How hard have you ever loved??????

How hard have you ever loved?

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:hide: Ok guys Im a Snooper;;;;;;;;

All i have to say is he hurt me, 6 years ago,
and i never really got over it, Ive tryed but its becoming even harder over time, We meet in 1999, i cheated in 1999-2001, then our child came, and he cheated, not just cheated he betrayed me, with a friend, Wow i said it, and really felt release, well i thought they ended it, but no come to find out it never ended, hes been to jail 2 times and each time he gets out, hes back messing with her, this time hes been out around 2 years, and i think right kow hes only here because we have a chld, i just dont know how quite to tell the story all the way yet thats why i came here to open up, i need help ladies,>>>>

oh did i forget im still trying to be the chicks friend.... i know let me had it.
oh one more thing im sitting here looking at his cell phone bill on line,
and theres a really wild story behind this one.
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What you describe isn't love.

low self-esteem

sorry I have to say what I am about to say. I don't mean to offend you, just do shock you out of your funk/cloud/blindness:

I think you should read that book 10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives... I'm not saying that you're stupid, but its a good book for ANYONE to read. She discusses many of the issues you mentioned here. :yep:

ETA: Its written by Dr. Laura Schlessinger (I think thats how you spell her last name)...
I agree with vivmaiko.

I think you should take your child, leave him and let your 'friend' go. It doesn't seem like a healthy relationship.

Do you really see you guys having a good, fulfilling relationship based on love and trust? If you feel he is only there because of the child, why would you stay? I don't mean to sound cynical, but if he's been in jail 2 times, what kind of life is he setting himself up for, based on this and the state of the relationship, do you still really think this is the person you want to spend your life with?

I don't know you, but I think you can do better for you and your child. Especially if you have a son, he would need a positive role model in this life. I'm not saying I think you should stop your child from seeing their father but I think its important you separate your lives.

I hope everything works out for you.

p.s. when you say they never ended it, do you mean you still think they are together still?
Lemme get this straight:
* he's been to jail
* cheated w/best friend
* you still trying to be friends with her
* still trying to have a relationship with dude

Nah girl, if all of this isn't enough to make you leave, then just stay. You've stayed this long why leave now, right? **I'm being VERY sarcastic**

If you don't leave for yourself, leave for your child. I think the reason why women stay in relationships have nothing to do with "we have kids together", but a lack of self esteem on their part. Thinking they can't find or do better, but belive me, you can if you WANT TO. You have to want better for yourself to expect more from others.
No i dont mean they never ended it, but i feel like if certian things arnet said or done, then its still open to re-enter, and hes went to jail the past 2 times so there where n o good bye, every thing was just cut off, and to the ladies above, there is a lot more to the story, besides this end, but thanks for you judgement just the same, it was hard to say that, and then to get some of these replies like im, the only person here that has ever been in a relationship like this wow, i guess i do live on my own little planet, but like i say as more time oes bye and more post are left, they whole true will be told its just long and drawn out, and i couldnt tye it up all at one time, wouldnt want to amuse anyone, but thank you for your replies.
Another thing ladies this happened 5 years ago, and im just still dweeling, and the part about me wanted to be her friend, im just thay way, i have a hard time cutting people off, thats not who i am, its had to explain but shes moved on just had a baby got another one oe the way, and finally has her own man, she was thne chick in our town that just fooled with every one eles man, no i dont meanslept with, just fooled with, like if you put him out , oh you an come stay with me,
she'll party with you then go tell your man what you did, just crazy stuff.
but i feel like we have all grown, and things have reaaly changed.
I can understand having a hard time cutting people off, I'm like that myself. But you don't seem happy in your situation so why stay? For the child? To me that would be doing the child a disservice. And as far as your "friend" Even if she has changed, she has already disrespected you and your relationship with her. I mean she can't be that good of a friend if she slept with your "man" so why do you need her back in your life.
No i dont mean they never ended it, but i feel like if certian things arnet said or done, then its still open to re-enter, and hes went to jail the past 2 times so there where n o good bye, every thing was just cut off, and to the ladies above, there is a lot more to the story, besides this end, but thanks for you judgement just the same, it was hard to say that, and then to get some of these replies like im, the only person here that has ever been in a relationship like this wow, i guess i do live on my own little planet, but like i say as more time oes bye and more post are left, they whole true will be told its just long and drawn out, and i couldnt tye it up all at one time, wouldnt want to amuse anyone, but thank you for your replies.

No... I really wasn't trying to judge you... I don't know the full story and as far as I can see you haven't done anything wrong. Its just that the situation you described in your post is very similar to some of the scenarios Dr. Laura posed in her book. Its always hard to get over somebody you care about, even if they're bad for you... but you should make yourself and your needs more of a priority in your life, because you do deserve tfrom yourself and your mate.
No i dont mean they never ended it, but i feel like if certian things arnet said or done, then its still open to re-enter, and hes went to jail the past 2 times so there where n o good bye, every thing was just cut off, and to the ladies above, there is a lot more to the story, besides this end, but thanks for you judgement just the same, it was hard to say that, and then to get some of these replies like im, the only person here that has ever been in a relationship like this wow, i guess i do live on my own little planet, but like i say as more time oes bye and more post are left, they whole true will be told its just long and drawn out, and i couldnt tye it up all at one time, wouldnt want to amuse anyone, but thank you for your replies.

When you put your business on a message board be prepared for responses that you aren't going to like. We don't know you, you're not anyone's close friend or relative here so they aren't going to sugar coat anything for you. Sometimes the truth hurts. You wanted advice it's up to you if you want to take it or not.

I've never been in such a relationship myself but I have stayed in a relationship when I full well know that I shouldn't be in it. You two have a child together so you will be tied in some way forever.

When you're ready to stop being hurt by him and the situation you will know. Sometimes we have to go through things before we can learn the lesson we need to learn and no one else can tell you any better if you're not ready to hear the message.

You're in the thick of this drama and you must be getting something out of it or you'd end the foolishness and being this other chicks friend or checking his cell phone or any other destructive things you're doing.

We're not being judgmental. We just don't want to see another sister being mistreated by a man that doesn't deserve it. But if you can't see it then everything said will fall on deaf ears. Good luck.
Lemme get this straight:
* he's been to jail
* cheated w/best friend
* you still trying to be friends with her
* still trying to have a relationship with dude

Nah girl, if all of this isn't enough to make you leave, then just stay. You've stayed this long why leave now, right? **I'm being VERY sarcastic**

If you don't leave for yourself, leave for your child. I think the reason why women stay in relationships have nothing to do with "we have kids together", but a lack of self esteem on their part. Thinking they can't find or do better, but belive me, you can if you WANT TO. You have to want better for yourself to expect more from others.

:dance7:It may not be your birthday, but what you said made me want to throw you a party.:yep:
When you put your business on a message board be prepared for responses that you aren't going to like. We don't know you, you're not anyone's close friend or relative here so they aren't going to sugar coat anything for you. Sometimes the truth hurts. You wanted advice it's up to you if you want to take it or not.

I've never been in such a relationship myself but I have stayed in a relationship when I full well know that I shouldn't be in it. You two have a child together so you will be tied in some way forever.

When you're ready to stop being hurt by him and the situation you will know. Sometimes we have to go through things before we can learn the lesson we need to learn and no one else can tell you any better if you're not ready to hear the message.

You're in the thick of this drama and you must be getting something out of it or you'd end the foolishness and being this other chicks friend or checking his cell phone or any other destructive things you're doing.

We're not being judgmental. We just don't want to see another sister being mistreated by a man that doesn't deserve it. But if you can't see it then everything said will fall on deaf ears. Good luck.

Thank you. And welcome newbie
i wish you all the best--but lets take a hugeeeeeeee step back away from the situation i mean lets just address the basics

he cheated with your friend and also is someone who is in and out of jail

does he work?

is he a good provider for his family?

has he made any attempts to change for the better?

what are some positives that would lead you to want to still LOVE hard for him? WHAT IS IS THAT EXACTLY HE PROVIDES THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO STILL MAKE IT WORK?

sidebar--you can not post a story with informationl eft out and expect people to symp or provide valid feedback---the information provided is just that- so based upon the info you have provided the feedback and responses are contigent with what we know from what you wrote
It sounds like a classic case of loving him more than you love yourself....unfortunately, I've been there, and its a slippery slope. Like drasgrl said, you'll know when you've had enough, and it will take some time and some deep introspection (trust me, I'm going through it now), but eventually you will realize that you deserve better and you will move forward with your life.

Either that or you'll drive yourself insane. But I pray for the former.

Just know that this isn't love, its a mix of infatuation and ego. Take care of your needs first.
one day youll get over day youll be saying to your self,what was i thinking? been there,done that.i had 12 years,living together,2 kids....and i got over it....sooner then i thought.when youve had enoujgh youll let it go.....good luck!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen:
You'll know when you've had enough is all I've got to say.

ITA. No one here is going to tell you something you don't already know. You know what you need to do, but only YOU can decide when that time is right. I am sure you have weighed the consequences, both positive and negative of remaining in your situation, and deep inside you know what is best for you and your child.
Yeah everybody goes through something or another but you determine how folx treat you by accepting their bs. You cheated so you can't be too pissed imo:look::grin: Girl keep living and praying to change your situation.

Oh now let me answer the question. Back in tha day I loved so hard I was outta control and violent. :spinning::nono: That **** wasn't love it was a damn sickness and I didn't love myself enough to know or do any better. We were both playing dumb *** games and babies shouldn't be exposed to that crazy ****.
Save that baby and yourself some misery and run for da hillz!
Thank you, for your post.
some made me laugh, and thank you for the welcome,
but really after alot of the post, i read yesterday, my day went a whole lost better must have been the tough love, :look: but some one ask is he a good provider,

Well know and as of 2006 hes the best father, lover, partner its just a good thing, hes getting him self together, and where trying to build a life togather,

oh i left out the part where i cheated first....... yeah i know i should have shared that part to, :grin: sorry, but all this a few yers back, but its good to here yall say the same things my real friends say. thanks:o
You'll know when you've had enough is all I've got to say.[/quote

Drasgrl is right. Only you will know when you have had enough. It seems like you know what you need to do for you and your childs' well being, but no one can tell you that. You have to come to that realization yourself.

I've been there almost to the t and no matter what anyone else said or thought about my situation, I stayed on. It took something extremely drastic for me to finally close that chapter. I don't wish what happened on anyone.

Please, really sit down and look at your situation and make the decision that will be best for you and your child(ren). If you think that staying with this person is the best thing for your family, then that's what you do.

Whatever you decide, I wish you well.
:hide: Ok guys Im a Snooper;;;;;;;;

All i have to say is he hurt me, 6 years ago,
and i never really got over it, Ive tryed but its becoming even harder over time, We meet in 1999, i cheated in 1999-2001, then our child came, and he cheated, not just cheated he betrayed me, with a friend, Wow i said it, and really felt release, well i thought they ended it, but no come to find out it never ended, hes been to jail 2 times and each time he gets out, hes back messing with her, this time hes been out around 2 years, and i think right kow hes only here because we have a chld, i just dont know how quite to tell the story all the way yet thats why i came here to open up, i need help ladies,>>>>

oh did i forget im still trying to be the chicks friend.... i know let me had it.
oh one more thing im sitting here looking at his cell phone bill on line,
and theres a really wild story behind this one.

Thank you, for your post.
some made me laugh, and thank you for the welcome,
but really after alot of the post, i read yesterday, my day went a whole lost better must have been the tough love, :look: but some one ask is he a good provider,

Well know and as of 2006 hes the best father, lover, partner its just a good thing, hes getting him self together, and where trying to build a life togather,

oh i left out the part where i cheated first....... yeah i know i should have shared that part to, :grin: sorry, but all this a few yers back, but its good to here yall say the same things my real friends say. thanks:o

WOW! I really have no comment!Umm, but I wish you the best of luck,umm ok.:perplexed
So because you cheated on this guy you have to stick around and put up with his BS for the rest of your life? :look:
I suggest you read this book it was a real eye opener for me. What you are experience is not love but an addition to suffering. Deep down to like to suffer. Alot of women pick these type of men for reasons that goes back to childhood. This book was the best thing that happen to me.
  • Do you find yourself attracted again and again to troubled, distant, moody men -- while "nice guys" seem boring?
  • Do you obsess over men who are emotionally unavailable, addicted to work, hobbies, alcohol, or other women?
  • Do you neglect your friends and your own interests to be immediately available to him?
  • Do you feel empty without him, even though being with him is torment?
Robin Norwood's groundbreaking work will enable you to recognize the roots of your destructive patterns of relating and provide you with a step-by-step guide to a more rewarding way of living and loving. If being in love means being in pain, you need to read Women Who Love Too Much.
"An extraordinary self-help book that reads like a page-turning thriller....This beautifully written, intelligent book can help women break the pattern of foolish love." -- Los Angeles Times

