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How long did it take to perfect your hair care routine?

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to learn to properly care for your hair?

How long did it take before you worked out all the kinks (no pun intended) and put a stop to the majority of "setbacks" so that hair care is now smooth sailing?
I'd say it took me about 18 months, or so - just to actually learn my hair. It took another 6 months or so, after that, for my hair to fully respond to all the goodgood I was giving it, so that it feels like 'coasting'. I still meddle with my routine though, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.
two years and still learning:lachen:i just had a little set back cause by rolllers on my temples:blush:i will be glad when i never have any set some people. :yep:if it can be done:lachen::rolleyes:
Maybe 1 month.
My major setbacks came in the form of dry hair and ripping it out with little combs and rough brushes.
Once I learned to moisturize and to be more gentle when combing and brushing, I was good to go.
I already had protective styles down.
It took me well over a year and I'm definitely still learning. I never really learned how to properly care for my relaxed hair though. That was a lost cause...
When I first went natural, I had no clue as to what to do with my hair.
It took me 2 years of experimenting and major setbacks before I figured out how to take care of my natural hair.
Not only am I still learning about hair but I'm still very challenged by what is best for my natural hair. Maybe this is the reason that I'm still not at APL:rolleyes:
I've been here since 2006 and I'm still learning everyday.
to learn to properly care for your hair?

How long did it take before you worked out all the kinks (no pun intended) and put a stop to the majority of "setbacks" so that hair care is now smooth sailing?

In my teens I didn't have a clue about my relaxed hair and had many set backs. I finally figured it out in my early 20's, but due to laziness I started letting stylists do my hair which led to a bunch of set backs in my late 20's/early 30's. Now that I'm 100% natural I am re-learning my hair. I do my own hair and stay away from all chemicals so I am doing a better job at taking care of my hair. I'm not saying stay away from relaxers, but it just didn't fit into my life anymore
I have to say I don't have a regimen i stick to Because i switch products depending on how my hair feels.

What I have been doing for years is deep conditioning with products from my homeland....Dominicana....:drunk:

oh and i am a product junkie.
I have to say I don't have a regimen i stick to Because i switch products depending on how my hair feels.

What I have been doing for years is deep conditioning with products from my homeland....Dominicana....:drunk:

oh and i am a product junkie.
I always had a regimen even before I came to this board, and it always worked for me. My family has always been set on healthy hair practices and mostly everyone has long hair. My hair was midback but a weave messed it up. When I came her I took everyones advice on what I should do and ended up doing everything suggested to my hair. It took me about a month to realize what my regimen was before was fine and I went back to it. Once I went natural I had researched natural regimens and transitioned for so long that I didn't change much. I would just wash,deep condition, condition, put some leave in on and go. That worked for me and still does. I straighten more now and it did take me about 3 months to find a "straight-hair natural" regimen that works for me but I did. I know what my hair likes and what works for my hair and I have just learned not to jump on every bandwagon on the board and not to try everything thrown out there.
I am 16 months into this and I am still learning. I havent had any setbacks so far and I am thankful for that. My main thing is to just leave it alone....
Not bumped, just nudged really...

Hi! Thanks for the nudge! :grin:

I think at some point, all regimens need tweaking as we change (greying) and as our environment changes. I've been natural for four years and initially, I was clueless. After one or two setbacks and trial-and-error, my regi is in a better place but I still seek ways to improve it.
I say a little less than a year. When I got to this board, I read everything that talked about hair care...regimen, products, growth aids, etc. I learned pretty quick that most of the ladies hair that I admired (relaxed and natural) didn't jump on bandwagons, or use a lot of unconventional growth aids. They kept things pretty simple. So my biggest hurdles where finding products that worked on my hair, taking my time detangling and realizing that if I concentrated on the health of my hair the length/growth part would take care of itself. Learning these things gave me the confidence to bc knowing that the length will return.
Almost two years and still tweakin it. Hair is so complicated :perplexed
Almost two years and still tweakin it. Hair is so complicated :perplexed

Manufacturers changing and discontinuing product lines doesn't help either. :ohwell:

Keeping it simple is usually best, but even this must be done in moderation. Although we still make tweaks, after a certain amount of time, our regimens should be pretty well established.

My regimen hasn't changed a whole lot from when I first began caring for my own hair. I actually struggle with laziness (ie not wanting to moisturize EVERY night, not wanting to "style" on non-wash days), more than anything else.

With all the "this is what I did to succeed" threads, I just keep telling myself, "damp to the touch, damp to the touch" to keep me going! :grin:
I will say 6 -1 year. With trial and error and minor setback and new products. Im still using new products but I have the basics down know.