes, it depends on what else in happening in the house, but I try to make time twice a week for two deep conditioning treatments. On Wednesday evenings, 30 minutes; on Sundays two 30 minute treatments, one light protein and one moisture. A few days before a relaxer touch up, I do the ApHogee treatment for however long it takes to dry, usually about 30ish minutes followed by an hour in a bag with a moisturizing deep conditioner.
I deep condition for about 15-20 mins and then I let it cool off before I rinse w/ cold water. So altogether about 30 mins.
I like letting my Motions CPR sit overnight, however, letting it sit for a few minutes while I’m bathing works pretty well.
Mild protein 30-45 min w/heat and moisturizing for 30+ min w/heat. Doing this back to back puts me at about 1hr & 15 min total.
After reading these post looks like I don't stay under the dryer long enough...I deep condition for aboout 10 minutes but now I'm going to stay on a little longer...thanks ladies!
Check the little tweeks for big results thread -


15 minutes with heat
reapply to ends, edges, and demarcation line for 15 minutes with heat
reapply to same and 15 minutes with heat

I am going to give this a try next deep conditioner - it sounds like a great idea.
I put it in and go about my business at home for the day--so several hours with one of those body heat conditioner caps.
At least 30 minutes with heat, but I try to do 45 minutes to an hour. This has made a big difference for my hair.

This is me here. I try to get in 45 min. to an hour, but sometimes I only sit for 30 min.

For protein though, if I'm using Motions CPR, I only do 5 min. w/ heat because, for some reason, that acts as a heavy protein treatment for my hair. But if I'm using henna, I sit for an hour or more with heat, and if I'm using an egg-mixed treatment, I do an hour w/ no heat. (Don't want the egg to cook!)
Unless I am overnighting it, I like to do at least 30 minutes with heat. My hair loves it. It an be annoying but it is definitely worth for me. My hair turns out so much better. :grin:
45 minutes to an hour with a hot wet towel and a plastic cap or 30 minutes under the dryer with or without the hot towel.