How long do I wait to relax after my braids/sew is taken out?


Well-Known Member
I have mucho plans for my hair after I take out my weave. I want to relax then color. How long do I wait in between? and how long do I wait to relax?
This is gonna help me a lot. Thanks ladies.
I would wait at least 2 weeks before I relax so that the hair wont go into shock. I would make sure I have detangled, washed and rollerset it also (if you know how). I'm not sure about the colour if you are reffering to perm colour. If its semi-perm colour like Rage and React or Adore, i use them straight after the relaxer...

God bless
I am currently in braids and caring for them the C & G way and I will be waiting at least 2 to 2 and a half weeks before I relax. In the mean time, I will be deep conditioning at least every 3 days and protein treating and clarifying about 5 days before my relaxer.