how long did it take you to achieve your length from SL?


Well-Known Member
It feels like I've been waiting forever. Not exactly sure of my length since I'm in a personal no heat challenge so won't know until end of December but it seems like I've barely retained anything this year! How long did it take to get to where you are from SL?
I'm with you it's taking forever, wanted to be apl by now but it seems like its going to take til the end of the year. I've been protective styling forever and not using heat but my length is not happening!! Someone answer this most valid of questions please!!!
Took me almost two years from SL in september 2011 to WL June 2013. I hope to be somewhere between HL and WL by mid 2014... Working so hard to achieve that!
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Once I stopped going to my good but scissor-happy stylist, it took about 1 year to go from SL to just above BSB. I'm about 2" away from BSL.
Ooooh! So there is hope! Good cause I've been wondering the same thing. I'm trying my best to be patient. Thanks OP for posting this, and thank you ladies for answering!
Ugh that is such a good question. Even though I just started my healthy hair journey this month, I'm already tired of my short hair. I've never had such short hait before so I can't waittttt to be at least APL.
The funny thing is that my hair usually grows so fast, it seems that eversince I started my journey almost a month ago, there hasn't been a difference in length. I guess a watched pot just never boils eh. At least I am on my way to healthier hair :)
I swear l could have written this post. l think it will take me a lot longer to reach apl. Not sure why l feel my hair is growing slow. It doesn't. The majority odds my hair grows half an inch per month. The nape grows a lot slower and is about 3 inches soever than the rest of my hair.

However, l am noticing progress even after a few setbacks so l know why its taking a lot longer due to cuts and lots of trimming.

My hair is longer then its ever been so l am happy about that but l have apl written as a major goal since l have never had had that length before. I know protective styling us the best option for me. Long term protective styling.
it can take a 6 months to a year to get from SL to APL and another year to get to WL. what do you feel might be going on that is causing you not to retain?
4 years from SL to full HL. 1 year was spent learning what my hair wanted & I only gained a little over an inch. After that, things went smoothly.
Jan. 2011 to Oct. 2012 (1 year, 10 months) went from APL to WL. Now HL stretched (lots of NG) as of June 15, 2013. Will be full HL (unstretched) after TU this weekend.
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A year and ten months from SL to WL. I used a sulfur oil mix and protective styled 95% of the time. I hit WL November 2012. Then I eased up on the protective styling and sulfur mix. So I'm whip as of now. If I get back on track I should hit hip by year's end.

Sent from my right hand- I mean my Note 2 lol
SL to APL 6 months. Maybe even less.

APL to BSB 2-3 months.

BSB to BSL - In progress. I'm about two inches to an inch and a half away.

I've decided my hair goal to be WL since I realized I have a big arse head and need the extremely big arse hair to match it :rofl:
it can take a 6 months to a year to get from SL to APL and another year to get to WL. what do you feel might be going on that is causing you not to retain?

I think it's like what someone said upthread, a watched pot never boils. My hair has barely any breakage, I have some shedding, but my regime seems solid and I keep it under a wig. I'm just so tired of SL and it just feels like I'm not retaining--I would pull down a twist (I twist under wigs) and it seems the same length as before.
During my first HHJ, it took me about 7 months from SL to APL and then about another 24 months to reach WL (with many trims). There was a period in there where I maintained at MBL too because that was my goal at first.
slower than average growth and all 2 years from sl to bsb and now about to be on year 3 and I believe I am grazing mbl/wl from pulling some strands

I will also be slowly cutting these bone straight ends. I've been texlaxed for a year and a half now.
Wow you all have super fast growth. It took me 1yr 4months to get from SL to BSL.

SL - APL 7 months

APL - BSB 6 months

BSB - BSL 3 months
I need to stay out of posts like these. Y'all got me all gung ho and thinking about changing my length goals! :grin:

Might try for BSL myself. :scratchch
It took a life time. :sad: Then I started to learn how to care for my hair. Recently though and after a very long shedding period it has taken me 3 years from BCL to Classic. I still have layers that have just made it to TBL. And some area's of my head like my fringe and front sides are still just kreeping up on hip and BCL. I have a huge new growth averaging at 7-8 inches that will have to grow in. Its a journey indeed.
So just take good care and it will keep moving down.:yep:
It took me about 9 months to go from SL to APL. I'm about 1" above BSB now, and it's been almost 2 years since I was SL but I had a setback at the beginning of this year.
I won't get upset......I hit shoulder length in December 2011. I gave myself what I thought was a generous time frame to hit APL. One year. Okay, in December 2012 I had not reached APL. I was astounded. I am not sure why. It is a learning process. I had to do my own length check in July. The front can curl under my arm pit. The back? The back is lagging. It is growing though. There is no point in complaining. I upped my DC's to twice weekly with heat in maybe May. My breakage from last years sengalese twists in the front has regrown, and the crown is still troubled. I do not wear my hair out and only use heat for length checks twice yearly. I have been wearing wigs when out the house for a year.I am happy to do it longer. I am cowashing 2-3 times weekly. I think the co washing has helped tremendously. DivaEsq demonstrated great results in the cowashing thread. I had a recent henna and indigo that has my hair looking great. What can I say? Many are growing better. I need to be diligent with scalp massages and have a prepared oil with jojoba and essential oils. I also use JBCO on troubled areas. I am excited and ready to go further. Thanks for reading!!:yep: