How long did/do you use a product b4 deciding it 'doesnt work for you'?


Well-Known Member
New to healthy hair and just looking for advice. Have you ever thought a product didnt work for you, then later tried it again a different way and loved it? What were you doing wrong the first time? Too much product, to little? Any advice or experiences are helpful. Thanks in advance.
Good question. I'm a firm believer that you need to give a product a fair chance before you actually dismiss it as "not working" for you. However, this also depends on your regimen. If you are a once-a-weeker, and your product is only used once per week, I would give at least 3 or 4 attempts before calling it quits. If your product is something you use daily, I would imagine that by the end of a week, you should indeed know if the item is benefitting your hair or not.

That being said, there may be the instance where your hair downright and flatly REBELS with a vengence against a product. Those things are immediately put on my "NEVER TOUCH THIS STUFF AGAIN" list....LOL!
Once maybe twice.Anytime I try a new product I clarify to make sure I'm starting with a clean slate and I follow the directions.If it makes my hair a dry,tangled,mess I pitch it.If I can think of another way to use it that would make a difference in the way it works,I'll try again.

eta:If you find something that your hair loves,stick to it.Your pockets will be alot happier :).
This thread is right on time! I recently purchased Paul Mitchell "The Detangler" and it was so so for me. I bought it because it had quite a few of the ingredients I like my conditioners to have. In my opinion, it left a coating on my hair and it didn't give me the slip and silkiness my staple conditioner gives me. So I will revisit it when I become 6+ weeks post when detangling may become more of a problem. I agree with Baddison that if a product is used weekly, I will know by the end of the week if I will continue usage. Products used on a weekly basis require more time.
I always try a new product on clean hair. If it doesn't dry or break my hair within the first use i will try it on wet or dry hair. I give it until its half gone to make a decision if i will buy it again or not. That way i can determine if the product really works, sometimes the product works good within a few uses then doesn't work for me anymore.
If I'm not impressed with initial results, I'll try it again 2 or 3 times..and pay veru close attention to my hair.

If notice a negative change with my hair, I will discontinue, or I will try to find another way/ place to incorporate it into my reggie.

There are some items that do not work on my wet hair...but they work nicely on my hair when it's dried.
If after the 2nd time I use it with no stellar results, I usually don't try it a 3rd time. Shoot, there are too many other products waiting in line for me to try without me wasting valuable time trying to "make" something work on my hair.
I actually have this same question! I've been using coconut oil for the past 3- 4 days and it seems like it's doing NOTHING for my hair, it just feels dry:ohwell: There's so many raves about it I'm wondering if I should give it a week or two. (On another note, my sister has exczema on her arm and back and has been putting that on it for the past few days and it's done WONDERS!! It has really started to clear up drastically).
I give a product three times to work on my hair..Well, I tried for several weeks with Cantu and Giovanni Direct Leave In b/c I so wanted it to work..Now, if something doesnt work well on my hair, I use it for my styling my wigs and lacefronts which they work very well for.
I actually have this same question! I've been using coconut oil for the past 3- 4 days and it seems like it's doing NOTHING for my hair, it just feels dry:ohwell: There's so many raves about it I'm wondering if I should give it a week or two. (On another note, my sister has exczema on her arm and back and has been putting that on it for the past few days and it's done WONDERS!! It has really started to clear up drastically).

The first time I applied coconut oil to my hair it immediately made my hair softer and more sheeny. Are you applying the coconut oil to wet or dry hair? This could make a difference. Are you using a leave in condish or moisturizer with the coconut oil? This might also make a difference in the results you get. Also you may need to clarify and condition your hair then apply the coconut oil to wet hair.

Then again maybe your hair doesn't like it. Everything isn't for everybody.
3 times. The second time it doesn't work I put it up, research it and figure out why, what's in it, and why it's not doing what I need it to be doing. Once I've done that, and made any necessary adjustments to usage technique I try it again. If it still doesn't work I am done with it.
I give a product 2-3 attempts before I declare it worthless on my hair. As some others have stated, some products work best on wet hair while others are awesome on dry hair. case in point - I bought Nexxus Humectress to use a DC and it did nothing for my hair - seemed like it just sat there. Then I tried it as a moisturizer and it was much better but I never repurchased it because I like Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner a whole lot more as a DC and as a leave-in - scent and all:lick:.
I only get rid of items that cause tangles. And it usually will take me three or four times using to figure out for sure that it's the problem. But otherwise I'll just rotate products. One thing I don't do is actually throw things out. Hair can change its likes and dislikes, so I'll try something I didn't like the first time around, and then figure out that I like it later.
I'm probably wrong for this, but if a product doesn't give me instant gratification, or at least so-so results, I immediately discontinue use of it and search for something else. I don't have the patience for products that I have to "mother"/"baby-sit", or otherwise nurture and mix with other products for it to be decent.
I actually have this same question! I've been using coconut oil for the past 3- 4 days and it seems like it's doing NOTHING for my hair, it just feels dry:ohwell: There's so many raves about it I'm wondering if I should give it a week or two. (On another note, my sister has exczema on her arm and back and has been putting that on it for the past few days and it's done WONDERS!! It has really started to clear up drastically).

