How long did it take to get bsl hair?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what length i am now but I want to grow my hair to bsl. the first pic is when my hair was uneven and my second pic is when I cut it. They was taken the same day and all I did was flat iron.


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Hey there it took me 3 years to get to bsl from neck length.. I am a slow grower!! As soon as I reached shoulder length I kept my hair up all of the time, keeping it moisturized. I rarely wore my hair down at that stage because of the ends touching my clothing...Wishing you the best!
From where you are, I think between 1.5-2 years should be sufficient. You look a bit past shoulder length to me.
Not sure how far I am from it, but I want BSL also..Sorry, just wanted to chime in to say that.:grin:
I started at shoulder length and I'm still on the journey towards BSL. Hopefully I will get there by the end of this year, which will make it a full 2 yrs from SL to BSL.
I would like to know this too...but if you know your hair's growth rate you can figure out how long it will take YOU to get to BSL with measuring tape. Everyone is different. I cant see it taking 2 years to go from SL to BSL for me because I'm only 5'1. I would just measure from where you are to where you want to be and add it all up.