How has God blessed you? Share yours!


Well-Known Member
This past Sunday, my pastor challenged everyone in the congregation to write down 15 ways God has blessed us in our life. Anytime we feel like things aren't coming together, or that God isn't answering our prayers, we are to look at the list for encouragement.

I thought it would be a great to channel this idea into an encouragement thread :grin: Write at least 10 ways God has blessed you. By looking at someone else's list, you may be become humbled and appreciate the portion God gave you. It will also serve as reminder that our God can get you through anything.

Here are my 10:
1. He blessed me with a new position exactly 2 weeks before my other one was scheduled to end.
2. He restored the broken relationship I had with my parents.
3. Even in all my sinfulness and disobedience, he allowed me to graduate at the top of my class in college.
4. He healed me from codependency and depression.
5. He delivered me from a toxic relationship that was sending me down a path of destruction.
6. He developed me into a confident woman of God.
7. Even though I was highly unqualified, he has given me an opportunity to work with one of the largest cosmetics companies in the United States.
8. When I was living below the poverty line and only had 50 cents to my name, God made a way for me. I was flat out denied a raise, but God pressed on my employers' heart to rethink that decision.
9. After a series of intense prayer, I received the the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (To this day, this is the best gift ever!)
10. Through his grace, I do not have to live my life in fear and face physical persecution here in the United States just because I am a Christian.

What are yours?
This is a great idea.

1. The results of my MRI were clear. The doctor called me at 7pm last Friday night to tell me. I called his office Thursday and again on Friday. It wasn't until Friday that I was told that he had been out of the office all week and would be back on Monday. I praise God that he called me Friday evening. He could have waited until Monday, but he didn't.

2. One of my daughters has some developmental delays. There have been many difficult days and getting help for her has been challenge, but this school year God has blessed us with a wonderful team. Her regular pre-K teachers, the director of her preschool and her special education teacher and occupational therapist have been wonderful and have gone above and beyond the call of duty. They could not be more accomodating and helpful.

3. He has healed me physically and emotionally. I spent about four months in a fog, with weird symptoms and countless doctors visits. I have been frustrated, depressed, I have cried more this year than I have in the past five years combined. I was having panic attacks in the middle of the night. There were a few nights that I didn't sleep at all for fear of what would happen while I was sleeping or fear of waking up to a pounding heart. But God has given me peaceful sleep the past several weeks.

4. I have a husband who loves me unconditionally.

5. I have supportive parents.

6. God had mercy on me when I was living a very destructive life. I hurt many people and did some things that I am way too ashamed to admit, but God saw beyond all of that and delivered me from those things.

7. I don't take my health for granted. The fact that I can get out of bed and be here for my family and take care of them and our home means the world to me. It is a blessing to be in good health and in my right mind. Being depressed is hard and its painful, so I don't take for granted feeling a little lighter emotionally.

8. Despite many, many setbacks and being lost I graduated from college. I could have given up, but I kept pressing forward and I did it.

9. I have been blessed to hear the voice of God. A pastor once told his congregation that God doesn't speak to His people in an audible voice. For a split second I thought that maybe I was crazy, but I KNOW that I know that I know that I have heard the voice of God and I count myself blessed that He loved me enough to speak to me because He knew I would hear Him and believe.

10. I'm just happy to be alive. All of life's challenges, but I'm here and I'm blessed and God has given me good health to serve HIM and not be lazy.

1. My oldest son after a difficult time looking for work now has a job and is back in school.

2. My youngest son after a rigorous application process got into a wonderful private school and is excelling. He was belligerent at first and didnt want to go. Now he loves it!

3. My middle son who was born with hearing loss and developmental delays is now a junior in high school with good grades and no special services!!!!

4. After almost four years of toiling in my current position I finally got promoted and a raise.

5. My baby sister is two years cancer free after a mastectomy and breast reconstruction at 37. She graduates the sheriff training in December!

6. My nine year old niece who's father passed away at 38 in his sleep of heart failure, is a part of her debate team at school and their first debate is Saturday!

7. After losing everything when thieves broke into my home, my boys and I finally have a place of our own!

8. I ended an almost two year relationship after finding out lie after lie after lie. God gave me the strength to walk away. The pain of the betrayal still hurts but day by day God's grace is making me stronger.

9. I finally found a good doctor who is listening to my concerns about my health and has given me a battery of tests to get to the bottom of issues that have benn lingering for over two years.

10. I was blessed to recently have successsful LASIK surgery and my eyesight is literally perfect. No comolications and No more glasses and contact lenses for me.

Man I could go on and on....
My Precious Family, Loving Friends, my Precious Faith in Jesus and all of these are wrapped into 'One'. None exceeds the other.

The Gift of Ministry that God has placed me in. I never knew He trusted me with so very much.

The love that I have in supporting what He stands for... which is His love for 'All' and His gift of eternal life.

There is so much more that I want to list but I must say that yesterday's election results is something of which I am very blessed and grateful for. It is indeed a 'Gift'.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of my prayers along with the fruitful and earnest prayers of others who want to preserve true marriage in this earth; to see the impurity of it, repealed once and for all.