"If you constantly find yourself loving men you want to change, Women Who Love Too Much is for you." -- Houston Chronicle

"A message so compelling that those readers who see themselves in the book may well be inspired to follow [Norwood's] 10-point recovery plan.... Norwood conveys the authority and sensitivity of a sister sufferer." -- Philadelphia Inquirer

"Even if you're not a woman who loves too much, the book is a reminder that we indeed make our lives and that love is supposed to be a happy event." -- Boston Herald

"How to distinguish between unwise loving and healthy loving is what Norwood sets out to do.... Every woman, no matter how healthy her relationships with men may be, may see a bit of herself in this book." -- Star Publications
It was Jill's first session, and she looked doubtful. Pert andpetite, with blond Orphan Annie curls, she sat stiffly on the edge of the chair facing me. Everything about her seemed round: the shape of her face, her slightly plump figure, and most particularly her blue eyes, which took in the framed degrees and certificates on my office wall. She asked a few questions about my graduate school and counseling license, and then mentioned, with obvious pride, that she was in law school.
There was a brief silence. She looked down at her folded hands.
"I guess I'd better start talking about why I'm here." She spoke rapidly, using the momentum of her words to gather courage.
"I'm doing this -- seeing a therapist, I mean -- because I'm really unhappy. It's men, of course. I mean, me and men. I always do something to drive them away. Everything starts out fine. They really pursue me and everything, and then after they get to know me" -- she tensed visibly against the coming pain -- "it all falls apart."
She looked up at me now, her eyes shining with held-back tears, and continued more slowly.
"I want to know what I'm doing wrong, what I have to change about me -- because I'll do it. I'll do whatever it takes. I'm really a hard worker." She began to speed up again.
"It's not that I'm unwilling. I just don't know why this keeps happening to me. I'm afraid to get involved anymore. I mean, it's nothing but pain every time. I'm beginning to be really afraid of men."
Shaking her head, the round curls bouncing, she explained with vehemence, "I don't want that to happen, because I'm very lonely. In law school I have lots of responsibility, and then I'm working to support myself, too. These demands could keep me busy all the time. In fact, that's pretty much all I did for the past year -- work, go to school, study, and sleep. But I missed having a man in my life."
Quickly she continued. "Then I met Randy, when I was visiting friends in San Diego two months ago. He's an attorney, and we met one night when my friends took me out dancing. Well, we just hit it off right away. There was so much to talk about -- except that I guess I did most of the talking. But he seemed to like that. And it was just so great to be with a man who was interested in things that were important to me, too."
Her brows gathered together. "He seemed really attracted to me. You know, asking if I was married -- I'm divorced, have been for two years -- if I lived alone. That kind of stuff."
I could imagine how Jill's eagerness must have shown as she chatted brightly with Randy over the blaring music that first night. And the eagerness with which she welcomed him a week later when he extended a business trip to Los Angeles an extra hundred miles to visit her. At dinner she offered to let him sleep at her apartment so that he could postpone the long drive back until the next day. He accepted her invitation and their affair began that night.
"It was great. He let me cook for him and really enjoyed being looked after. I pressed his shirt for him before he dressed that morning. I love looking after a man. We got along beautifully." She smiled wistfully. But as she continued her story it became clear that Jill had almost immediately become completely obsessed with Randy.
When he returned to his San Diego apartment, the phone was ringing. Jill warmly informed him that she had been worried about his long drive and was relieved to know he was safely home. When she thought he sounded a little bemused at her call, she apologized for bothering him and hung up, but a gnawing discomfort began to grow in her, fueled by the awareness that once again she cared far more than the man in her life did.
"Randy told me once not to pressure him or he would just disappear. I got so scared. It was all up to me. I was supposed to love him and leave him alone at the same time. I couldn't do it, so I just got more and more scared. The more I panicked, the more I chased him."
Soon Jill was calling him almost nightly. Their arrangement was to take turns calling, but often when it was Randy's turn the hour would grow late and she would become too restless to stand it. Sleep was out of the question anyway, so she would dial him. These conversations were as vague as they were lengthy.
