Do you replace your oils or use them for however long it takes to use the bottle up?

  • I only use for 6 Months then replace!

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How long do you use your oils for? Do you keep using them until they run out, even if that takes one year, two years, five years, however many years that takes until the bottle is used up? :lol: Do you replace often, say after a specific time, even if you still have a lot left in the bottle? Or do you replace only if it smells funny? Can oils even smell funny, I think so but I'm not sure? :lol: Some oils claim to have a shelf life expectancy or a Best if used by date.

What's your take on it?

ETA: I was wondering if a bottle of Wheat Germ Oil I've had for a while is still good. Aslo, I'm adding some (ceramide) oils to my lineup so I was thinking more oils in my mixtures means each one gets used up a lot slower than when i just used one or two oils. Also, when I order oils, I usually double up on bottles so the shipping is worth it and I don't waste money re-ordering one bottle and paying shipping again. :look:
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I only replace it if it smells funny. And yes oil can smell funny. I am using them primarily for a sealant and they can continue to seal properly long after the date. If I were cooking with them it would be a different case.
I don't purchase oils in large quantities, so I don't worry about them going bad. I use food grade safflower oil that doubles as my sealant and hot oil treatment.
The oils that I buy get used up in a the span of a few months. My hair loves them enough that I use them on a frequent basis. When I first started transitioning I bought a bunch of oils and didn't like most of them. After a little while I found ways to cook with them or use them for my body.
If it smells I throw it out. I can run threw most bottles in less than 6 months. The only oil I've had to toss was coconut oil...which I wasn't a fan of anyway.
I use it till the bottle is empty! On the other hand, my oils get used a lot so it doesn't take more than a year or two to finish a bottle. Coconut, and castor oil especially, get used up very quickly.
Same as post Posters. I tend to use them reasonably fast (especially with the Oil Challenge, that helps). So, I'd say within a year?

I did find a few oils I had transferred into applicator bottles and didn't label them and don't remember how long I've had them, so my plan is to use them this Winter over my DC'er w/Steam.

I think 1 is Wheat Germ and I have no idea what the other one is? Maybe Sunflower, Safflower or something.:nono:

I have blends that I also use:
Hairveda Cocosta
Hairveda Avosoya
Hydratherma Naturals
Marie Dean Blends (Argan & Babbasu)
Trigger Growth Elixir
Brown Butter Beauty Neem Oil
Purabody Sapote

Several Spritz:
Darcy's Botanicals
Shea Moisture Restorative Elixir

I'm completely out of Extra Dark JBCO and I'd love to have a bottle. Maybe I'll treat myself to a bottle for Christmas.:lick:
I have not had an issue with using oils. I use them on myself and my daughter so they get used pretty frequent.
For me, it would depend upon the shelf life of a given oil and the manner in which it is stored. I always refrigerate and use up fragile oils within a year of purchase (i.e., almond, apricot kernel, grapeseed, hempseed, macadamia, pumpkin seed, rice bran, sesame, emu) and take my time with the stable ones, like fractionated coconut, jojoba and castor. I also add some vitamin E to my oils to extend their shelf lives.

Just looking at @PJaye list, I forgot I have:nono::

Sweet Almond
Afroveda's Shikakai Oil
*And a Rice Brand on the way from Afroveda.
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Just looking at @PJaye list, I forgot I have:nono::

Sweet Almond
Afroveda's Shikakai Oil
*And a Rice Brand on the way from Afroveda.


