How Long between relaxers?

The longest I have waited between relaxers is eight months. I usually try to shoot for at least six months.
On average I wait 7-10 weeks. It depends on how much newgrowth I have.
i usually relax my hair about 3 times a year. but i want to try to do it only twice next year.
Hi Sweetdaises,

I relax my hair every 6-8 weeks. I'm trying to see if I can stretch it out to 9 weeks. I don't think I'll be able to go longer than that because I would start to experience breakage which I really don't want. Also, the difference between my relaxed hair and natural is so different that it looks funny when I do a roller set. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I do it every 2 months approx to the calendar date. My next one if Jan 19th. I prefer to them on Sundays. If I can manage and myhair is holding up pretty well then I'll go that bit longer.
I can't go past 8 weeks! If I do, then it is my God's grace that I'm able! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well I usually make it about 8 weeks but now since I'm texturizing it will be 12 weeks before my touch up Feb 1st. So far so good. Thanks to the lovely ladies on this board I'm learning alot about how to care for my own natural texture. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
LD, we're on the same schedule: t/u and trim every 8 weeks by the calendar. I'm due on the 11th, I believe.

I could probably stretch it out a little longer than 8 weeks too if the new growth is manageable but I actually look forward to the trim more than the t/u. I LOVE having healthy, even ends.
I get a relaxer every 5-6 weeks. I wish I could wait longer than that, but it's impossible, because my hair will start to break.
6-8 wks. I think it's great that a lot of members can go longer (months even), but my hair would be broke off so bad I'd have to cut it all off. It['s actually healthier for me to get my touch-ups in this time frame because otherwise it's breakage city!!!
It's really interesting that there are so many different answers! I guess it really depends on what you already know of your hair's vigor.