How far will you go for LONG HAIR?


New Member
Hypothetically speaking...if someone guarenteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum)thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

I've noticed that I am making progress with my hair growth...and I have gotten several pm's about the difference in my hair from April to now. But I have made many sacrifices in regard to styling options and I will most likely never color my hair again (aside from bigen eventually to cover my gray). I just want long hair so bad that I won't do anything to risk even a little set back.

I've never been the type to get a real "do" at the salon but aside from a braid out, roller set or bantu knots my hair has stayed in it's little bun for the most part since I have started my 365 day challenge.

I no longer care about having a few naps in my kitchen or if my hairline looks rough. I just want long hair...even if it is in a bun 90% of the time...I don't care...I just want to be able to take it down at home and know that it's all mine.

Am I sick or what?

When I read about all the hair coloring (aside from covering those grays) and the styling and the use of heat from some of you ladies...I get curious. Do you think this stuff is slowing your progress? And if it this the price you are willing to pay to keep coloring...and styling your hair?

I am curious...what are you doing with your hair style wise right now? And what will you do with it once you are at goal?

For those of you who love to style your hair do you think this is causing you to progress more slowly than someone who just leaves their hair alone? Or has it had no affect as far as you can tell? AND IF POSSIBLE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE AN ALBUM WITH BRA STRAP AND LONGER HAIR THAT DOES ALL OF THESE THINGS ROUTINELY. Please tell us how long it took you to reach your goal...hairtype...etc. And please have some pics to back it up.

For those of you who are style junkies on hold...meaning you love to style...use heat and color your hair but have put those things on hold to acheive length...will you resume your normal practices once you reach goal? And if you you think that there will be a negative effect on your hair?

What are you willing to sacrifice for long hair?

How far will you go?
Well, I sort of do these things now and I dont THINK I will every use color again, so I would BITE! *lol* I will try and do anything within reason as long as it doesnt steam roll my pockets. And girl you have made gooood progress /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Sure would and that's my plan! Right now my hair is dyed but I will not put another permanent color in it for the rest of my life. Because since I put my color in when I was natural it was easier to manage, but now that I'm relaxed the colored portion (mainly the ends) are drier and because I like to be no fuss, I don't want to have to deal with treating my dyed hair with kid gloves because of the color so I will not re-color.

As for the heat question...I'm a lil torn on that because I still want to get a doobie (but most people can maintain their long hair w/ that). /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Falon said:
Hypothetically speaking...if someone guarenteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum)thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

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I'll try anything that doesn't bring physical pain.

I don't think I could handle more than 2 supplements a day. I hate pills.
Definitely. I had one permanent color done before, and I will also never get another. I would miss having my roots blown out, but it wouldn't kill me, and the rest is what I do anyway. I was thinking the question was going to be something crazy, like a Fear Factor challenge or something /images/graemlins/grin.gif.

ETA: Falon, your progress is wonderful /images/graemlins/clap.gif!
sure why not? i only relax 12-16 weeks. and i only do twist outs or buns or phonies.

i want long hair, but not as badly as some people. i definitely dont do any extremes, aside from the usual relax, wash, condition, mositurize.
Absolutely! I am already a little past bra-strap and these are the thing that I already do. No heat, no color and only relax 4 times a year.
Falon said:
Hypothetically speaking...if someone guarenteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum)thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

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this question is probably not meant for me, b/c that's basically what i do already! /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif

and i don't see it as a sacrifice, only b/c i was natural for almost 12 years and never straight-styled. for a lot of that time i didn't even own a blow dryer, let alone a flat iron, etc. so now that i have a texturizer i am thinking about getting my hair pressed or blown straight just for a change, but i can't bring myself to do it, b/c i am AFRAID of the heat. not just b/c i know heat styling can cause damage over time if you don't keep the ends moisturized, but b/c i'm afraid i'd do something REALLY wrong and totally ruin my hair (example--have you heard that flat ironing wet hair, or blow drying wet hair on a really high setting, can literally BOIL the water in the hair strand? and create "bubble hair." now that is the kind of thing i would be afraid that i'd do to myself by accident).

i guess i could get my hair straightened at a dominican salon, and i know folks on here rave about them, but from what i can gather it still would be a lot of heat that they use... i guess i will stick to curly styling or updos so i can airdry.

so you could say i'm willing to "sacrifice" a whole lot--but i don't see it as giving anything up, really, b/c i don't know any different...
Falon said:
Hypothetically speaking...if someone guarenteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum)thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

