how long did it take before you got your ring?


most of us all has been there at some point,when weve waisted a lot of time in a relationship that went no where,only to have wasted our precious years and time.even if we stayed in it,we dreded our decision,for fear of being alone.a ring is a big deal to men,and m,ost often,they fear it.i am very curious,ladies,how long was it before your current,or ex longer decided to get you a ring,to symbolize the relationship?ladies in my own openin,it dosnt take a man forever to get a ring to the lady he loves.:grin:
My ex fiance proposed after a year or so. Im so glad I didnt marry that a**hole. We were engaged twice over the course of 6 or 7 years (broke up for 3 in between) lol....funny thing is its obvious I wasnt happy because I never cared when or if we set a date,etc and just called him my boyfriend. But that went both ways, he didnt treat me like someone he wanted to marry. Hindsight is always 20/20 though.

DH proposed in 6 months and talked marriage from the beginning. That is kind of fast, but when you know, you know...and we both just knew! :grin:
I've been engaged twice......

1st time - i met my then boyfriend when i was just 19 and he was 27. It was an off-on relationship. Off's were all my fault as i was young and emotionally not ready to settle down. I felt he was my best friend and i didn't really fancy him. He was just so kind to me. He asked me to marry him to keep me. I said yes cus i didn't want to shame him. I knew it took alot to ask me and the ring was lovely.
I eventually broke it off and that was years ago and he is still hurt.

2nd time - this guy asked me to marry him after 8 months (the ring was so sh*t i shed a tear). He said he would marry me the first day we met. I fancied the pants off him but he turned out to be fake. What he seemed to be wasn't really what he was. He was broke and was looking to hitch with me to save his fanancial arse. I know he also loved me deeply but i very quickly fell out of love with him. It doesn't take much for me to walk away. Only 3 weeks ago he was knocking on my door begging to have me was a sorry sight.

I met my SO only 2 months ago and he is already dropping hints of marriage. In fact they are more than hints. He has made it clear i am the one - he just wants to be sure i feel the same. I am keeping him on his toes by never answering his questions with a direct answer.
I feel he is the one but its crazy as its very early. He feels this too and was scared of his feelings but now seems to be embracing how he feels.
My ex husband gave me mine about 1 1/2 year after we started dating. He had proposed for 3-4 months before the ring came.
I got my engagement ring at my first wedding anniversary! My DH asked me to marry him about 5 months or so after we met. is it completely acceptable to get the ring sometime after he proposes or, in Cichelle's case, 1 year after the wedding?

I always thought it wasn't a serious proposal if no ring was presented? is it completely acceptable to get the ring sometime after he proposes or, in Cichelle's case, 1 year after the wedding?

I always thought it wasn't a serious proposal if no ring was presented?

I think it depends on few things, like financial circumstances. is it completely acceptable to get the ring sometime after he proposes or, in Cichelle's case, 1 year after the wedding?

I always thought it wasn't a serious proposal if no ring was presented?

Not if he says lets go get married asap. It can certainly be a serious proposal and obviously he meant it if they are married now. "The ring" isnt nearly as important as the promise, IMO. I told DH I didnt need a ring and we could just go get married (I love him that much), but he insisted. I would have been fine with a wedding band only.

My ex gave me a ring but was never serious about gettting married, I know that is probably an exception, but my point is there are plenty of happily married folks out there who didnt have an engagement with a ring. And plenty of divorced folks to prove a ring doesnt necessarily make it serious.
Last edited: is it completely acceptable to get the ring sometime after he proposes or, in Cichelle's case, 1 year after the wedding?

I always thought it wasn't a serious proposal if no ring was presented?

Well, we got married about 3 mos after he proposed and we've been married for nearly ten I guess it was serious. ;) But, in general, I guess whether it's acceptable depends on the people involved. It may not be acceptable to some people. It was to me.

In our case, giving an engagement ring is not a part of my DH's culture. He "corrected" the problem when someone explained it to him several months later. He got down on his knee and presented me with a was just a year after we were already married.
I have known my DH since I was 14 and we briefly dated then, but remained friends. We started dating again around Apr/May 2003, and got engaged around a year later in Apr 2004. I got my ring about 2 months later, and at that time, he mistakenly gave me the band. I then got the actually ring around Aug/Sept 2004. I think the ring is not as the communication.