"He would say he'd forgotten, and I would say, 'How can you forget?' After all, I never forgot. So then we'd get into talking about why, and it seemed like he was afraid to get close to me and I wanted to help him get through that. He kept saying he didn't know what he wanted in life, and I would try to help him clarify what the issues were for him." Thus, Jill fell into the role of "shrink" with Randy, trying to help him be more emotionally present for her.
That he did not want her was something she could notaccept. She had already decided that he needed her.
Twice, Jill flew to San Diego to spend the weekend with him; on the second visit, he spent their Sunday together ignoring her, watching television and drinking beer. It was one of the worst days she could remember.
"Was he a heavy drinker?" I asked Jill. She looked startled.
"Well, no, not really. I don't know, actually. I never really thought about it. Of course, he was drinking the night I met him, but that's only natural. After all, we were in a bar. Sometimes when we talked on the phone I could hear ice tinkling in a glass and I'd tease him about it -- you know, drinking alone and all that. Actually, I was never with him when he wasn't drinking, but I just assumed that he liked to drink. That's normal, isn't it?"
She paused, thinking. "You know, sometimes on the phone he would talk funny, especially for an attorney. Really vague and imprecise; forgetful, not consistent. But I never thought of it as happening because he was drinking. I don't know how I explained it to myself. I guess I just didn't let myself think about it."
She looked at me sadly.
"Maybe he did drink too much, but it must have been because I bored him. I guess I just wasn't interesting enough and he didn't really want to be with me." Anxiously, she continued. "My husband never wanted to be around me -- that was obvious!" Her eyes brimmed over as she struggled on. "Neither did my father....What is it in me? Why do they all feel that way about me? What am I doing wrong?"
The moment Jill became aware of a problem between her and someone important to her, she was willing not only to try and solve it but also to take responsibility for having created it. If Randy, her husband, and her father all failed to love her, she felt it must be because of something she had done or failed to do.
Jill's attitudes, feelings, behavior, and life experiences were typical of a woman for whom being in love means being in pain. She exhibited many of the characteristics that women who love too much have in common. Regardless of the specific details of their stories and struggles, whether they have endured a long and difficult relationship with one man or have been involved in a series of unhappy partnerships with many men, they share a common profile. Loving too much does not mean loving too many men, or falling in love too often, or having too great a depth of genuine love for another. It means, in truth, obsessing about a man and calling that obsession love, allowing it to control your emotions and much of your behavior, realizing that it negatively influences your health and well-being, and yet finding yourself unable to let go. It means measuring the degree of your love by the depth of your torment.
As you read this book, you may find yourself identifying with Jill, or with another of the women whose stories you encounter, and you may wonder if you, too, are a woman who loves too much. Perhaps, though your problems with men are similar to theirs, you will have difficulty associating yourself with the "labels" that apply to some of these women's backgrounds. We all have strong emotional reactions to words like alcoholism, incest, violence, and addiction, and sometimes we cannot look at our own lives realistically because we are so afraid of having these labels apply to us or to those we love. Sadly, our inability to use the words when they do apply often precludes our getting appropriate help. On the other hand, those dreaded labels may not apply in your life. Your childhood may have involved problems of a subtler nature. Maybe your father, while providing a financially secure home, nevertheless deeply disliked and distrusted women, and his inability to love you kept you from loving yourself. Or your mother's attitude toward you may have been jealous and competitive in private even though she showed you off and bragged about you in public, so that you ended up needing to do well to gain her approval and yet fearing the hostility your success generated in her.
We cannot cover in this one book the myriad ways families can be unhealthy -- that would require several volumes of a rather different nature. It is important to understand, however, that what all unhealthy families have in common is their inability to discuss root problems. There may be other problems that are discussed, often ad nauseum, but these often cover up the underlying secrets that make the family dysfunctional. It is the degree of secrecy -- the inability to talk about the problems -- rather than their severity, that defines both how dysfunctional a family becomes and how severely its members are damaged. A dysfunctional family is one in which members play rigid roles and in which communication is severely restricted to statements that fit these roles. Members are not free to express a full range of experiences, wants, needs, and feeling...