how long did it take you to Flat Twist


New Member
Hi I am newly natural and I was wondering how long did it take relax or natural to learn the method of flat twist. I want to continue to my natural journey. I dont want to be discourage because of the lack of style that I have. Your experience will really help me.

It didn't take long. Just practice practice practice! The more you do it, the better you become. Please, even just regular two strand twists took me a bit before I perfected them. My first ones were a bit wonky lol.
It took me a matter of hours to learn how to flat twist and i was sooooo shocked that i pulled it off because i really don't know how to do hair.

If you really put the effort into it, you can do anything.

I used this video to help me out, im sure there must be other tutorials out there on Youtube.

I've got pics in my Fotki (Feb '08 album) showing what my twists looked like when i first gave it a go.