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Stress is a factor that produces body and mental tension. Whatever happens in the mind influences the body and vice versa. Whenever they are out of sync, physical and mental stress will occur. Some of the symptoms of stress are irregular breathing, frequent tapping of fingers, change in appetite, loss of humor, inability to sleep, oversleeping, frequent stomach upset, difficulty in thinking, increased drinking and smoking, increase in tranquilizer intake, endless anxiety and depression, cold hands, frequent gritting of teeth, eyestrain, repeated headaches, and high blood pressure. Stress can also result into hair loss in patches known as ALOPECIA AREATA, thinning, and TRICHOTILLOMANIA, pulling out of ones own hair.

When stressed out, the body sets off a chain of chemical reactions 1. The blood sugar soars. 2. Minerals are mobilized from the blood stream and the bones. 3. Fat is produced at an alarming rate. 4.The heart rate and breathing speed up. 5.The body is drained of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. 6.The hair and nails get nutrients last from the body nutrition system, due to stress, the hair and nails don't get the required amount of nutrition, which results to very slow growth, dry, brittle, and wiry.

Hair is 97% percent protein and 3 percent moisture. This strong, fibrous protein, called Keratin, also comprises our nails and, in animals, claws, feathers, horns, and fur. The factors that can affect the health of your hair include hormone changes, genetics, environmental circumstances, thyroid problems, immune disorders, smoking, the use of harsh chemicals on the hair, medication, stress level, infections, hair dressing techniques, and a diet that does not have the proper vitamins, mineral and fatty acids. Some of the possible causes for hair breakage are fungal infections, permanent relaxers or waves, or color treatments, excessive exposure to sunlight, and poor diet. The best way to provide hair follicles with the nutrients they need for active growth is through the bloodstream. Hair is also a very good indicator of our general state of health and well being. The vitamins helpful for improving the condition of your hair include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B17, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, Biotin, Calcium, Choline, Chromium, Copper, Linoleum Acid, Fiber, Folic Acid, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lecithin, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Paba, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Selenium, and Zinc.
i have people who come into my job all the time who have hair loss due to stress. it does take a toll on your and skin. thanks for the information.
I get gray hairs when I'm stressed. The last time I was stressed I found about 3 or so in the front of my hair. I haven't had any lately though.
Just wanted to say that not only can chronic stress cause AA but it can also be a delayed reaction to a stressful period of time. And by delayed I mean from 1-3 months AFTER the event took place - so it can make it confusing or even difficult to find the trigger.

Ask me how I know :nono:
Hell it made mine fall out back in 05 from some serious job stress. Me crying over the loss of my hair made me stress out even more. It took a solid year from my hair to recover from that madness. Never again will I let myself get exposed to that kind of workplace stress.

Oh and I noticed the change of it falling out about 2 or 3 months after the event had already taken place.
Fall edges or nape..brittle...the list can go on..over use of weaves and wigs..not washing my hair bc Im too stressed out to care about myself..its not a good look
my stress affects my crown and nape for years. i'm sure the thyroid problem doesn't help either. both are now growing back i'm sure only to break off later hopefully not (keeping fingers crossed).

they forgot to add the the issues such as thyroid disease can play a part to ones hair issues.
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Does one's hair grow back after stress? I have just recently noticed a huge section of hair that is just missing from the back crown area of my hair. The only thing that hides it is my thick new growth. I mean you can run your hand across my hair and feel when you come to that depression in my hair.
Great thread! :up:

Yeah, my hair thinned out and fell out due to stress and worrying about 2 years ago. I had the "bald patch" to prove it. :nono:

My hair STILL hasn't fully recovered yet. :nono: My edges are still awful and thin, but at least the hair grew back in my bald spot. So, maybe there's hope!

I really have to stop worrying! :(
How long does it take to recover from long term chronic stress? I've just finished the CPA Exam and I think I've finally gotten used to my job so hopefully that will take down the stress for a while.

Now, how can I get my hair and skin back on track? How long does it take for things to normalize?