How long did you transition before you BC'd?


Active Member
Hi ladies, I am a newbie and I have been transitioning for 7 months now. I am thinking of doing the BC after one year. What did you do? Please share pics if you have some! Thanks!!!!
I transitioned for about 3 months.


I cut about 3 inches off back in February 08 . If you chop now, you're going to have enough hair to have various styles. The first couple months, the only style I was able to do was finger coils.
I guess I shouldn't be answering this question since I haven't BCed yet or ever plan to. I don't know the exact date that I stopped relaxing (prehair boards), but I think it's going on two years and I'm still transitioning. :lachen:
14 months. My plan was to transition for 18 months, but for the health of my hair, I chopped early.
I didn't. I went my usual 4-5 months between relaxer touchups. Only instead of relaxing, I cut it off. I had a good 4 inches of growth, I cut it down to 2.
I have been transitioning for 14 months. My last relaxer was April 17 2007
My plan is to transition for 2 years but that is starting to look like an unrealistic goal.

With the help of Denver Girl, I plan to make it all the way to December 2008.
Then it will be time to re-evaluate and possibly chop.

My photos are in my album.

Do you have any hair photos to post? I'd love to see your hair.
I'll be chopping in September ... which will make it an 18-month transition for me.
13 months, but the original plan was 18 months. I did one mini chop for some raggedy thin relaxed ends about 6 months post. I have the pics in my fotki
I transitioned for 22.5 months. I wanted to wait 2 years exactly, but I didn't see the point of holding onto the few relaxed ends that I had any longer (I did mini-chops every couple of months to slowly build up to the BC and also it was easier to maintain).

My fotki is in my profile