How have things changed for you this summer?


New Member
It's been a year and one month since I first joined this forum. My hair has grown from ear length to top of shoulder and is healthier. I received a compliment from a young lady in the BSS yesterday. She said my hair looked very healthy, that felt good at 8 weeks post relaxer. But for me since August because of time constraints I cannot shampoo twice a week right now. Daily rinsing has become a chore, I don't have the time nor do I want to manipulate my wet hair daily. I'm basically feeling down right lazy about my hair. I continue to shampoo once a week, deep condition and either rollerset or braid. I'm really trying to keep my ends/strands moisturized as they seem extra dry.

How have things changed for you?
I joined the forum 12/02, at that time my hair was above ear length, right now it is neck length and much healthier. Since I started my class in August I have been lazy with roller setting my hair but I am doing conditioner washes and making sure my hair stays moisturized. I need to get back in the swing of things if I want my hair to remain healthy though.
I joined the forum in September 2002 and my hair is healthier, thicker, shinier and longer than the same time last year.

I'm also in the same boat as you. Daily rinsing will have to stop when the weather breaks and I will only have time to wash my hair once a week come Fall. I will rollerset after every wash, I don't believe in leaving the house with damp hair when the weather is chilly and braidouts leave my hair too tangled.
Daily Co washing has become a nightly routine for the girls in my househould. I am loving that fact that my hair smells and feels so clean. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been. I don't think that I am going to stop the daily washing once the winter starts 'cause my hair is short and is usually dry by the morning. I will just cover my head with a hat if I have to!lol
Well, I'm sportin'a healthy head of hair for one thing. Virtually no splits and so much softer than ever before. I'm also not afraid to try new styles like braids and bantu knots. My hair has grown about 3 inches since late April and it's close to my bra strap in back. I can't see that part as well as everybody else, but I know it is longer too.
I learned how to do my own weaves and crochets (thanks Faith) this summer. Nothing feels better than doing your own hair.

I also made the decision to transition this summer, and my hair is growing in really thick.
well i was doin the daily rinsin thing in summer but will have to stop now coz my hair's been weaved and the tracks take 4ever 2 dry so i cant wash it as often now coz it cud get mouldy in there!! health wise it is healthier than before and now i'm jus waitin for the length to set in
Well, after my relaxer, I started:

--doing protective styles (buns and banana clips styling); didn't do them before

--rinsing every other day

I chopped ALL of my hair down to a less than a half inch TWA (teeny weeny afro). I was completely afraid of cutting all of my hair off, and of it being nappy. Now, I've faced the fear and am so happy!!! I love the cut, though I can't wait for my hair to grow.
Well, I had the big chop done on July 5th after transitioning just 2 months short of a year. After the big chop I started using water in my hair everyday (shampooing or conditioner washes). My hair is growing like crazy! I think it loves all of the moisture! I am really glad I am natural now. My hair is proving to me what I suspected all along. When I was getting my hair relaxed consistently, my hair growth was very slow. During the times when I would relax only once every blue moon my hair would grow like a weed. I think all of the chemicals in the relaxers stunted my hair growth. I am only speaking about myself and my hair so I don't want any relaxed heads to try to beat me up!
The bottom line is that this has been a great summer for my hair!
Poster: DelightfulFlame
I chopped ALL of my hair down to a less than a half inch TWA (teeny weeny afro). I was completely afraid of cutting all of my hair off, and of it being nappy. Now, I've faced the fear and am so happy!!! I love the cut, though I can't wait for my hair to grow.

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Off topic: Much love to all the ladies who have the confidence to chop down their hair to TWA size then continue to sport that chic look without extensions.

I transitioned with gradual cuts and my hair did not look good at all during that time.
I was too nervous and scurred at the prospect of having my face so out there because I was used to hiding behind my hair.

On topic:
Over the summer, my hair continued to grow and I was able to maintain most of its health. My shrunken natural hair length in 10/02 ranged from earlobe to about an inch below in some places. Now it grazes my shoulders in some places and rests at the base of my neck in others. YAY for moisture!
This summer, I discovered the Clairol Renewal 5X line for my conditioner washes. No more tangles! I'll replace the Clairol products as needed, but this winter I'll work through the moisturizers I have stockpiled (no product loyalties there).

I've conquered my fear of water in my hair, tried and quit the protein treatments, developed a massive crush on my stylist, established a vitamin supplement regimen, and gained 2-3 inches. Next, I gotta start sealing in my leave-in moisturizer with a little oil.

I'm considering Curlex to replace Affirm. Alireno is probably right.

My hair is proving to me what I suspected all along. When I was getting my hair relaxed consistently, my hair growth was very slow. During the times when I would relax only once every blue moon my hair would grow like a weed. I think all of the chemicals in the relaxers stunted my hair growth.

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I KNOW that the lye irritates my scalp during the relaxer, but I don't know whether it takes extra time for my follicles to recover completely and start regrowing hair after each touchup. I suspect so.
Since joining this board in 7/03, I have learned how to maintain healthy hair. As with most people my hair grows, however, the problem has been maintaining healthy ends and hair length. Well thanks to LHCF I have learned some great moisturizing techniques and hair care routines. My hair has been growing and maintaining it's length and looking healthier than ever.
I've learned that my hair likes braidouts better than twistouts and braidouts are easier for me to do. I've also learned how to conditioner wash my hair in a short amount of time. I've also learned how to detangle my hair a lot better which has been a lifesaver for me since I'm transitioning. I no longer fear doing my hair anymore. A big change is that I've learned to feel "pretty" with wearing my hair up whereas I used to hide behind my hair as if it's what made me who I am.

Regarding what some of the other posters said...I was always curious as to whether my hair growth was stunted after a touch=up! I swear with my last touch-up on March, I didn't notice any new growth until almost 2 months later...but that was when I got a different relaxer which maybe did stunt my hair growth! Just interesting that some of you have mentioned this...I am really curious if this could be true sometimes.
I did daily conditioner washes during the summer. I've gotten excellent growth and I'm almost brastrap in the back. Joined the sides/front grow out challenge. My front is a little past my chin and my sides are chin length. I've also been doing the bun/chignon challenge and started maintaining significant length and my ends are in much better shape with the protective works.

The weather is getting cooler, so I'm switching to one poo/one conditioner wash per week. I will be wetting my ends daily and applying condtioner to them to compensate for daily washing.
I joined the LHCF in August, 2003.

What has changed for me?

Becoming more committed to the care and health of my hair. For example, replacing the blow dryer and curling iron with a hood dryer and wet roller sets, weekly deep conditioning treatments, nightly moisturizing of the ends of my hair, wearing twists and buns. In short, simply paying greater attention to my hair, and providing it with what it needs.

Additionally, I am no longer beholden to my stylist. I have become better informed re: chemical processes, and their effects on my hair, as well as the causes of damaged hair.

I have finally found the right products that work well on my
hair and I no longer relax at 6 weeks I can relax at 12 weeks
I went to Mexico this summer and had a blast. I found the secret to my own hair growth which is for my hair less is more. Less relaxer and less manipulation. And that I can not wait to graduate b/c bills are no joke.