I just want to start doing this right so that my hair would stop looking so terrible
Not that it looks toatally bad like other people's hair on the street. My hair has some degree of healthiness, I'm not happy with it though.
I shampoo every three days. The first shampoo is with elasta qp shampoo for relaxed hair followed by con shampoo sometimes I only use the con. The second shampoo is with An IC shampoo... they have an aloe, lemon, frizz buster and sparklelites shampoo.
Most times I do a pre shampoo with suave and vos conditioners mixed with my oil mix (coconut, peanut, olive sometimes castor) or hot 6 and honey.
I deep condition twice a week after washing it. I use elasta qp intense, elasta qp DPR-11, Motions silk protein conditioner, Redken all soft conditioner, 10 en 1 and keracare humecto. I mix all of them with peanut/evoo and honey and a dollp of elasta qp breakage control serum. I use a very diluted acv rinse after the conditioners that don't have a low pH.
Once a month I use a reconstructor. I use IC reconstructor, St. Ives liquid protein and nexxus emergenccee.
After washing/condtioning my hair most of the time I put small amounts of razac leave in conditioner/motions nourish leave in condtioner, a mix of oils and s-curl. I put extra oil on the ends and on the newgrowth. I then put lots of elasta qp feels like silk gel in my hair and do a twist out or rollerset, the rollerset is not done to make my hair look straight it looks like small ringlets.
Every few weeks/months I'll do a rollerset without the feels like silk and s-curl. I use a leave in, oils, heat protectant and presing oil, then I press my hair. This is a rare occurance.
When my hair is done in it's normal style, I dampen my hair every night with distilled water and lkeave in conditioner. I apply oil and gel to it and twist it up or roll it up. I use s-curl as well on the day after that.
I have 3c/4a hair that's mostly texturized with 2 and a half inchen of natural hair. I'm planning on staying chemical free for a while.
If anyone can give suggestions on what to improve or even better products, I would appreciate it A LOT!

I shampoo every three days. The first shampoo is with elasta qp shampoo for relaxed hair followed by con shampoo sometimes I only use the con. The second shampoo is with An IC shampoo... they have an aloe, lemon, frizz buster and sparklelites shampoo.
Most times I do a pre shampoo with suave and vos conditioners mixed with my oil mix (coconut, peanut, olive sometimes castor) or hot 6 and honey.
I deep condition twice a week after washing it. I use elasta qp intense, elasta qp DPR-11, Motions silk protein conditioner, Redken all soft conditioner, 10 en 1 and keracare humecto. I mix all of them with peanut/evoo and honey and a dollp of elasta qp breakage control serum. I use a very diluted acv rinse after the conditioners that don't have a low pH.
Once a month I use a reconstructor. I use IC reconstructor, St. Ives liquid protein and nexxus emergenccee.
After washing/condtioning my hair most of the time I put small amounts of razac leave in conditioner/motions nourish leave in condtioner, a mix of oils and s-curl. I put extra oil on the ends and on the newgrowth. I then put lots of elasta qp feels like silk gel in my hair and do a twist out or rollerset, the rollerset is not done to make my hair look straight it looks like small ringlets.
Every few weeks/months I'll do a rollerset without the feels like silk and s-curl. I use a leave in, oils, heat protectant and presing oil, then I press my hair. This is a rare occurance.
When my hair is done in it's normal style, I dampen my hair every night with distilled water and lkeave in conditioner. I apply oil and gel to it and twist it up or roll it up. I use s-curl as well on the day after that.
I have 3c/4a hair that's mostly texturized with 2 and a half inchen of natural hair. I'm planning on staying chemical free for a while.
If anyone can give suggestions on what to improve or even better products, I would appreciate it A LOT!