I beleive a lot of people stay in rlps hoping that things will progress, but either they are not being honest with each other or one person is fooling themselves, b/c the other person stated exactly they wanted. I remember when me and DH started talking about progressing our rlp beyond friendship, he stated at that time, he wasn't sure if he was ready for a committed rlp. He stated at the time he was unsure, so I did not wait around for him to make up his mind. We ended up getting into a big argument about this until he did decide that this rlp is what he wanted, and from that experience, we learned the importance of communicating effectively.
I have known my DH since I was 14 and we briefly dated then, but remained friends. We started dating again around Apr/May 2003, and got engaged around a year later in Apr 2004. I got my ring about 2 months later, and at that time, he mistakenly gave me the band. I then got the actually ring around Aug/Sept 2004. I think the ring is not as the communication.

I beleive a lot of people stay in rlps hoping that things will progress, but either they are not being honest with each other or one person is fooling themselves, b/c the other person stated exactly they wanted. I remember when me and DH started talking about progressing our rlp beyond friendship, he stated at that time, he wasn't sure if he was ready for a committed rlp. He stated at the time he was unsure, so I did not wait around for him to make up his mind. We ended up getting into a big argument about this until he did decide that this rlp is what he wanted, and from that experience, we learned the importance of communicating effectively.
i agree 100 percent.comunication is the key.and yes,i believe a ring does not matter,at the same time,i do believe a lot of men linger on in a relationship for years with no intention of ever marrying that woman.i see it happen a lot.couples date for many years and do not marry,or if they do,they divorce in a short period of time.why,i dont get it?i feel like if a man isnt trying to take the relationship to the nextstep with in the first few years,is because...he has some doubt,or he dosnt plan too.......there are men who wait a long time i agree......they are the men for their own reason,decided to wait that long.....and could be sincere....but ladies,thats not the majorityh of men....every man isnt a good man....better yet,let me refrase that,hes just not the good man for that person...cause as soon as he finds one he really want,i gaurantee you,it wont take him long at all to commit to her.
It took 2 years before I got my ring. i met him in Sept 2005 and Sept 2007 I got my ring. I really think it all depends on if the man is ready to settle down or not.
a lot of men like to lead woman on...we need to take a stand own situation i had 12 years,no ring,cheating,2 kids.....he moved in with her recently...we broke up 2 years engaged now and it only took 1 1/2 for him to propose to me.the last woman he was with,8 years no marriage.........wich proves my point.i wish i had of known all this sooner.why do mken waste our time?:wallbash:
We started dating in December and then became exclusive in February. He started talking marriage in March and by summer we were ring shopping. By Labor Day we started to look at wedding locations. He asked my parents in October and he also ordered the ring in October. He proposed in November.

We have been married for a little over 2 years.

I have to add that DH had been watching me for 3.5 years (same work place) before he ever asked me out.

DH dated his ex GF for SEVEN years and never married her although they do have a child and they lived together for at least 6 of the 7 years. I am a firm believer that when a man is ready to get married then he is READY right then. DH was VERY involved in the wedding planning as well. I wanted a small destination wedding with under 20 guests but he wanted a big wedding with all the we invited over 250 people to celebrate with us.
We started dating in December and then became exclusive in February. He started talking marriage in March and by summer we were ring shopping. By Labor Day we started to look at wedding locations. He asked my parents in October and he also ordered the ring in October. He proposed in November.

We have been married for a little over 2 years.

I have to add that DH had been watching me for 3.5 years (same work place) before he ever asked me out.

DH dated his ex GF for SEVEN years and never married her although they do have a child and they lived together for at least 6 of the 7 years. I am a firm believer that when a man is ready to get married then he is READY right then. DH was VERY involved in the wedding planning as well. I wanted a small destination wedding with under 20 guests but he wanted a big wedding with all the we invited over 250 people to celebrate with us.
yep,a man will linger on as long as he can,knowing hell never marry you.
What ever is in your water, can I get some...dang:lachen:

I've been engaged twice......