I've come to the conclusion that what works for most might not work for all. I, personally, love coconut oil. As a matter of fact it is the only oil that I can use any which way in my hair (leave-in, scalp massaging, DC'ing, etc...). Other oils I have to be careful with. My hair really doesn't like EVOO. It does nothing for me and feels like it's just sitting on my hair. But I read in one lady's post, who's hair also doesn't like coconut oil, and her hair loves EVOO.
Generally, I judge a product by using it twice. However, I also use the following criteria for a product:

1. If it is a moisturizing conditioner, then my hair ought to be soft and feel moisturized than prior to use.

2. If is a protein conditioner, I left it on within the recommended time and my hair is extremely hard and snapping after following up with a moisturizing conditioner, then I try to mix it with a oil, but if it fails. Then it has to go--I am not messing up my progress.

3. If a product leaves my hair looking straw like and nasty--it goes ASAP without a second consultation.

4. It depends on how much slip the product provides.
I'm probably wrong for this, but if a product doesn't give me instant gratification, or at least so-so results, I immediately discontinue use of it and search for something else. I don't have the patience for products that I have to "mother"/"baby-sit", or otherwise nurture and mix with other products for it to be decent.

I am the same way,if a new product does not work the same or better than my staples I tossed it.
I judge a product on it ablility to work on it's on without adding oil,honey etc.
The first time I applied coconut oil to my hair it immediately made my hair softer and more sheeny. Are you applying the coconut oil to wet or dry hair? This could make a difference. Are you using a leave in condish or moisturizer with the coconut oil? This might also make a difference in the results you get. Also you may need to clarify and condition your hair then apply the coconut oil to wet hair.

Then again maybe your hair doesn't like it. Everything isn't for everybody.

I clarified my hair then applied a leave in conditioner and let that air dry (neutrogena triple moisture silk leave in cream). Later I applied just the coconut oil to dry hair, and have been appying it to my dry hair daily.

I think i'll try it on wet hair later today to see how that goes. Planning to rinse hair out with water only, deep condition with ORS relenishing pak then apply the coconut oil and let my hair air dry.
Twice if its a shampoo, conditioner or leave in. A moisturizer I may give a few more times to see if it works best on wet or dry hair or on the ends and not the length of the hair etc.
I clarify to give a clean slate, then I see what the deal is...

If I am not bedazzled... Never again lol. I have given proudcts 2nd tries... Then I'm done lol

On the other hand there are some that excite me on first try, then its over lol
I actually have this same question! I've been using coconut oil for the past 3- 4 days and it seems like it's doing NOTHING for my hair, it just feels dry:ohwell: There's so many raves about it I'm wondering if I should give it a week or two. (On another note, my sister has exczema on her arm and back and has been putting that on it for the past few days and it's done WONDERS!! It has really started to clear up drastically).

I just wanted to say; a lot of people rave about coconut oil, but it doesnt work for me either nor my mother. It makes both of our hair hard, greasy and brittle. We have two different hair types too. Are you protein sensitive? Because i am and thats why it doesnt work for me, It doesnt have protein in it, but I think it retains protein or something. Someone else will be able to answer better. Anyhow its been a while since i posted this question. Have you tried it more and decided to ditch it?
after almost completing my first mini stretch (going for ten weeks but buckled at nine :badgirl:) it seemed that certain products work best when im freshly relaxed but my hair would laugh at those same products around week 7-9. i would have to up it up a bit and use more intensive stuff.. ie my beloved sunsilk conditioners seemed wonderful for cowashing around weeks 2-5, after that it wasnt enough.. and i found myself stalking the aisles at the bss for something more intensely mositurizing..

so i try to give everything a fighting chance based on what stage my hair is in at the moment.. what works in week one of a stretch may or may not meet the grade by week ten

so i rarely throw away any products, i just give it a try again at a later time to see if it works better then.. THEN, i can toss it :yep:

great thread though!!
I used Organix Cococnut Milk Conditioner twice on my dry hair as a moisturizer. It flaked up on my hair and left it hard without moisturizing it at all. :ohwell: So I would maybe try a product twice b/c I know for sure KeraCare and Nexxus Phyto Organics never fails. :yep: