How Has God Changed Your Perspective


Well-Known Member
As I’ve grown in my faith I’ve realized that in my past I’ve focus so much of my prayers on changing the external aspects of life. However, the biggest blessings have been when God helped my change my internal.

What are some things that you have a new perspective on thanks to your relationship with Christ?
Having a real and closer relationship with God as my Father...even more as knowing Him as the only one true God. There is none other. He is the God of All and in All. God bless you for creating this thread, allowing the God to be honored. :yep:
Other people. I spent the first half of 2018 being depressed, sad, bitter and angry. I was angry and disappointed with myself and hurt by people. I prayed for these people because that is what God wanted me to do. I fasted on their behalf because I felt led to. At the beginning of my journey God had one word for me. Forgive. As if one time wasn't enough, He gave me the word again. Forgive. Forgiveness is hard. How do you forgive someone who doesn't see the hurt they've caused. How do you forgive someone who hasn't offered an apology? God told me to forgive. He then began to show me the numerous times I was in sin, but He forgave me. He reminded me of all the times I was knowingly in sin and didn't want to repent. He gave me time to repent. He showed me His mercy and grace for years and in time I repented. So, God changed my perspective on people. God wants me to forgive and extend mercy and grace to others just as He has for me.
@Shimmie thank you! I just want to glorify God after everything He’s done for me.

I was inspired to start this thread because of some things that God has been showing me lately.

To give a piece of background I’ve had a spirit of anxiety since my early teens. But it was to a level that I could mostly hide from people I didn’t live with.

In the last 3-4 years it has escalated to a point where it has affected important life events, my day to day performance, my relationships and my physical well being. When my symptoms reached a new extreme that I couldn’t ignore I felt the need to reach out for help. This lead to a months long process in which I ultimately strengthened my relationship with God. After many months of reconnecting, He showed my something. Having GAD was actually a gift from him.

I’ve always had this spirit of anxiety and wasn’t going to change because my outcomes in life were still great. For example I was the first of my friends to get married, I was accepted into a prestigious career path at a prestigious institution, etc. He stepped in and made it so that my body literally rejects a spirit of anxiety before I even know that I’ve become anxious. Now, I have to take care of my physical and mental well being and most importantly I’ve learned how to actually trust in Him.

For example, When I start idolizing my own ability to predict and control my world (this in my opinion is the root cause of anxiety) I will suddenly have poor sleep or other symptoms.

Beyond that I learned that whatever his plans are for me, my spirit of anxiety would have stopped his plans from coming to fruition. To further back this up, I’ve been able to help two people almost immediately after He and I reached a new level in our relationship.
Other people. I spent the first half of 2018 being depressed, sad, bitter and angry. I was angry and disappointed with myself and hurt by people. I prayed for these people because that is what God wanted me to do. I fasted on their behalf because I felt led to. At the beginning of my journey God had one word for me. Forgive. As if one time wasn't enough, He gave me the word again. Forgive. Forgiveness is hard. How do you forgive someone who doesn't see the hurt they've caused. How do you forgive someone who hasn't offered an apology? God told me to forgive. He then began to show me the numerous times I was in sin, but He forgave me. He reminded me of all the times I was knowingly in sin and didn't want to repent. He gave me time to repent. He showed me His mercy and grace for years and in time I repented. So, God changed my perspective on people. God wants me to forgive and extend mercy and grace to others just as He has for me.

Ayyy! That is awesome! Having a spirit of forgiveness is something that God has been having me work on too. Isn’t He good!
I've been going through a challanging time over the past 12 yrs where I lost literally everything including my sanity which meant the one thing that kept me sane my whole life.... Christ. I kept wanting to take on the burdens life gave me by myself. Never wanting to believe in Christ for anything but his love and presence. I realized though the revealing of Christ in my life once I was vulnerable enough to let him in that he's here to help.

What I thought was something I had to take on the burden of myself Christ was saying please lean on me to do it for you. That's why I died on the cross ( I didn't know that. I thought he died for us to use him for salvation not life). I surrendered to Christ that day and like a wave of sunlight on a cloudy day he broke through the rain in my life. He covered me when I couldn't cover myself. I cried out to God many of nights but who would have thought all it took was surrender not pain to go through this journey with him.

I was willing to give it all up for the presence of God and he said NO!!!!! I want to give it all to you not take it from you. That's what I've learned since surrendering to Christ. That day changed my life and hasn't stopped. I was afraid to tell this testimony because many on this forum know how crazy I was at the time b4 surrendering to Christ. I really just came on to post this song but saw this thread and had to talk about what's been going on this past yr. I guess I leave this song here instead of the what are you listening to right now thread.

Blessings to all in the coming yr!!!! Amen!!!!
God has changed my perspective by the power of the Holy Spirit. Praying for others and just continuing to read His word and trust in Him. I am also blessed to been in a Bible based church/ as well as several small group's I am apart of at church as well. Hope this helps.