[/ QUOTE ] /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif That's me now. So if that's my only scarifice then waist length here I come. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I'm not big on pills so I take them when I remember them and I take them mostly for health and skin. Since taking B.Y. my skin has been great. I'm not sure what it's doing for my The less I do the better so if that's what would be required of me than I'm all for it /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well right now I do most of the things you mentioned and my hair has thanked me for it. I dont color my hair, I RARELY use heat (flat-iron about twice a year), I dont go to salons, I relax every 10 weeks and I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time.
I use heat about once every 2 weeks with my flat iron. Now most of the time i roller set my hair I stayed away from the blowdryer. I hate cant wear the same hair style everyday because I need change so i do change styles often but if i do apply heat i make sure to put heat protectant. My hair seems fine right now.
The only sacrifices I'm making are: no box colors (only henna). Other than that, I rarely use heat, no chemicals, I don't care if someone sees my hair frizzy etc. For me, not using regular hair colors has been the most important thing. I used to get splits all the time before.
I sure would. I do all of those things already, color isnt an issue because I'm trying to grow out my color anyway. I dont use heat and I dont like to let people use heat on my hair, and I relax my hair every 10 weeks. No problemo!
Well, I've been sacrificing style for a year and a half now. Hair grows so I know I can attain length but I am more worried about doing something to cause a setback...such as not protecting my ends or keeping my hair moisturized or something out of my control...I guess I just want to retain as much as I grow. Till I reach my goals, I'll continue to sacrifice.
I'm another one who does these already. I haven't used color before and I've been staying away from heat anyway since I came to LHCF. I stretch my relaxers also - 13 + weeks.
The way I see it, I'm not sacrificing style, I'm learning how to create new ones to fit in with my regimen.
Falon said:
Hypothetically speaking...if someone guarenteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum)thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

I've noticed that I am making progress with my hair growth...and I have gotten several pm's about the difference in my hair from April to now. But I have made many sacrifices in regard to styling options and I will most likely never color my hair again (aside from bigen eventually to cover my gray). I just want long hair so bad that I won't do anything to risk even a little set back.

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Hey! I also joined this forum in April and I feel like I will never color again! Coloring has made my hair so dry and damaged. I've only permanent colored it twice and had highlights twice. My hair is doing much better now with taking care of it. BTW, I have also noticed your progress and your hair looks better and better each month! /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I've never been the type to get a real "do" at the salon but aside from a braid out, roller set or bantu knots my hair has stayed in it's little bun for the most part since I have started my 365 day challenge.

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Yeah, the only time I ever been to the salon was back in high school when I got my hair done for proms or dances. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


I no longer care about having a few naps in my kitchen or if my hairline looks rough. I just want long hair...even if it is in a bun 90% of the time...I don't care...I just want to be able to take it down at home and know that it's all mine.
Am I sick or what?

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I'm surprised at this fact that I do not care if I have nappy roots anymore. I remember I was so ready to get a relaxer even if the slightess amount of new growth was there (never referred it to new growth...I just called it NAPPY /images/graemlins/laugh.gif)! My mom, sister, and friends are quick to say how nappy my hair is and I don't even notice it. I just know less chemical applications for me will do better for my hair in the long run. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


When I read about all the hair coloring (aside from covering those grays) and the styling and the use of heat from some of you ladies...I get curious. Do you think this stuff is slowing your progress? And if it this the price you are willing to pay to keep coloring...and styling your hair?

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I wondered this as well in the beginning. I'm starting to reap the benefits of not using heat. I dont think it slows down the process per se, but it might aid in breakage, dryness, and thinning of your hair which will not help you retain the length you have grown out. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I am curious...what are you doing with your hair style wise right now? And what will you do with it once you are at goal?

For those of you who love to style your hair do you think this is causing you to progress more slowly than someone who just leaves their hair alone? Or has it had no affect as far as you can tell? AND IF POSSIBLE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE AN ALBUM WITH BRA STRAP AND LONGER HAIR THAT DOES ALL OF THESE THINGS ROUTINELY. Please tell us how long it took you to reach your goal...hairtype...etc. And please have some pics to back it up.

For those of you who are style junkies on hold...meaning you love to style...use heat and color your hair but have put those things on hold to acheive length...will you resume your normal practices once you reach goal? And if you you think that there will be a negative effect on your hair?

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Right now, I just either rollerset or wetwrap my hair every two weeks. I only tried the wetwrap once, but next time, I might try just rolling all my hair into one big roller like unlvgirl does at night. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I believe in the less manipulation to your hair, the better. I tried all the styling techniques and washing your hair more often and that didnt work for me...caused breakage and I didnt have time to be fooling with my hair that much. I really never styled my hair that much before I joined the forum anyway.


What are you willing to sacrifice for long hair?

How far will you go?

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Well I can say what I have sacrificed and that is the use of heat. I also sacrifice having straight relaxed hair all the time. I use to relax every 4-6 weeks now I've extended my relaxer for 12 weeks for the first time. I might try 24 in the near future. I'm also willing to sacrifice not getting my hair relaxed anymore. I've tried to transition twice but wasnt ready yet because of my initial goal to have long straight hair. I think when my mom is no longer available to relax my hair anymore /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif, I will go natural. Not much more to sacrifice but taking the time to take gentle care of my hair and whatever God's will is for my hair. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Well, basically everything you said I'm doing. I'll never color, perm, or use heat again on my hair it's not an issue for me at all. And when I do get to my goal....i'll continue to do the same thing. If I want a style i'll use a phony pony or wig/weave.
Falon said:

For those of you who are style junkies on hold...meaning you love to style...use heat and color your hair but have put those things on hold to acheive length...will you resume your normal practices once you reach goal? And if you you think that there will be a negative effect on your hair?

What are you willing to sacrifice for long hair?

