How I love Sabino...Let me count the ways


Well-Known Member
1. My hair only responds to high heat but i have a heat phobia. Sabino actually encourages high heat (use common sense though)
2. They shipped out my order that day! It arrived at my house 3 days after I ordered it
3. A little goes a loooonnnnggg way.
4. My hair shines!!! I have pics in fotki but my camera is crap but the pics are dull and blurry. Password LHCF for the lurkers
5. My hair swangs!!!!
6. It's still not frizzy. My hair frizzes if someone spits within 10 feet of me. what did it for me was when it rained on my hair and it stayed straight
7. Drying is much faster.
8. My roots have not reverted. Make sure you take the time to carefully apply it to roots.
9. I don't have to relax my hair. I can remain nappy!!!
10. I don't have to walk aroung with Celie braids to keep it from frizzing at the house.
11. My hair doesn't smell burnt.

i will post more as I think of them
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1. My hair only responds to high heat but i have a heat phobia. Sabino actually encourages high heat (use common sense though)
2. They shipped out my order that day! It arrived at my house 3 days after I ordered it
3. A little goes a loooonnnnggg way.
4. My hair shines!!! I have pics in fotki but my camera is crap but the pics are dull and blurry. Password LHCF for the lurkers
5. My hair swangs!!!!
6. It's still no frizzy. My hair frizzes if someone spits within 10 feet of me. what did it for me was when it rained on my hair and it stayed straight
7. Drying is much faster.
8. My roots have not reverted. Make sure you take the time to carefully apply it to roots.
9. I don't have to relax my hair. I can remain nappy!!!
10. I don't have to walk aroung with Celie braids to keep it from frizzing at the house.
11. My hair doesn't smell burnt.

i will post more as I think of them

AMEN. SMB is :love:
SMB is great. Doesn't really keep my roots from reverting but it keeps my strands from reverting so that's good.

ETA: Took a peek at your hair and it looks really good.
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I'm definately going to get this when I flat iron but whats a good product to keep the frizzies away and fight the humidity for naturally curly hair?
please help me. How do you order this?:ohwell:
Original site:

Can't vouch for the others. When I pm'd the owner they said they were no longer selling to other sites, so I don't know if they have fake sabino or what. There was a thread where people were talking about different packaging. I've always ordered from that site and never had any problems with my bottle
Sounds like Sabino is great. Haven't purchased yet. Do you apply to wet hair or dry?

Hey Yodie:
You can apply it both. I've been using it since last April. (haven't used it lately because I've been braided up but until Oct I was straight half the month and braided half the month. I just got tired of straightening my hair and needed a break). I apply a little wet, but when dry focus on more just before flat ironing.
If it wasn't for SMB and a denman brush ( for detangling before straigtening), I would have probably relaxed my hair. I pressed my hair 6 days ago and I'm stilling getting the question, " Did you perm your hair?" from co-workers.

This is one of the greatest inventions man has ever made for naturals that like the straight look all year long.

Tip for straighteners: A little SMB goes a long way and use Hairveda Shikaki Coasta Oil every other day to seal in moisture and combat breakage between presses.