How long? (2 strand twists)


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
I put two strand twists in my hair two days ago. They look nice, but how long can I keep them in without tangling or dreading? My hair was detangled before hand, and the ends where my hair is loosest seem to be unraveling already. The roots are still tight though and they don't feel knotted...yet. I wouldn't want them for more than a week.

If it helps, my hair curl pattern is closest to 3c and texturizing has softened it from coarse to maybe medium.
I'm not sure how long you can keep them in, but it take a while b4 your hair dreads, so I'm pretty sure you would notice if you start going down that road :look: . Sounds like you did em pretty tight, so I would just keep them in until you a. think they started ot look raggedy b. have grown sick of the look or c. feel like you have developed the patience to do them again.
When I do two strand twists I only keep them in about two days max, but that's b/c I'm a finicking hair person I can't stand my hair in one style for too long, and two days is a long time for me. PLus my hair starts to get loose after i workout, and rinse, so usually I'll take them out and rock a twistout. Lots of hair blessings!!
bLackButtaFly said:
I'm not sure how long you can keep them in, but it take a while b4 your hair dreads, so I'm pretty sure you would notice if you start going down that road :look: . Sounds like you did em pretty tight, so I would just keep them in until you a. think they started ot look raggedy b. have grown sick of the look or c. feel like you have developed the patience to do them again.
When I do two strand twists I only keep them in about two days max, but that's b/c I'm a finicking hair person I can't stand my hair in one style for too long, and two days is a long time for me. PLus my hair starts to get loose after i workout, and rinse, so usually I'll take them out and rock a twistout. Lots of hair blessings!!

Thanks! I'm bored already, so twistout tomorrow!