Girl, you got some goodies collecting dust in that massive PJ arsenal of yours. Don’t you let that emu oil expire because it’s a wonderful, unicorn kinda oil – not only does it have the ability to penetrate all layers of the hair shaft and skin, but it will bring other additives and nutrients that are included with it along for the ride for deeper penetration. If it’s near its expiration date, I recommend that you add a tablespoon of it to all of the DCs in your rotation; in addition to sprinkling some on the national deficit. That stuff is magical.:lol:
Girl, you got some goodies collecting dust in that massive PJ arsenal of yours. Don’t you let that emu oil expire because it’s a wonderful, unicorn kinda oil – not only does it have the ability to penetrate all layers of the hair shaft and skin, but it will bring other additives and nutrients that are included with it along for the ride for deeper penetration. If it’s near its expiration date, I recommend that you add a tablespoon of it to all of the DCs in your rotation; in addition to sprinkling some on the national deficit. That stuff is magical.:lol:

Gurl...Not the Unicorn.:blush:....:lol:
New Directions and FromNatureWithLove have guidelines for oil shelf life. I buy large quantities and refrigerate them. So far, no problems.

I really, really like it.

A tab more robust. Most definitely worth trying. I absolutely hate I ran out.:ohwell:

Will continue to purchase the Extra Dark as oppose to the Regular.
I just threw out 7 bottles that had gone stale during my lazy stage, they all smelt bad, had them for 2 years or maybe just a little over for some of them. Today I went out and bought carrot and papaya oils as they were the ones I really loved of those that were thrown out. I also bought an avocado oil as I really want to try it and compare it to the avocado, including the bottle of hot 6 oil that I already have in my stash, that's 4 bottles. When I use EVOO, I take it out of the kitchen so that never get's the chance to go bad.

ETA: I think if I'm consistent with my use of oils (I use them for mixing my prepoos, HOT's and sealing) it will take me about 6-12 months to finish the 4 bottles I have in my stash.
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Oils can last a long time, especially, if you don't keep them in your bathroom. The best place is in a cool, dry place. I make soap, lotion, and other bath and beauty products and have used many kinds of oils. They do last after the due date but will smell funny if you've kept them around too long. I use my personal oils until they begin to smell strange; I usually date them, also.
Depends on the shelf-life. I use grapeseed and coconut oil to cook as well so that gets used up in a few months between food and hair.

I use meadowfoam seed oil on my hair and body and it has a three year shelf life (two years left for a 16 oz bottle) so I am not worried about it.

I have JBCO that I will begin using in my ayurvedic treatments so I am sure it will be done in 6 months to a year, but it is also a relatively stable oil.
I have learned over the years to not lose my mind and buy too much oil all at once. I bought some quarts of sunflower oil about 2 years ago and I knew I wasn't going to use them up in a timely fashion, so I dumped them. But for oil blends like Vatika Frosting and Hair Trigger, I'd probably keep them indefinitely.
I cook with my EVOO EVCO and grapeseed. I also use them on myself and my daughter, so they get used quickly. JBCO is used on edges and ends and lasts a little longer.

I think oils can get stale because they smell funny after a while.

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Oh wow. I've had this coconut oil for yearrrrsss. I mean yeeearrrs. It doesn't smell but I guess its time to get some more. I'll pick up some on my next trip to WalMart and throw this jar out.
everyone should should use most oils within a year and keep them in cool dark place like a fridge. olive, coconut, castor are a few that have a longer shelf life. i am not a fan of refined oils which would likely last longer cause they are stripped of most of their nutrients and are laden with chemicals like hexanes.
I never had an oil to smell....
I've had "grease" in the jars for maybe 5 yrs but they never smell...... + I won't replace it if I had it that long....
I choose use it til its gone. I only use a few oils on my hair and I only buy 1 or 2 bottles at a time. It never takes me a year to use up an oil.
What's your take on it?
I am somewhat of a minimalist and do usually buy small bottles of oil at one time. For instance, I only buy Silk Dreams Nourish Oil one bottle at a time (I use this on hair, skin and nails).

I don't have a "hair oil" per se, with the exception of Vatika Hair Oil (I usually buy the itty bitty bottle of this, too). All the oils in my home are multi-purpose. For example, I use extra virgin olive and coconut oils to eat, use my hair, skin, and nails.

These small 2-4 ounce bottles of oils I keep usually last 3-4 months.

I usually keep olive oil at 16 ounce bottles at one time. Again, I am too much of a minimalist to keep a gallon tin of evoo in the house, regardless of the cost savings.