How long before hair stopped breaking???

Hello ladies,

Just wondering for those who used the Aphogee protein treatment for damaged hair - how long did it take before you saw results, i.e. hair stopped breaking? I noticed after washing my hair and roller setting that hairs were still all over the place....:nono:
That stuff actually can cause breakage for me. It makes my hair dry.

I think you should concentrate on moisture right now.

What are your deep conditioners and moisturizers?
Please ladies any help you can offer would be great even if you haven't used this product, but used another product to stop breakage. I'm having a really hard time and my hair is falling out a lot (without the bulb). If I touch it broken bits just come out. I am moisturizing and sealing - today I took drastic measures with that treatment. I just wanted an idea for when I can expect to stop seeing hair all over my apartment, bathroom sink, bed, books, etc. It's outta control!
That stuff actually can cause breakage for me. It makes my hair dry.

I think you should concentrate on moisture right now.

What are your deep conditioners and moisturizers?

Well I've been using elasta QP Mango Butter, sometimes I use Cantu stop break mixed with a little bit of S-curl, I usually seal with coconut oil. I deep conditioned with Nexus Humectrus hair is actually crazy dry constantly. I'm just starting but my hair is like :nono:
Well I've been using elasta QP Mango Butter, sometimes I use Cantu stop break mixed with a little bit of S-curl, I usually seal with coconut oil. I deep conditioned with Nexus Humectrus hair is actually crazy dry constantly. I'm just starting but my hair is like :nono:

Sometimes Aphoghee works for me and sometimes it doesn't. I went and brought me some Roux Porosity Control and will deep condition, and followup with the Fermodoyl 619.
Well I've been using elasta QP Mango Butter, sometimes I use Cantu stop break mixed with a little bit of S-curl, I usually seal with coconut oil. I deep conditioned with Nexus Humectrus hair is actually crazy dry constantly. I'm just starting but my hair is like :nono:

Girl, step away from the Humectress!

I think it is a good product for helping to maintain moisture, but not when you are trying to fix a problem.

Well, that has been my experience.

I hate being a product pusher because what works for me may not work for others.

But, I know how you feel.

I agree with Whips about Fermodyl. That stuff is a great primer on wet hair under your moisturizer/leave-in. Some ladies use it alone, but my hair gets too dry for that. Without it, but hair just does not maintain moisture, as well.

Are you relaxed/natural?

What is your routine?

Do you clarify?
What is this Fermodyl 619 I've been hearing about? A growth stimulant? I've never done a protein treatment on my hair before. But I'd heard some many good things about Aphogee that I thought well let me try this even though my hair is brittle as bricks. I did however do an overnight pre-poo with NTM and coconut oil. I then washed. did the treatment. rinsed, DC'ed (couldn't use my dome dryer because it's broken :sad:. But i sat with that stuff in my hair w/ a shower cap for almost 2 hrs. Next, I rinsed, did a honey rinse (just for extra moisture), phyto 9 leave in, silk serum, and I but my hair in some flexies. Which I think are gonna looked jacked up tomorrow. I swear though I WILL NOT use my FHI. I wish I just knew how to better care for my hair....its a learning process hopefully I can stick to it!
Okay if you hair was already dry, that Apohgee just took it to another level.

Fermodyl is actually a leave-in. 619 is the one for coarse/curly hair.

I LOVE it!

But, it alone is not enough for me.

I personally think you have some good products on your side.

If I were you I would concentrate on MOISTURE ONLY for now!
Girl, step away from the Humectress!

I think it is a good product for helping to maintain moisture, but not when you are trying to fix a problem.

Well, that has been my experience.

I hate being a product pusher because what works for me may not work for others.

But, I know how you feel.

I agree with Whips about Fermodyl. That stuff is a great primer on wet hair under your moisturizer/leave-in. Some ladies use it alone, but my hair gets too dry for that. Without it, but hair just does not maintain moisture, as well.

Are you relaxed/natural?

What is your routine?

Do you clarify?

My routine (mind you I just started this two weeks ago):

I generally moisturize with Elasta QP mango butter 2x a day and seal with either coconut or jojoba oil. Sometimes I just Cantu Stop Break with S-curl no drip. I wash my hair 2x a week ---> I had to start doing this because my scalp is so dry I'm having problems with dandruff 3 days after washing. I wash with CON (green) and follow with the moisturized (1st weekly wash) and then follow with NTM leave in. 2nd weekly wash CON again then nextus humectruss for DC, phyto 9 leave in. I always air dry with either satin scarf or bonnet. Oh and I've started doing scalp massage with jojoba rosemary, and peppermint EO 1x a day.
While using the Aphogee, did you let it get hard all the way? I noticed that you said your dryer was broken, and with aphogee (the hardcore one) you have to let it harden really well for the treatment to work. If you didn't let it harden all the way, that could be way you are still experiencing breakage.
While using the Aphogee, did you let it get hard all the way? I noticed that you said your dryer was broken, and with aphogee (the hardcore one) you have to let it harden really well for the treatment to work. If you didn't let it harden all the way, that could be way you are still experiencing breakage.

Oh yeah I used my babaliss hand-held dryer to make sure it got pretty hard then I sat around an for about 30mins after it was hard to make absolutely sure it got really hard. Then I rinsed. I should mention I did just get a relaxer 2 weeks ago but my hair was already crazy before I did all that and I cut it too. The hairdresser said my scalp has basically stopped producing sebum, and that I shouldn't go more than a week without washing! She said she couldn't eve chop out all of the damage because my hair was too thin! After that I joined this forum and decided to see what I can do to stop balding. I will admit the breakage was bad before I even went to see her!
When was the last time you clarified? You may have product buildup.

Also, do the Cantu & Elasta QP have protein in them? Maybe that's the cause of your problems. You might need to switch moisturizers.