How long did it take you to master...


New Member
the art of rollersetting???

I ask because today was my second attempt and although it was better than my first, it is no where near where I want to be.

I looked like an eight year old who's mom had done her hair for picture day. Not a pretty look. :nono: It was pretty bad. My SO came home from work and was like "Baby, maybe you can just comb it out."

I was able to comb it back into a pony tail, but I'm just wondering how many weeks should I expect my rollersets to turn out like this.
You just have to keep at it, and it'll get easier with time. I've been rollersetting since I was a teenager, so I've had lots of practice. The more you do it, the easier it will be and the better your sets will come out. :)
Honestly, I was able to master it when I begn using the magnetic rollers with the covers. I can;t work the duck pins. But practice does make perfect and be patient, one section at a time--bird by bird.
it took me a YEAR before i got good at it and was able to wear it out as is, w/o combing it out or wrapping.
I never really mastered it and was never able to get it to be as good as they do it as the Dominican salons, which is another reason why I am happy that I airdry now. It is just a lot less manipulation of my hair.
Practice! I used to dry set using mesh rollers (they're easier to sleep on) with the end wraps. When it came time to wet set, I had the technique down pat.

:up: Good luck!
I don't remember exactly how long it took me, but the more I did a roller set, the better I got. For me, it's much easier to roller set my hair on mesh rollers.
I've been watching my mom rollerset her hair for over a decade, but just now started doing it to my own hair (used to be a blowdryer!) about 6 months ago. It was a disaster at first, but I just know got a lil technique down. It isn't super perfect, but I do see a big improvement in time and tightness/placement of the rollers.
it took me about a month. it all depends on how you roll up your hair and how many sections and which way you roll your hair. even after some of the best times I did rollersets, there are still times my rollersets don't come out the way I like them.
It took me a long time, but I wasn't as serious about it at first.

When I got serious and stopped worrying about how perfect the rollerset looked, I got faster and ironically the rollersets did look much better.
It took me years until I joined a hair discussion board. I just couldn't get the clips to stay in! Now I'm a pro. :D
I still haven't really mastered the art of rollersetting at least not with magnetic rollers. Funny thing is I can use flexi rods like nobody's business but magnetic rollers forget about it. I think if I was more patient with them I would learn but you'll get it.
The more you do it, the better and faster it will be. Maybe go get a pro to do one and watch her really close. Don't let her turn you away from the mirror so that you can see what she does.
Still perfecting but it has taken me nearly eight months to get it close to right (knowing the right amount of leave in to use, right roller size, etc.).
It took me about a year to actually master rollersetting. I mean it took me no time to learn how to put the rollers in, but sometimes my set didn't come out right because I was using too much setting lotion or sometimes I would have to go over my curls with the curling iron afterwards. Now after I take out my rollers I can wrap up my hair and when I unwrap it ,it's nice and silky without having to use direct heat afterwards.
brownsugarbabe said:
the art of rollersetting???

I ask because today was my second attempt and although it was better than my first, it is no where near where I want to be.

I looked like an eight year old who's mom had done her hair for picture day. Not a pretty look. :nono: It was pretty bad. My SO came home from work and was like "Baby, maybe you can just comb it out."

I was able to comb it back into a pony tail, but I'm just wondering how many weeks should I expect my rollersets to turn out like this.

Using the silver clips I could never quite get it right. Now when I rollerset at home I use the clips the magnetic rollers come with. Its never like the Domicans but it is still comes out nice (I add WGO to my wet hair b4 rolling). Then I wrap it and put a silk scarf on with Mizani oil sheen and comb it down after a comes out good.
I'm kinda scared to try my first rollerset... maybe I should start off using the largest rollers. I'm not sure if that's the purple colored ones or the grey ones. If i try doing the yellow and pink rollers, I'll never finish. But practice makes perfect. Or so I've heard. :look:
I started rollersetting my hair in middle school. I just tried it one night when my mom's back was out (she used to roll my hair) and I got it right on the first try. However, rollersetting is a challenge for me now because I no longer want the same effect as I wanted when I was in middle school. It's hard for me to acheive certain looks that I see others getting with roller sets. I always end up with some 1950's looking style.
brownsugarbabe said:
the art of rollersetting???

I ask because today was my second attempt and although it was better than my first, it is no where near where I want to be.

I looked like an eight year old who's mom had done her hair for picture day. Not a pretty look. :nono: It was pretty bad. My SO came home from work and was like "Baby, maybe you can just comb it out."

I was able to comb it back into a pony tail, but I'm just wondering how many weeks should I expect my rollersets to turn out like this.

First of all, I think it depends on the rollers you use. Magnetic rollers are easier to use, IMO.

Second, practice, practice, practice. I used to rollerset my mother's hair every weekend and I used to watch at the salon when they set other people's hair so that's how I learned to do mine.

I have a set of magnetic rollers different sizes and also the rollers where you use a pin to fix them (don't know what you call those) but I find the magnetic rollers easier because with e pin rollers sometimes I put the pin in too tight and it hurts.
Well, I cant remember at this point because its been about 3 years I've been doing them but I remember it took a few months , it was more due to my expectations and my patience....

I could get the rollers in but not tight enough, not secure enough...when I finally relaxed and did them my way I found i liked my results ( some times better than the salon....I get more volume at home) But all that to say....BE Patient :)

These things helped me:

1. WATER, WATER , a spray bottle....As of recently, I mix with a detangling solution ( Patene Light detangler, now Keracare foamwrap...but I miss Patene, it helped with my tangles)

2. A leave in that MEANS Businesss!!! :) Rusk Smoother for me ( As of recently I mix a serum in there helps me get through my hair quicker and its a heat protector) and Lacio ( hee, hee, I tried this again and I have to say I like what I saw...but that's another topic...

3.TIME, make sure you arent going out in an hour ( so to speak)......I find I need to take my time;make sure you are combing thru you hair slowly and get your hair smooth on the roller, you hair should be wet when you roll up each section, if your hair has dried because you are a slow roller ( like me :))...... you need to wet each section making sure the hair is flat on the magnetic roller (I only use those)

4. Practice, the more you do it the better you get.....thats just how it goes, some people get it (results that is) real quick and for others it takes time.....just keep doing them...... you'll see how quickly you'll gt what you want

Well, I think that's it.....good luck ;)
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I have been rollersetting for years and I do not remeber how long it took me to get a good result. However an important matter is also the length of your hair. With very long hair, it is very difficult to properly roll your hair in the back and in that case you will preferably seek some help from a neighbour or from your boyfriend.....
albane said:
I have been rollersetting for years and I do not remeber how long it took me to get a good result. However an important matter is also the length of your hair. With very long hair, it is very difficult to properly roll your hair in the back and in that case you will preferably seek some help from a neighbour or from your boyfriend.....
That's a good point. I don't have that challenge yet but I may one day...
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