1st time - i met my then boyfriend when i was just 19 and he was 27. It was an off-on relationship. Off's were all my fault as i was young and emotionally not ready to settle down. I felt he was my best friend and i didn't really fancy him. He was just so kind to me. He asked me to marry him to keep me. I said yes cus i didn't want to shame him. I knew it took alot to ask me and the ring was lovely.
I eventually broke it off and that was years ago and he is still hurt.

2nd time - this guy asked me to marry him after 8 months (the ring was so sh*t i shed a tear). He said he would marry me the first day we met. I fancied the pants off him but he turned out to be fake. What he seemed to be wasn't really what he was. He was broke and was looking to hitch with me to save his fanancial arse. I know he also loved me deeply but i very quickly fell out of love with him. It doesn't take much for me to walk away. Only 3 weeks ago he was knocking on my door begging to have me was a sorry sight.

I met my SO only 2 months ago and he is already dropping hints of marriage. In fact they are more than hints. He has made it clear i am the one - he just wants to be sure i feel the same. I am keeping him on his toes by never answering his questions with a direct answer.
I feel he is the one but its crazy as its very early. He feels this too and was scared of his feelings but now seems to be embracing how he feels.
7 months... and then I was engaged for all of 3 or 4 weeks before we got married. We actually set the date and got the license before he got the ring :grin:
7 months... and then I was engaged for all of 3 or 4 weeks before we got married. We actually set the date and got the license before he got the ring :grin:
thats a man that was ready for a commitment......he wanted to make sure he had you girl!!you go girl!!!!! high 5.:grin:
yep,a man will linger on as long as he can,knowing hell never marry you.

...but as I have witnessed, while he is with a girl he doesn't want, he is grooming himself and waiting for what he does want. When he sees it, he'll dump the girl he has been with for 6-7 years for a woman he has known for one month. Then marry her shortly after.

I saw that happen and was totally annoyed by the guy and his "new bride" when we all went out to eat. Maybe I should have been mad at the long term girlfriend for staying so long, but I just felt like the girlfriend worked so long and hard for it just for another woman - much less attractive with less things going for her - to come and swoop him up so quickly. :ohwell: I guess men just like what they like.:ohwell:
...but as I have witnessed, while he is with a girl he doesn't want, he is grooming himself and waiting for what he does want. When he sees it, he'll dump the girl he has been with for 6-7 years for a woman he has known for one month. Then marry her shortly after.

I saw that happen and was totally annoyed by the guy and his "new bride" when we all went out to eat. Maybe I should have been mad at the long term girlfriend for staying so long, but I just felt like the girlfriend worked so long and hard for it just for another woman - much less attractive with less things going for her - to come and swoop him up so quickly. :ohwell: I guess men just like what they like.:ohwell: happens a lot. i wasted 12 years,then i had the courage to leave...and guess what i learned....looks dont matter to men when it comes to having a partner to be with....and thats real...he mayor may not be attracted to you face or body wise,but what wins his heart is how he feels when hes with you.thats why i tell women all the time,buying him things,this and that,wont make him love you anymore or any less then how he already does.real talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drunk:
Proposed after 5 years, neither one of us were in a hurry to get married. Couldn't afford an engagement ring, we had wedding bands. SO, I never received an engagement ring.
I got mine after 3 years. Although we talked marriage like a month into the relationship.
Proposed after 5 years, neither one of us were in a hurry to get married. Couldn't afford an engagement ring, we had wedding bands. SO, I never received an engagement ring.
5 years is an exception...but a lot of wemen waste several years,no ring,no marriage...oh yeah...they do get a broken heart.:lachen::wallbash::lachen: happens a lot. i wasted 12 years,then i had the courage to leave...and guess what i learned....looks dont matter to men when it comes to having a partner to be with....and thats real...he mayor may not be attracted to you face or body wise,but what wins his heart is how he feels when hes with you.thats why i tell women all the time,buying him things,this and that,wont make him love you anymore or any less then how he already does.real talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drunk:

That there sure is real talk.:yep: No matter how much women want to deny it. It's just real life.