How has your hair commitment changed your life?


Active Member
I now go to work with a slightly damp shirt because I like to spray my roots with my water/glycerin/lavender oil combo in the mornings before leaving for work. The water drips down my neck and on my shirt; but, I'm okay with that cause I know my hair will be moisturized all day

People know me at the health food store too.
I have become obsessed with my hair - It's all that I care to think about. I make a point to take my vitamins religiously and condition, condition, condition. Before discovering this board, I knew nothing of conditioning, overlapping, and heat damage.
Men have definitely backed off when they see me in my old lady bun.

Also, I'm pleasantly surprised, the few times I wear my hair down, how even prettier I look. Self-image is important. I don't feel the need to put on makeup all the time since I wear my hair up. It's definitely helped me become more punctual. And it's curbed my makeup use to only lipgloss and face powder on my nose even when I do wear my hair out. My skin has never been healthier. And neither has my hair.
I feel like I have more options now!! This board has opened up a whole new world for me! I am one of the ones who no longer uses heat to dry my hair YEAH!!!! I can roller set or put it in a ponytail to dry,and I learned what a doobie is! I NEVER in my wildest dreams ever thought I could wash my hair and go to bed with it damp and wake up the next morning with gorgeous shiney hair!! My husband keeps making comments on how nice my hair is!! I am getting to the point where I am narrowing down my products. I can definitely tell what works for me and what doesn't!
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

Well...I have a new hobby!

But seriously, my life is changed because my hair looks nicer! I don't spend forever after washing drying with a blow dryer and watching hairs break off into the sink wondering, "What's wrong with my hair?"
And yeah, I read the ingredients on EVERYTHING now. It's kinda cool to be able to read a label and actually garner some meaning from the ingredients.
And of course, now I spend all my free time on LCHF!
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

I'm completely obsessed with my hair now. I "save" the hair care aisle for last when I go to the store b/c I know I want to spend a long time there. I don't dread washing my hair like I used to. I almost wished I washed more often so I could try out my new products. I don't spend my "extra" money on clothes anymore...I buy hair care products! Luckily, generally haircare products are less expensive so it hasn't really hurt my budget! I think about my hair constantly! I'm always hoping that I can get someone else into a hair conversation - though it rarely happens and that's why I come here!
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

<font color="brown">When I first saw the title of this tread, I laughed and thought to myself, "Its just hair - how could/would it change my life??"

But then, I got to thinking . . . and realized that it has indeed changed my life. In fact, my hair commitment has cause SEVERAL changes for me.

First, I think my hair looks and feels better now that I am in control of it. Once my hair started looking good, I was very motivated to to get my skin to look just as good. I started exercising again, and I try to eat nutrient dense foods on a regular basis. So, I guess you could say that I went through a total overhaul!

I feel that my self esteem has blossomed - - not because my hair looks good, but because I have a renewed confidence that I can do what ever I set my mind to doing. In fact, I actually learned how to do my own acrylics (nails), and I no longer have to shell out the money every two weeks for "okey-doke, hit-or-miss" looking nails. I haven't been to a nail salon since the end of March! I can now do spa facials, nails, hair - - I am just thrilled at being in control of my own upkeep. I could NEVER afford all of the "services" that I administer to myself (and my daughter) on a monthly basis.

Finally, my life has been changed in such a way that I can truly appreciate all types of beauty. Whether someone is African, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, Native American you name it, we can all learn from each other. All of the beautiful heads of hair on this board have inspired me to become more versatile in my own thinking, and more willing to step outside of my box, casting all stereotypes and preconceived notions to the wind . . .

You know, although this board is a forum where we primarily discuss hair, what we really have is a great community that promotes sharing, caring, and general support and respect for each other. What we have here is true SISTERHOOD - - hair is just the backdrop that brought us all here.

So - - that is how commitment to my hair has changed my life!

AngieK </font>
i have so much more time to get ready in the mornings because i don't really do anything to my hair anymore.

this weekend at a wedding, i noticed that i'm also becoming a little embarassed by the attention that my hair gets when i wear it down. i thought i would be gloating because of all the people that laughed at me when i first started, but it's almost like a hollow victory. very strange... can anyone relate to this?
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

...I don't spend forever after washing drying with a blow dryer and watching hairs break off into the sink wondering, "What's wrong with my hair?" ...

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I can relate to this. It's nice having given up the blow dryer. I don't have to clean up those peices of black hair all over the sink and floor. I spend less time on my hair, in that I'm not a slave to the curling iron anymore either. That's really nice!!!

I'm finally starting a regimen that seems to work. I was using C. Grays method and that was working great for me. I stopped when I got here, but since joining the board, I have been more motivated to stick to it, that is with what is available to me.

I take more supplements religiously now too.

Ballet Bun ...
My husband thinks I'm obsessed with my hair just because I don't want it to all fall out again. And my wallet is begging for mercy!
I pay very close attn to the products I put in my hair

Before, I didn't care!

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That's my story too.
i agree as well i read the ingredients on every product that
i see before buying it

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Plus I've gone against what my mom and grandma always said:


I would never have dreamed of a wet bun before this board, now I love it, wash, detangle, bun.

<font color="red"> I hope I don't regret this when I get older cause those old people were wise - But I'll be deathly ill
</font> <font color="blue"> WIT slammin hair </font>
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

Plus I forgot, I feel better about myself, being able to care for my own hair..
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

I pay more attention to what products I use on my hair.
I take my time when I do my hair.
I give my hair more / better tlc.
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

I feel better about myself, being able to care for my own hair..

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Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

Since learning the wet bun technique, I have saved so much time, money and headache doing my hair- I finally have a sense of freedom!!

With the hair care information I've learned from this board, my hair is twice its length (exactly 2 inches below shoulders &amp; finally even all the way around!!! )-and 90% healthier since this time last year. (Visitor since 8/2002)

I feel a little uncomfortable and "in the spotlight" when I do wear my hair straightened and curled, because I get stares and strangers approach me.

Sometimes I literally behumble myself, so that I won't "rub off" wrong with other women.

A lot of my friends are copying my carefree styles and fretting less about their hair.

Thanks, Kym
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

My life has really changed for the better since I started air-drying my hair and really focusing on growing it long and healthy. I am more conscious of my hair now and I really love and appreciate it more than ever before.

I had no idea I needed to stop blow-drying and stop using all that heat on my relaxed hair! No wonder! And I didn't know the importance of moisture on our hair. I now wash my hair every 3 days instead of every 7-10 days. I save a lot of time going to bed with my hair damp and my hair looks thick, healthy and shiny with lots of body.

I feel empowered that I can do my own hair successfully. No more salons for me. I have a great feeling of accomplishment when my hair turns out looking good after my hair regime.

I want to share my successes with everyone!

I'm still learning how to do buns right and other protective styles, which I never wore before. I intend to be an expert on my hair, thanks to everyone on this board!
I find I actually worry 'less' about my hair now then I did over 2 years ago. I don't worry about the rain or the humidity either...if it's a wet or humid day I just do the bun thing. If I get caught in the rain I do the same thing until I get home and then I shampoo it.
Re: How has your hair commitment changed your life

Because I have so many hair styling options now I'm able to save a lot of time...and money. I'm also not damaging it like I used to with thermal appliances and so much manipulation.

My hair has been causing more attention from men too. I think mainly because it's healthy.