How far will you go?

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I dont think Im style junkie persay. But after being a ballerina/dancer for so long I CAN LIVE without putting another bun in my hair. I do wear a bun once a week, Thurdays to be exact after Wednesday's practice because my hair is so sweated out it must be washed in the middle of the week so I just bun it up. BUT I do like to wear my hair down on most days of the week, although I will put it in a loose 'french roller' or updo throughout the day to keep my ends from snagging on my shirt.

I rollerset once a week, wrap with a silk scarf and sleep on a satin pillow. I do pre-shampoo treatments, wash with a moisturizing shampoo and deep condition with mostly moisturizing treatments with an occcasional protein treatment( my hair isnt damaged). I havent colored with a permanent color since April of 2003 and I use a colorshine rinse every 6-8 weeks. I relax my hair every 10-12 weeks with Affirm ( which is done professionally). I dance 12 hours a week and that is my exercise. I dont take vitamins for hair growth because, Im not about to have hair growing all over my face. That defeats the purpose of being a woman if you ask me.
Im pretty low maintenance and I dont manipulate my hair very much to try to achieve long hair. If Im supposed to have it I will as long as a take care of it. I wont do any strange concoctions to achieve it. Thats just me!
I think not coloring my hair will do wonders. I was thinking about it, but I'm not so sure now.

I do use heat. I use it whenever I wash my hair and that is it. I then put my hair into my trusty bun. So far so good though, my hair is close to braclasp even though I cut almost two inches off.

I don't like leaving my hair wet. When I was relaxed 85 percent straight I didn't mind because my hair dried just as straight. My hair doesn't do that anymore now. So I end up drying it with heat.
Keep in mind that some people's idea of long hair is different. I've been obsessed with having hair down my back for years. However, my hair has always been an inch or two past my shoulders and everyone I knew envied my "long" hair. But to me, long hair was the hair that fell to your waist. It took a botched-up first time home relaxer attempt that left my hair damaged and my having to have half of it chopped off (by a scissors-happy stylist at that) to make me realize that while I didn't have "long" hair, I had a nice medium length that was very versatile in term of styling options (had I bothered to work with it more).

Now, I'll be happy with healthier, THICKER hair. If it grows down my back, I'll be tickled. If it grows no longer than a couple inches past my shoulders, that's cool too, because either way I'll always be the "one with the long hair" amongst family and acquaintances.
Falon said:
<snip> Hypothetically speaking...if someone guaranteed you hair that was between bra strap and waist length (you can take your pick of the exact length but bs would be the minimum) thick...natural or relaxed but you couldn't ever color it again or use heat aside from the bonnet dryer or go to one of those salons that use marecl irons...relax your hair any often than 10-12 weeks...or get any style that would potentially damage you hair...would you be O.K with it?

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Great Question! I found this thread researching henna. Instead I found a chance to thank all of you ladies for teaching me just this sort of thing...

short answer: YES!!!

long answer: Thanks for all the fantastic advice I have gotten here I am:

Already only using the bonnet dryer (on cool, no less) or just air drying…
(the blow dryer, curling wand and other tools of heat torture and hair death are history.)

Stretching relaxers (I didn't know waiting 10 - 12 weeks to do relaxer touch-ups was actually stretching. I just intuited that it would be a healthy thing to do)…

Not letting anything that remotely resembles synthetic chemical colour anywhere near my hair. (It helps that a lot of damage was done by the last volley of permanent dyes over the summer. That was the final straw that lead to the BC)…

I have to thank you all for helping educate me. Now when it gets long enough again (and it will and in better than before), I will be doing protective styles. So much of this information was completely new to me and I really wish I had a resource like this decades ago. Oh the misery I would have been spared!!!

In fact, I look forward to having hair longer and stronger than I ever had in my entire life based on the condition it is in now (again thanks to LHCF).

To BSL and Beyond!!! Woo-hoo!!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I suppose when I first started my hair journey I would have considered the things you mentioned a sacrifice but now they're just part of the routine. I'm very close to my goal of brastrap. In fact, I *am* a brastrap with certain bras. I don't think I'll change my routine much: very little heat (just for special occasions), sebatians colourshines to cover the grey, getting a touch up every 11 or 12 weeks, protective styling most of the time.
The one thing I won't sacrifice for long hair is my permie color /images/graemlins/nono.gif I LOVE it, I feel like it matches me so much more than my natural hair color, and I won't give it up!! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif So far I've been able to maintain my hair's health and length while using it, so I'm hoping my luck continues! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think I'd probably do just about anything except give up my color! /images/graemlins/look.gif
I basically do all these things already. I don't use any heat (air dry), I am currently transitioning (no more relaxers) and I will only use rinses to color my hair.
This is what I discovered I have to do for now on. My hair grew well when I made those "sacrifices". When I go back to being stylish my hair breaks. i just have to make those "sacrifices" apart of me. it the same when eating. Sacrificing "bad carbs" and other bad eating habits is what I need for better health. I rather have good health than eat mc donalds everyday. Like cookies, I will indulge once in a while. But until I get to my ideal weight and hair girls it's all about discipline right now.