I look forward to seeing the strike downs of those who imposed themselves to hinder and suspend and seek to end my right to live my faith and to speak God's truth, no matter who opposes it.

The state of the economy has never stopped God's hand from being open and providing for me and my loved ones. Not ever. I have no fear in standing for righteousness. For God has promised to take care of those who choose Him. No man, can diminish His hand from being extended to those who serve and honor Him.

I am thankful for the God the Most High God who rules and reigns and is exalted within this earth and all of Heaven.

Dearest Father God... "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done, in This Earth as it is in Heaven". In Jesus' Name, Forever, Amen and Amen.

Divine. Thank you for such a precious thread from your precious heart... :love2:
I'm thankful for hearing God's distinct voice! As the poster up thread said he doesn't speak in an audible voice but he doesn't have to for you to know you are hearing God.

I'm thankful for his grace and mercy that I'm am so unworthy of. I'm thankful for learning how to apply bible teachings to my everyday life.

I'm in a very good place in my life and to him be the glory. I have a peace that is indescribable and it's so funny because I'm not where I want to be but I know it can be worst. My workplace is stressful, negative and filled with bad spirited people. But I know that he is using this detour to teach me and strengthen my faith.

I love that when I leave there that I get to come home to my nurturing and loving home.
I'm thankful for hearing God's distinct voice! As the poster up thread said he doesn't speak in an audible voice but he doesn't have to for you to know you are hearing God.

I'm thankful for his grace and mercy that I'm am so unworthy of. I'm thankful for learning how to apply bible teachings to my everyday life.

I'm in a very good place in my life and to him be the glory. I have a peace that is indescribable and it's so funny because I'm not where I want to be but I know it can be worst. My workplace is stressful, negative and filled with bad spirited people. But I know that he is using this detour to teach me and strengthen my faith.

I love that when I leave there that I get to come home to my nurturing and loving home.

Lola28 - I just wanted to clarify what I said up thread. It was a pastor who said that God does not speak in an audible voice. I believe that if we listen we can and will hear His voice. It may be audible for some (it has been for me) and for others it may be a feeling or a still, small voice within. My main point is that God does communicate with those who are willing to listen.
Just one has the most lasting merit. I guess I could say that I still have faith in Him. Every time I want to give up and turn away, there He is, sending me something specifically geared towards that need.
Don't stop crlsweetie912! You can go on as long as you need to :)

If you have to, get your praise dance on:

When I think about Jesus, what he's done for me. When I think about Jesus, how he set me free I could dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, ALL NIGHT!:happydance::happydance::happydance::pulpdance:



I'm just beginning to realize in my old age that focusing on the GOOD in life makes the bad seem that much less important!!!!!!!!!
mrselle I know exactly what you meant, my pastor preached the same thing.

I experienced it for myself as well, but this time I'm listening. I think it was such a scary thing before.
  1. A healthy and wholesome life
  2. Great family support
  3. Wonderful friends who are there for me and vice versa
  4. My boyfriend who really encompasses all that I want in a man and more
  5. The overwhelming love and acceptance from them
  6. My job and the salary and all that it provides
  7. Food, clothes and shelter and all the extra bonuses
  8. My education and the opportunities provided within and outside of it
  9. My inner strength and inner and outward abilities that simply characterise my strength and personality
  10. My previous and upcoming travels - I was telling someone the number of countries I visited and thinking, wow that was a lot :)
  11. My failures and trials because trust me they have prepared me for NOW
  12. The health, well being and safety of those around me
  13. All my amenities
Always meeting my needs.
Providing me with strength when I feel like giving up.
Blessing me to do well in all of my classes.
A wonderful family and great friends.
1. The most important blessing that God has blessed me with is His son Jesus and the blood that was shed to cover the multitude of my sins. THANK GOD FOR JESUS!! I also thank God for His Holy Spirit which dwells in me and guides me daily.
2. I thank God for The Word of God which is my sword.
3. I thank God for His grace, mercy, and FAVOR!
4. I thank God for my family... we have our issues and differences but at the end of the day, it's all love. There's nothing that my parents wouldn't do for me... I have heard some horror stories from friends about their parents :nono: I thank God for my parents, grandparents, and siblings, etc.
5. I thank the Lord God for a mind to do right. I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I strive daily to do right and be better.
6. I thank God for hope. God is my hope. He gives me hope.
7. I thank God for my grandmother who played an instrumental role in my relationship with the Lord. She is a true Woman of God and she loves the Lord and if not for her faith, I don't know where I would be.
8. I thank God for His provision of basic necessities and all the extras.
9. I thank the Lord for health.
10. I thank God for knowing what I need when I need it and loving me enough to provide me with what I need when I need it.

I have so much to thank God for. I could never thank Him enough for ALL that He has done for me... CHURCH, IF I HAD 10,000 TONGUES that still wouldn't be enough to thank Him! I couldn't make it one millisecond on this earth without Him... and I wouldn't want to if I could!
Just one has the most lasting merit. I guess I could say that I still have faith in Him. Every time I want to give up and turn away, there He is, sending me something specifically geared towards that need.

For yourself, you should try coming up with 9 more :) keep it as note or put it on your wall. Even in the little things, I find a blessing within it.